Chapter 150

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Zyra's POV

"This is fun, sis!" Cinder shouted happily. We were roleplaying in the bedroom, letting (Y/n) rest outside in the living room on the couch. I was playing as one of her favorite characters from a movie she liked and she was being his animal, well, I should say dragon best friend. Yep. We were roleplaying one of our own 'How to Train Your Dragon' adventures. I was the female Hiccup we had promptly named Hally. She was the fearsome female Toothless, Nightrider. We chose Nightrider because she was a Night Fury. It made the most sense and it sounded good.

I was currently trying to tame my sister. I held out a piece of string, both of us pretending it was an eel. She roared at it and I pretended to freak out and toss it away. My sister giggled to herself as I did, having fun in acting out some of our favorite scenes. We had to skip over the flying scene since she was smaller than me and couldn't carry me. 

As we were playing, I heard a noise outside. We both looked at each other in confusion. Cinder's eyes brightened up when she came to her own conclusion. 

"(Y/n)'s up!" She said.

"Cinder, wait up!" I called, rushing after my little sister. We ran out and she saw that (Y/n) had just woken up. Wait...if she just got up, what made that noise? I wondered. She smiled at us.

"Hello, girls. How did you both get here?" She asked

"Chris dropped us off!" Cinder said.

"Oh, sorry girls. I forgot we had to take you both with us. I was just...really drained." She explained. She looked around.

"Where's Connor?" She asked.

"He went out to do something! He might not be back for a bit!" Cinder informed her. I was more confused now that she said that. What had made that sound. Maybe it was one of the wolves. I didn't know the two that well, but maybe they were clumsy or something? 

"Do you know where he went?" (Y/n) asked.

"No! He didn't tell us!" Cinder said. (Y/n) looked a little confused, but she shrugged it off.

"Well, I'm sure he will be back before dark. Come on, how about we all relax and watch a movie or play a game while we wait for him to come back." (Y/n) suggested. Cinder clapped happily, but I couldn't forget about that noise. 

We all sat down on the couch and (Y/n) put in a movie. For a little bit, I forgot about the noise, but then we all heard it. There was a loud thump that came from upstairs. (Y/n) took our hands.

"Girls, get to the basement." She said quietly.

"What's going on?" Cinder asked. (Y/n) didn't reply. She just quickly guided Cinder over to me and repeated herself.

"Get to the basement. Now. Don't come out unless it's me, Connor, or the wolves. Hurry." She ordered quickly. I hurried to pull my sister down the hall and to the basement. I made sure the door was secure and we both huddled down under a table covered with a tarp. Now, all we could do was wait and pray that everything was fine.

Your POV

You decided to be safe with this. You wrote a note to Connor. It only had one word on it. Underground. You knew he'd be able to find the girls now if something happened to you. You felt like you were being paranoid, but at the same felt that you couldn't be too cautious. 

You grabbed a knife from the kitchen and headed upstairs quietly. You had slipped your own shirt back on so that way you could at least avoid walking around the house with most of your upper body completely exposed. 

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