Chapter 104

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Connor's POV

I woke up the next morning and I smiled as the dragon was still tightly wrapped in my arms. I wondered if I should give it a name. Had Cole named it? I wondered if Hank remembered if Cole had given it a name. I would have to ask him about it later. 

I got up and I got dressed. I wanted to go somewhere today. I thought it might help me get used to all of this. It felt so weird. We were free, but I no longer felt like I belonged. I felt...different. It felt like this place wasn't home. I wanted things to go back to normal. It was one of the reasons this wait was going to be so difficult. Jericho had never been my home, but I wasn't going to leave (Y/n) there. I wasn't going to go anywhere. Hank was probably going to go back to his house with Sumo. 

I wondered what Oreon was going to do. Would he come with (Y/n) and I once she was awake? I wasn't sure. Oreon was a very unpredictable android to me. I never knew whether he was going to be friendly or distant.

I wrapped a scarf around myself and then I headed out. I kept walking for while. Soon, I made it to the park. I sat down on the bench and I simply began to relax and enjoy the winter sun on my face. 

I stood up soon after and walked over to the railing. I looked at the river. Even though I knew the water was dangerously cold, it looked more inviting in the sunlight. I looked toward the bridge. I remembered when (Y/n) had fallen, how scared I'd been. I remembered the lengths I'd went to in order to save her life. It made me sad, but it also made me smile a little. I remembered the morning after when she had admitted her love for me as I had done for her. That kiss was one I would never forget. How could I? It was one of the most special. I could kiss her over and over again, but that moment was the moment I knew I had what I needed in my life. It was the reason I had jumped into the river to save her and I've been protecting her since because losing that aspect of my life is the most horrifying thing I can think of.

I thought about a lot of things that day. A lot of them were difficult for me to remember. It pained me to remember some of them, but it was joyful to remember others. As I stood there, I began to wonder what was going to happen once the humans returned. I'd heard from Markus that it was probably going to be soon. It had been a while after all. Everyone knew they wouldn't stay away forever.

"Hey." I turned as I heard a voice. 

"Oreon? What are you doing here?" I asked.

"I thought you'd be here." He said.

"Do you need me for something?" I asked.

"No." He replied. He looked out at the bridge as he stood next to me. "It's a long fall, isn't it? It gave you just enough time to save her." I froze.

"You know?" I asked.

"Don't take this the wrong way, but I looked into all your memories. I know she jumped." Oreon said. I felt weird now. "Connor, I wanted to apologize." 

"For what?" I asked.

"Everything." He muttered. I was confused. "Connor, I want to show you something." He held out his hand to me. I was confused, but I took it. I gasped as his memories rushed into my vision.

*Flashback from Oreon's POV*

"Hey, Oreon." I heard a voice. I turned and I was shocked. It was her. She was alive! She was here...but why? Am I dreaming? "Oreon, I can assure you I'm real." She chuckled as if reading my mind.

"(Y/n) did you find me?" I asked. She looked relieved, but I was very confused.

"I remembered what you told me about a friend who lived alone in the city. I knew that if you hadn't come with the others, you'd be here." She explained. "I just had to remember where here was." I felt like I shouldn't have been talking to her. After everything, I still felt...wrong.

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