Chapter 77

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You woke up the next morning wrapped up in Connor's arms. You smiled, forgetting for a few moments where you were and just enjoying being with him in a peaceful moment.

Then, you remembered where you were and why you were there. You frowned, wishing the happy moment had lasted longer. You buried yourself deeper into his arms, wanting to feel warm and comfort. The action woke him up. He looked at you.

"(Y/n)?" He asked.

"I don't want to move." You said. He held you close.

"Then you don't have to. We can stay here for as long as you want, okay? I won't go anywhere." He said. You smiled, giving his jawline a kiss.

"Okay." You said. You both stayed there, resting with each other for what seemed like days, but you knew was only about ten minutes. Soon, you knew you had to move. You shifted and Connor let go of you. You both got dressed and headed out. Connor had gotten the tunnel plans from Markus, but he hadn't given them to you yet. It was like you were in a giant bunny burrow filled with confusing twists and turns. Pipes and wires were on the ceiling everywhere giving certain rooms all the high tech and power they needed.

"I have to go talk with Markus and the others. Can you go check on Bandit and Galaxy?" He asked. You nodded. He held your hand as they both went white and the tunnels plans flashed in your mind. You nodded.

"Okay." You replied. He kissed your forehead to comfort you.

"It's gonna be fine." He assured. "I'll see you again at 12:00, okay?"

"Not a minute later." You said. He smiled.

"Not a minute later." He agreed. Connor left and you headed toward the animal's wing. You soon arrived and Galaxy and Bandit were playing with the baby deer there. They all ran around barking and making excited and happy cries. You smiled.

"Hey everyone." You said. The animals came over to greet you, each remembering you from when you helped break them out of the shops and then escape Jericho. "I'm glad all of you are having a good day."

"They aren't the only ones." You turned.

"Jaden! Daren!" You exclaimed.

"Hey (Y/n)!" Jaden greeted. You hugged both of them.

"I'm glad you both are okay." You said. "Have you seen any of the others?"

"No, not yet." Daren said.

"How's Oreon?" Jaden asked. You frowned.

"He's gone." You said.

"What!? Gone as in run away right!?" Jaden asked.

"As far as we know he's still alive, but we have no idea where he went." You said. They both nodded.

"At least there's some hope." Daren said. You nodded.

"Where's Connor?" Jaden asked.

"He's at a meeting with Markus, North, Simon, and Josh. Connor knows Cyberlife more than anybody here, so they wanted just him for know instead of six people all at once that could start an argument." You explained.

"It makes sense." Daren agreed.

"Yes, but ever since Connor turned deviant I've felt that he's become more important to Markus' plans and everything."

"Don't feel demoted. If it was something that wasn't to do with Cyberlife, you know Markus would reach out to you as well." Jaden assured. You nodded.

"Yeah, I guess you're right." You said.

"Come on! Streak, Sundrop, and Rebel are dying to play! Let's have some fun!" Jaden said. Daren nodded with a smile and you smiled as well.

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