Chapter 58

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You made it to your house and the others were already there. You smiled. You were all greeted by the gang and you could already smell Nelly's extravagant baking. You heard Hank's stomach growl and you knew he could too.

You all hung out in the kitchen together. You and the others had a few snacks while Hank chowed down on whatever he pleased. None of you minded. You all had a good time together. Then, Claira gasped.


"That you just murdered my ears?" Jacob asked making everyone laugh.

"No! That Connor doesn't have any other outfits! Tomorrow is shopping day everyone!" She declared.

"Oh god. Not this again." Dell groaned playfully. Everyone laughed as Connor blushed.

"I don't really think that's necessary." He said.

"It's completely necessary!" Claira said.

"I would just go with it, Connor." Dell said. 

"Good! Then it's settled!" She said.

"Um..." Connor looked a little stunned and unsure of what to say. You chuckled.

"Don't worry, I'll come with." You said. He relaxed a bit when you said that.

"So, now that you guys are free, what's the plan?" Hank asked. 

"I'm going to go back to helping animals." Jaden said.

"I'm SO gonna find a way to get a record deal!" Roxy said.

"I'm gonna try to open a bakery!" Nelly said.

"I'm will make sure everybody on Earth is wearing top-notch material." Claira said.

"Eh, game designer." Dell said. 

"Same here." Jacob agreed. Hank nodded.

"What about you, (Y/n)?" He asked. You chuckled.

"I think I heard about an opening for a cop duo. Hope they don't mind becoming a trio." You said. Both Connor and Hank smiled.

"Guess I have to deal with two androids now." Hank said. You laughed and Connor chuckled.

"Indeed, Lieutenant." He said with a smile. 

"Hey Connor, where are you gonna stay now?" Nelly asked. 

"Well, we have a spare room." You suggested. 

"Actually, you have the house." Dell said.

"What?" You asked.

"If you want to keep this place, you can. Now that we're free all of us have been talking about what we want to do." Jacob said.

"I want to get a building to remodel and make into a bakery and that will be where I'll stay." Nelly said.

"I'm going to go live with Daren." Jaden said.

"Jacob and I are thinking of an apartment for now." Dell said. 

"Roxy and I agreed that we can share an apartment until we each get a good start." Claira said. You were stunned.

"Well, if Connor and I both stay here, we should be able to make enough to support ourselves." You said.

"According to the calculations I just made, yes, that's correct." Connor agreed. You smiled.

"Guess you all got it figured out." Hank said. You nodded.

"When would you guys be moving out though?" You asked.

"Well, a couple of days actually." Jacob said.

"I might be staying for a bit longer until I get a permit for this old building that's for sale." Nelly explained. You nodded.

"Well, then I guess that's settled!" You said. 

"Yep! But let's move on from that. Games anyone?" Roxy said. 

"Let's do this!" Jacob said and you all went to the living room as Roxy got the game ready.

"What are we playing this time?" You asked.

"GTA 5! Duh!" Roxy said. You laughed. You all jumped right into it. You got to play too. You had fun while Connor, Hank, Nelly, and Claira were content with just watching. You all laughed and had fun together. 

You had a great time pulling off a heist together. It was amazing. You went flying on the motorcycle sending everyone into a fit of hysteric laughter. You all loved it. 

Soon, Hank had to go home. You all said goodbye to him and then you settled down for a movie. You cuddled up to Connor. He smiled and kissed your forehead. 

"Love you." He whispered. You smiled.

"I love you too, Con." You replied. You closed your eyes as you listened to the movie. You soon began to fall asleep. 

You woke up in a building. You were confused. You could've sworn you'd been here before. Everything was high tech and there were soldiers patrolling the halls. They seemed to pay no attention to you though. You wandered around, but then you stumbled through some doors. You looked around. You gasped as you saw chambers with androids that were still being made in them. Am Cyberlife? You looked around, but then you came across a chamber labeled 'IN TESTING!'. You looked at the android inside of it. Your eyes widened in shock.

"Connor!?" He didn't respond. You looked around, wondering if you could free him. Then, you saw two people come in. 

"You're sure this will work?" A man asked.

"Positive. It's the most updated model we've made in history. Oh, and it won't be alone this time. We've made a second back up model to make sure that failure isn't an option." A woman replied. What? You wondered. Suddenly, the man walked over and did some things on the control panel on Connor's chamber. You watched, interested. The chamber drained and the wires released him. You were glad he had been wearing some clothes in the chamber. Suddenly his eyes opened and you were stunned. They weren't brown, they were an ice-cold blue. 

"You're sure it won't become deviant like that last one?" The man asked.

"Positive." The woman replied.

You woke up with a start. You looked around and you noticed you were back in your room. Connor was sleeping next to you. He woke up as he sensed your distress.

"(Y/n)? Are you okay?" He asked. You nodded after taking a few breaths.

"Yeah, I just...had a weird dream." You replied.

"What happened?" Connor asked.

"Well, I thought I saw you being worked on at Cyberlife at first, but then his eyes opened and I realized it wasn't you. I...I know it sounds crazy, but I don't get it either." You explained. He kissed your forehead.

"You're probably just paranoid, darling. I'm sure it's fine. We stopped Cyberlife. They can't hurt us anymore." He assured. You relaxed and nodded. You both went back to bed and he held you close to him. "I love you." He said softly. You smiled.

"I love you too, Connor."

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