Chapter 125

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You woke up the next morning still on top of Connor. You blushed a bit, but you smiled. You kissed his cheek.

"Connor, wake up." His eyes opened and landed on you. He smiled.

"Goodmorning to you as well, love." You chuckled. You kissed him. 

"Morning." You chuckled. "Oh, by the way, do you want me to get off yet?" You asked, trying to tease him. He blushed, but then he smiled.

"No. Not yet." You smiled. You relaxed again and you felt him gently running his fingers through your hair. "(Y/n)?"

"Yeah, Connor?"

"Did you have a good time last night?" He asked. You smiled.

"Of course I did." You said. "And for the record, you're a wonderful dancer." He smiled.

"So are you." You smiled at him, eyes glittering with affection. His were the same way. "I love you so much." He kissed you, holding your body close to his own. Your arms wrapped around him and you kissed him back. You pulled back.

"I love you too." You told him before kissing him again. After a few minutes of it, with you ending up underneath him, you knew that it was time to get up before things went too far and you'd end up being late for work. You gently pushed against his chest.

"Come on handsy, let's not turn into Hank. I'd rather not be late." 

"You know I'm a little offended by 'handsy'." You laughed a little.

"I'm just messing around, Con. But really, we've gotta go." You chuckled. He smiled.

"Fine, but you owe me later, angel." He said with a smirk. You blushed, but you grinned at him.

"Whatever you say, chief." You giggled. He kissed you deeply for a few more moments before pulling away with a grin and getting up. He held out his hand for you and you took it with a smile. You both went to take a shower together, Connor hardly taking his hands off you at times which made you roll your eyes. 

Once you both were dressed and ready to go, you both said goodbye to Galaxy and Bandit before heading out to work. Connor drove you both again and you smiled as you listened to the radio along the way. Then, you thought of something.

"Connor, remember that one time when I heard you singing?" He blushed a bit.


"Well...I think you should try singing more often."  You said. He blushed a bit more, but he smiled.

"Maybe." He replied. You smiled at him and he glanced over at you, his signature smile on his own lips. 

Soon enough you both arrived at work. You smiled as you both headed inside. You saw Oreon and Hank talking. Oreon looked like he didn't get too much sleep. You frowned a little. Connor noticed it too. You both walked over to them.

"Morning, guys!" You greeted.

"Morning." Hank greeted.

"Morning, (Y/n). Hey, Connor." Oreon said.

"Did you get any sleep last night, Oreon?" You asked.

"No. Ralph was up all night debating on whether or not he should go and visit Nelly. I couldn't close my eyes for even five minutes." Oreon chuckled. You and Connor both smiled.

"Oh. Sorry, Oreon." You said.

"It's okay. I'll be fine. Ralph is on his way to see her again though. I offered to go with him to get him there, but he said he'd be fine. The nerves in his eyes gave him away though." Oreon chuckled. "I'm sure he's fine though."

"Yeah. Ralph will be fine." You agreed. Oreon sighed.

"Well, as much as I'd love to chat, I better get downstairs and start with the files again. I'll see you guys a little later." He said.

"See ya, Oreon!" You said cheerfully. He smiled a little before heading out to the case file storage room. You still had paper files since there was a risk of hacking on the computers. Even though they were highly secure, it was better to be safe than sorry with some of the case files. You, Connor, and Hank didn't have much to do again that day, so you all hung out in the little cafe like area together. You laughed along with the boys, enjoying your relaxing morning....while it lasted.

Oreon's POV

I was going through some of the misplaced files, organizing and putting them back where they belong. As a did this I came across a box labeled 'closed cases'. I remembered Fowler saying that there were a few old files I could get rid of in that box. I took it down off the shelf and I began to sift through it. 

I picked out the files that we didn't need and I recycled them. I put the cover back on the box and carried it back to where I found it. I was about to put it back on the shelf when I spotted some files just laying there on the shelf way in the back. I grew curious and I set the box down. I reached back and grabbed them. They were pretty dusty, but not too dusty since they had been covered by the shelf above for all of the time they had been there.

I took them back to the table and I looked through them. They were 'case closed' files, so I had just assumed they had fallen out of the box at one point or somebody had been lazy and just left them there a long time ago. What a way to do your job, buddy. I thought with an eye roll if my second assumption was correct. 

I began to sift through them again and then something caught my eye. I paused and grabbed the file. I opened it up and I looked through it. As I did, I felt my heart skip a beat. I was horrified by what I'd found. I was about to shut the file when I spotted another one. My hands were shaking at this point, but I dared to open it. I nearly screamed when I read through the second one. My eyes were wide with horror and I was completely speechless.

I shoved the other files I didn't care about back into that box and practically launched it back onto the shelf. I raced back to the other two files and I knew what I had to do. I knew what was going to happen if I did instead of just pretending I had never seen those files, but I could never forget what I had just discovered. And I could never keep that dark of a secret from her.

Your POV

You laughed along at Hank's joke when Oreon suddenly contacted you.

"Hang on, guys. Oreons trying to talk to me." They both nodded and remained quiet. You answered the call. "Hey, Oreon. What's up?" You asked.

"(Y-Y/n), you're not gonna believe what I just found. Y-you gotta get down here ASAP." Your face fell in confusion. 

"What? Oreon what did you find?" Connor and Hank looked interested and concerned now as well.

"Just get down here, please!" He said suddenly. He sounded like he was having a panic attack. You became alarmed.

"Okay, okay! We're on our way, just try to calm down!" You told him.

"H-heh...I don't think you should worry about me." He said with a hint of nervous laughter. This only made you more worried.

"Okay, we're coming. Just hang on a minute." You replied and hung up. You turned to the boys. "Something's wrong. He's freaking out saying that I better come down there. Come on." You said. They both hurried after you as you all went to see what the fuss was about. 

You arrived in the file storage room and you saw Oreon sitting at the table staring at two files laid out in front of him. He was muttering to himself under his breath and he looked like he had just witnessed a ghost suck out somebody's soul. You all hurried over. 

"Oreon, are you alright? What's going on?" Connor asked. He stopped muttering, but he didn't look up.

"Oreon?" You asked. He pushed the files toward you and you looked at him questioningly before picking one of them up. You read through it, but you gasped in shock. Your heartbeat grew rapid as you read what kind of file this was and who it was for. 

"My parents were murdered?!"

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