Chapter 67

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(If yals wanna listen to the song, I personally love this version. I know it's a girl singing which is why this is OPTIONAL to listen to it because it ain't Connor singing. I just wanted to share one of my fav versions of it with yals. It's up top if you didn't notice it. Dat's all! Continue!)

You woke up and you noticed Connor's absence. You wondered where he was. You got up and you heard the shower running. You were about to knock, but you heard something. You heard a voice that sounded amazing. You were stunned. Is he...singing? You sat down beside the closed door and listened to his voice, your smile slowly growing.

" But I...can' falling in" You smiled, your heart warmed by the song. I didn't know he knew this song. I wonder where he heard it. Would he be programmed with musical knowledge? You wondered, but you pushed it aside and continued to listen, humming along softly. "Oh, shall...I...stay? Would it be...a...sin? For I...can' falling in" You loved the sound of his voice carrying out the notes so perfectly. "Like a river flows surely to the sea. Darling, so it goes, some things...are meant to be~ Take my Oh, for I...can' falling in Like a river flows surely to the sea. Darling, so it goes, some things...are meant to be~ Take my For I...can' falling in" You smiled happily as the song came to a close. "Oh, for I...can' falling in" 

The water stopped running and you waited in the hall for him to come out. You were still smiling to yourself as you did, eager to say something to him. After a few minutes, the door opened and you spoke up,

"You have a beautiful singing voice, Connor." He shrieked in surprise, falling over with a loud 'thud' in the process. You stood up quickly and snorted, trying not to laugh at his flustered state. He stared up at you, blushing so hard he'd put a blueberry to shame.

"Y-you're up..." He muttered. You chuckled.

"And you call me adorable." You said. He bushed even harder. "Come on, doofus." You said, holding out your hand for him. He took it and you helped him up. You chuckled at him and kissed his nose. 

"My apologies, (Y/n). That was rather embarrassing." He said shyly. You kissed his nose.

"Don't be embarrassed, Con. When things like that happen it only gives me more of a reason to love you." You told him, tucking a stray hair behind his ear. You'd never seen his hair all messy and curly like this. It was cute, to say the least. He smiled at you, leaning into your touch as you cupped his cheek. 

" really liked it?" He asked. You chuckled.

"Your voice is beautiful, Connor." You assured. He smiled.

"Not as beautiful as yours, I'm sure." He said. 

"Let's call it a tie then, okay?" You said. He chuckled, kissing your nose.

"If you insist, then a tie it is." He replied. He headed to the bedroom after you both began to separate. 

"Oh, and your hair looks cute like that." You could picture the blush on his face. You giggled and headed downstairs. Once you got down there, you noticed a note on the fridge. You went over and read it.

'(Y/n), I've decided to visit a friend. If I'm not back before you wake up, then don't be worried. I'll be home soon. 


I wonder who he went to go see. You thought. You shrugged it off, not worried in the least. He could take care of himself. You turned on the TV and started watching one of your shows again. Soon, Connor came down with his hair still curly. You chuckled and he sat down next to you. He noticed Oreon's absence. 

"Where's Oreon?" He asked.

"He went to visit a friend, I guess. I just found a note on the fridge." You replied.

"Oh. I was hoping he could keep an eye on yo until I got back." Connor said.

"What? Where are you off to?" You asked.

"Hank's. I told him I would visit. Besides, I have some things I wish to discuss with him." Connor said. You nodded.

"Well, I'll be fine if you want to head out." You said.

"No, I can wait. Hank probably isn't up yet anyway." Connor replied. You couldn't argue with him on that. You rolled with it and you both kept watching TV.

Oreon's POV

I woke up the next morning in Ralph's place. I remembered what happened. I got up and I looked around. Ralph wasn't there. I decided it would be best to try and find him before just leaving. 

"Ralph! You here?" I called. He came in from outside.

"Oh! You're up! Would you like to stay to help Ralph with the pest control?" He asked.

"Sorry, Ralph. I have to get home. I'll come back soon okay? Or, actually, feel free to visit anytime too. Here's the address." I said, connecting with him to give him our location. He smiled a little and nodded.

"Okay! Ralph will visit soon!" He said. I smiled.

"See ya later, Ralph." I said.

"Goodbye, Oreon!" He said and I left. I headed home, but then I got a text from Jaden as I was walking along the sidewalk by myself.

Jaden: 'Group night out tomorrow! You three up for it?' 

Me: 'Sure! I'll tell (Y/n) and tell you what she says.'

Jaden: 'Sweet! Ttyl, Oreon!'

Me: 'Ttyl.' 

I kept heading home, hoping that I could somehow convince Connor to go with Hank that night. I hoped it would work. It couldn't hurt to want one night with just us and our friends, right? It'll be the only time I'll be able to be out with her and our friends without him most likely. Well, the only time for a while, anyway. I knew I'd get more chances, but I wasn't going to give up this opportunity. 

I hurried inside and I spotted the two sitting on the couch with the wolves lazing in front of the fireplace underneath the TV.

"I'm back!" I called. They both looked over. (Y/n) smiled.

"Oreon! You're back!" She said. Connor just gave me a quick smile. I ignored him. (Y/n) came up to greet me and I hugged her. My heart beat faster at our close contact. I could practically feel Connor's stare on me, tracking my every move and reaction.

"Miss me?" I decided to push it a little. She chuckled.

"As always. You are my brother after all!" She said. The word hit like a truck. I forced myself to be happy about it, or, well, at least act happy.

"Well, now that you're home I should head out for Hank's house." Connor said, drawing her attention off of me.

"Can't you stay for a few more minutes, Con?" She asked. He smiled softly at her and kissed her forehead. My fist clenched at the action. He actually has the nerve to do it hardly a foot away from me. I forced myself to relax before either of them noticed.

"I'll be home soon, okay?" He told her. She smiled and nodded.

"You two stay sober!" She teased. He chuckled.

"I will, but I can't promise for Hank." He said. She chuckled.

"Bye, Connor!" She said.

"Goodbye, (Y/n)!" He said happily and headed out. She turned to me.

"So! Where were you last night?" She asked.

"Visiting an old friend. It had been a long time since we last talked. I thought he deserved some company." I said.

"Aw~! You're so sweet, Oreon!" She complimented. I tried to hide my blush. It wasn't too hard since she turned around and it went away before she faced me again.

"So, the others are having a group night out tomorrow. Jaden asked me to see if you would come along." I said.

"Really? Of course! Why would Connor and I miss it?" She asked. I hid my disappointment at the mention of him again.

"Yeah. Why would you, right?"

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