Chapter 169

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You laughed as the girls tumbled around outside with the wolves. The snow stuck to the wolves fur and to their winter clothes. You didn't know how you felt about being a mother figure to them, but you did enjoy having them around. You and Connor had talked about it a lot and you were both for adopting them, it was just slightly complicated. It seemed like everything was happening at once and that in itself was stress inducing. Connor did his best to help you relax and he took care of a lot of things for you, but you still couldn't help your mind being swarmed with concerns and other things like that.

The girls came hurrying over since they had been outside for a long time now. You let them and the wolves inside once you'd helped them brush off all the snow on their clothes. You walked inside and the girls both hugged Ralph. Ralph was actually a great babysitter. With all your other friends busy with work, Ralph offered to take care of them during the day. You were grateful he had. It was best to leave them with an adult and Ralph was capable of protecting them if he ever had to.

You thanked Ralph for taking care of them once again and then he left. The girls rushed down the hall to their shared bedroom to do what they wished and the wolves curled up in a furry heap in front of the fireplace. You chuckled and you went upstairs. Connor had just finished up taking a shower. You knocked on the bedroom door and he turned as he heard it. He was drying his hair some more and he was dressed in a casual navy blue t-shirt and some jeans. You giggled as you saw how curly his hair was. It was always cute when it was like that. You enjoyed how neat he was, but it was always adorable with his hair was like that.

"Hey, Con."

"Hello, (Y/n). Do you need me for something?" He asked. You actually did want him to do something for you, you just didn't know how you were going to ask him.

"Actually...yeah." You said. His face feel, noticing how unsure you sounded.

"Is something wrong, love?" He asked. 

"No, it's just...I...I want to go back to my parents' house." You said. He looked stunned. "I have to see it for myself. It's been so long and...I just feel like I have to." You said. He hugged you.

"Okay. We'll go right now if you like." He said. You nodded.

"Yeah." You agreed.

"Should we bring the girls?" He asked.

"Yes. Ralph just left and I'm not going to run after him and call him back. Besides...maybe having everyone there will make it easier." You said. He nodded.

"I'll go get them ready, you just take your time, okay?" He told you kindly. You gave him a thankful smile and he kissed your forehead. "Come down whenever you're ready, love." Connor left and you sighed. Am I ready for this? You wondered. I have to do this. You reminded yourself and after taking a few deep breaths, you turned and headed back down the hall and down the stairs where the others were all waiting for you in the living room. Cinder looked excited, Zyra looked at you with an understanding smile, and Connor gave ou a reassuring one. You the wolves smiled at you with encouragement shining in their eyes. You smiled. You were glad they were all there for you. It was already helping loads.

You all headed outs and Cinder seemed pretty excited to get there. They played games to pass the time for the long drive. You just sat there silently. Connor kept glancing at you, concerned that it was going to be too much for you, but he also knew there was no going back or changing your mind now. 

Soon enough, you arrived at the old house. You stared at it and the wolves and the girls hurried on ahead, eager to see the inside. Connor took your hand after a moment. You looked at him. He pulled you in for a hug and a quick kiss. You relaxed a bit, grateful that your fiance knew just hat to do to make you relax. You smiled a bit at him and he smiled back. 

"It'll be alright. I'm right here for you. You know that." He told you. You nodded.

"I know. I'm glad you're here for me. I don't know if I'd be able to do this alone." You said. He kissed your forehead and gently pressed his own against it afterward, looking lovingly into your eyes.

"Let's go." You nodded a little and you both followed after the girls, hand in hand. You were shaking a little as you walked in, but when you did you instantly stared in wonder at the house. Zyra was chasing after Cinder, trying to keep up as she raced from room to room. The wolves were sniffing around, going slower than Cinder. You just stared all around the house, taking in every detail. You could recall most of them. You felt strange. It was hard to place the feeling crawling around inside of you. Subconsciously, you began to head upstairs. Connor trailed after you. You looked at the rooms that held more meaning. You spotted your old guitar. You picked it up. A spark ran through your body and you instantly set it back down, your breath caught in your throat and your hands shaking.  

You went up to your room and you looked around. You remembered all the days you had spent in the small little space. Some of them had been with your brother. That was so long ago... You picked up and old drawing you saw on the desk.

"(Y/n)? Are you alright?" Connor asked. You nodded.

"Con, I think I know where I want the reception to be at." You said.

"Where?" He asked.

"Here." You replied. "Think about it, drinks and everything inside, people can play games, and then the backyard all decorated with lights and clear and all fixed up. It would be a good way to bring everything full circle, right?" You asked. He smiled. He hugged you.

"I think that's a wonderful idea."

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