Chapter 148

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Red and Hanna came in next. Vinnie and Dagger were locked up in the same cell while you talked to Red and Hanna. They seemed calmer than Vinnie and Dagger. They were very collected. Too collected to you.

"What part did you play in the murder of my parents?" You asked. Red looked up at you.

"Why should we tell you anything?" He asked.

"You want to make this worse?" You asked.

"Look, we weren't the main androids on it either. We were the ones that were supposed to hunt Valery after she escaped. We weren't successful. We didn't do much. You want to find out who killed your parents? You don't need us." Hanna said. You glared at them slightly, but you knew they were telling the truth.

You left the room, letting the other officers take care of them. You sat down with the others and there was silence for a bit. The others didn't really seem to know what to say. Connor spoke up first.

"Are you alright, (Y/n)?" He asked. You sighed.

"....I don't know." 

"You were a little reckless earlier, kid." Hank said.

"I'd say what she did was justified. After all, she didn't hurt them any more than she already had." Oreon pointed out.

"Being reckless still isn't always a good solution." Connor said.

"I'm sorry guys, I just....all of this has got me on the short end of everything." You said with a slight groan since your head was spinning pretty bad at this point.

"It's alright, (Y/n). It's understandable for you to feel that way." Oreon reassured you.

"I don't know. Maybe you two are right. Maybe I am being reckless." You sighed.

"It's fine. We can all get that way at certain points." Hank said.

"You mean everybody except Connor." Oreon said with a slight grin. You all chuckled, but Connor looked like he didn't believe that was true. 

After that, Connor suggested everyone going home since it had been a long day. Oreon had agreed, saying he'd had enough gunshots for today. Hank had added that he was pretty beat too and so it was settled. You all said your goodbyes and Connor drove you home. You were feeling more drained of energy by the second. 

You got home and you were practically falling asleep. Connor noticed this. He got out and walked over to your side as you opened the door. You tried to get out yourself, but you nearly fell into the bit of snow beneath your feet. Connor caught you, looking worried. You were basically falling in and out of consciousness. Instead of wasting time asking if you were okay, he just picked you up and took you inside. 

You closed your eyes, letting him carry you inside. He set you down on the bench beside the door and he gently made sure you were securely propped against the wall. He cupped your cheek and the feel of his hand on your face woke you up a bit.

"Can you hear me, angel?" He asked softly. You nodded a little. "I need you to stay awake for me, alright? I'm just gonna help you take off your winter things." You smiled slightly and nodded again. 

Connor helped you with your boots and jacket. You were still fighting to stop yourself from passing out. You had put on your jacket when you got back to the station and Connor know saw that reason. You had honestly forgotten about it. You still had a large cut on your side that had gone numb from the cold. The bullet wound was taking a large toll on you. It hadn't gone into your body, but it a clearly been close enough. 

Connor got up and went to the living room, muttering an 'I'll be right back' distractedly as he hurried into the living room. You waited there, slightly confused but too out of it to comprehend anything. 

He came back moments later and he picked you up bridal style. You let him take you into the living room. You saw that he had plugged in a heater blanket and laid in on the couch under an older blanket that was being used for if any of your blood spilled onto the couch. Connor laid you down and you felt the heat coming from the blanket engulf your body.

"M-mph..." It was the only noise you could make. Connor lifted off your shirt to get better access to the wound. You didn't even care, not even resisting or moving all that much as he examined you. Connor took this as a sign that you were worse than he'd originally thought. 

"(Y/n), I'm gonna fix you up. It's gonna sting a bit, okay?" He said. You eyes opened slightly and they met his. You nodded ever so slightly, trying to give him a sign that you understood. Connor hurried downstairs to get what he needed and when he came back, he got to work. He cleaned the blood away and stopped the bleeding. Then he helped fix the damaged skin there. Once it was mostly fixed, your skin healed itself as it should and you looked like normal again. 

Connor cupped your cheek. Your eyes opened a little again. His eyes were still staring worriedly at you, but he forced a gentle smile. "You gotta drink some of this for me, love." He said, holding a cup filled with blue blood. You sat up as best you could and he helped you drink it. After you had, you felt strong enough to keep yourself awake, but then the exhaustion set in.

"I-I'm...okay." You managed to tell him. He looked relieved. He kissed your forehead.

"I'll come back to check on you in a bit, okay?" He said. You smiled slightly, but before he left you spoke again.

"Connor..." He turned back to you. "Y-you'll always be here for me, right?" You asked. His eyes widened a little. He smiled softly at you.

"Forever and furthermore, my love." He replied lovingly. You smiled a bit more.

"Good...cause I'll always be there for you too." You said. He smiled.

"Will you now?" He asked softly, trying to tease you playfully. You nodded.

"Y-yeah. We'll always be together. I know it." You said. He smiled warmly at you. He kissed you on the lips for a short moment.

"Rest." He whispered. He grabbed a soft blanket and covered you up in it and you smiled as you closed your eyes. You heard him walk off and you fell asleep to the calm and quiet sounds of the house and the gentle humming of the heater blanket's remote to control the temperature. Your body relaxed under the blanket and you were happy to have such a caring android as your boyfriend. All of it really did mean so much to you. You loved him and you were never going to leave him. You were his and he was yours. That's how it'll always be.

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