Chapter 91

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Connor's POV

"Simon will be leading a group to the lower manufacturing floors to see if we can get more reinforcements from any androids that might be in the building. Josh will be outside of the building with his group, making sure no more soldiers get in. North's groups will be scouring all of the upper stories up to level 60, acting as a distraction from Connor as he head's up to (Y/n) and preventing soldiers from going up after him. According to the scans, that's where most of the soldiers are stationed. If you see any go up more levels, follow them and stop them! Collin's group will be targeting the higher status humans, taking them hostage if they compile, or getting rid of the resistant ones. My group will be hacking into all of the technology we can find, hopefully finding ways to be able to use it for our own benefit." Markus explained. "Does everyone get it?" 

"Yes!!" We heard them shout. 

"Then let's go! Pick your groups quickly!" He said. Everyone hurried around while my group came up to me. Bandit, Galaxy, Tucker, Amai, Speckle, Flame, Fang, Gem, Jaden, Roxy, Claira, Nelly, Jacob, Dell, Oreon, Jax, Zora, Ralph, Daren, and Hank. (Good Lord. Is that everybody?) They all waited with me as the others got into their groups. 

Soon enough, it was equaled up as much as it could be. Markus nodded approvingly. He scanned over us one last time and muttered something to himself quick. "Let's move out!" He shouted and we all headed out. I lead my team as Hank and Bandit walked beside me.

"Seems like we can't ever catch a break." Hank said. I nodded.

"It would seem so." I replied. He patted my shoulder.

"You can do this." He assured. 

"Yeah! Don't worry about us or anything else, Connor! You can do this! We know you'll save (Y/n)!" Nelly said.

"Don't worry about anything else, Connor. You've got to get to her. That's all you need to focus on." Jax said. I nodded.

"Thank you, everyone." I said. Oreon came up next to me with a smile.

"It's what friends are for." He said. I smiled.

"Agreed." I said

Oreon Status: Acquaintances

As we left and headed for Cyberlife, I wondered what was going to happen. I knew my goal, but what was going to happen after I got (Y/n) out? Would we keep fighting? Would everyone else keep fighting while I took her away? I didn't know. Markus' plan only went up to the point of getting her out, not after that. I pushed it aside. It didn't matter right now. The others were right. I had to stay focused. 

I breathed in and out. It will all be over after this. I breathed in and out again, making my breaths long and deep. After this, we'll either be alive or dead. I did it again, standing taller this time. After this, no matter what happens, (Y/n) will be in my arms, one way or the other. I walked with a purpose. That purpose was to end this. We WILL end this.

Richard's POV

We had dinner together. I had loved Alisandra. She was brilliant and we agreed on where the androids should be before all of this, but now...something had changed in her. She had been so sweet and kind and a good business woman before all of this. Ever since the android revolution began, she'd been getting worse and...I had no longer been lusting after her in such a manner. She had just threatened to kill me! I was all mixed up now. 

I left, going back to watching over the virus and she went to the very top of the tower, looking out over everything outside. I was glad she went there instead. I didn't want her hovering over my shoulder any longer. I looked at the slowly bubbling dark and sickening looking purple formula I had made. The virus that would end it all. I just stared at it. It's my creation and it can be used for such deadly things. I must make sure no other human gets their hands on such a horrendous weapon. I swore to myself.

I looked over all of my work. I remembered it all. It was the most dangerous formula ever made. Nobody else could ever use this. I erased all my work, knowing I could re-do it off of memory if I needed to, which I hoped and wished I didn't.

As I watched over the virus, I looked at how much time it had left. I was praying that the deviants didn't arrive before then. If the did, the virus would be still too unstable and if it connected with (Y/n)'s human half, I didn't know what would happen. I hoped it wouldn't mutate her. That was highly unlikely though. I waited, thinking over everything. Had I made the right choice? Was this all worth it? Was Alisandra right? I didn't know anymore. If I had, maybe things would have turned out differently for me.

Alisandra's POV

I looked out over the city off in the distance. I knew they would be coming, but now I was short on my men and less prepared. The thought made my veins feel like they were burning with fury, but I calmed myself. I knew that we could still overpower them. We weren't going to lose. I refused to let lifeless machines beat their rightful owners.

As I looked out over everything. I remembered my mother. I sighed. I had to move on from that. She was my past, I was looking at my future. I didn't need my past anymore. I was a changed, better person now. I was at the top of everything. Well, I would be after this. I was angry about their escape, but ever so excited about their return. I didn't care what it took. We would slaughter them. Everything was going to end ever so perfectly! After all, survival of the fittest. They didn't stand any chance.

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