A/n: 9/11

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Heya guys. I just wanted to address this. If you didn't know, I'm American. My mother was alive (obviously) during 9/11 and I'm fairly certain my sister was either just born or my mom was just pregnant with her (something along those lines. Idk and I'm not gonna go ask). My mom worked in a city (not NYC, but a city none the less), so it was very scary for her to be in a TOWER watching TV while 9/11 took place. I can't even begin to imagine the horror people felt on the day. I just want us all to take a minute with the good in our hearts and honor the people that died while thanking the people that risked their lives and survived to save others. I also want to use this to say that even ordinary people can do amazing things. If you don't believe in yourself, then I am going to tell you that you are stronger than anyone else around you and together we're the strongest. Never doubt yourself and use that ability for good instead of evil. I encourage you to do this. To share more about the events of 9/11, I have a great video for you all. I encourage you to take these next 11 minutes to either learn or recall these events and to respect what happened that days those years ago. Thank you. 

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