Chapter 137

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Connor's POV

As she slept in my arms, I gently rubbed her back. I felt her body relax further and I smiled. I kissed the top of her head.

"You're so amazing. How did an android like me ever find somebody like you." I said. I knew she couldn't hear me, but I didn't care. I suddenly remembered something. I frowned as I realized it would have to wait. With the investigation, that's the last thing she needs to worry about. It'd be best if I waited until the investigation was over. I thought. 

I sighed as I laid there beneath her. I looked at her and I smiled. I kissed the top of her head again and then I laid my head back against my own pillow. I held her close and I couldn't keep that smile off my face, not that I wanted to. "I love you." I whispered to her and I could've sworn that her grip on my shoulders got ever so slightly stronger. I closed my eyes, letting myself give way to the exhaustion I felt and the calm and warm feeling around the two of us. Soon enough, I was asleep as well.

Your POV

You woke up still on top of your lover the next morning. You smiled, but you didn't move. You cherished the moment, refusing to let it go so quickly. Then, you began to kiss his chest and neck lightly. His eyes opened and he saw you kissing him, giving him loving pecks wherever you pleased. You chuckled, relaxing and letting you continue this. He let out a happy sigh and you kissed his throat, holding your lips there a little longer. You pulled back and finally, your gazes met.

"Goodmorning, my love." He said, cupping your cheek. You leaned into his touch. 

"Goodmorning, Connor." You replied. "Sleep well?" You asked sweetly.

"Of course. What about you?"

"Perfect." You replied.  He smiled.

"That's good." You smiled. You leaned in and kissed him. He embraced the kiss, returning it with just as much passion and love. You both stayed like that for a long time until you finally pulled away, gasping slightly for air. Connor smiled at you as you did, seemingly proud that he was the one that triggered such a reaction. 

You soon rolled off of him and went to get dressed. You looked back at him, seeing him sit up and begin to follow you. You smiled and you both got dressed up in proper clothes for work. You and Connor headed downstairs together and you both watched TV for a little while until it was time to leave.

You both left the house and then you climbed into the car again. Connor glanced over at you with a smile before starting up the car. After that, you both drove to work. You happily listened to the radio, humming along with it like always as you made your way to work. Connor actually hummed along with you this time. You smiled as he did. It was nice to see that he wasn't being as shy with his musical abilities. No, he still wasn't fully comfortable, but you just figured it would take some time. Maybe soon he'll agree to sing along. Who knows?

Oreon's POV

I woke up next to Valentine and I smiled a little. I got up and I went to go change into better clothes for work. Once I was done, I heard her start to wake up. I walked over to her and she opened her eyes, seeing my laying down next to her. I gave her a smile.

"Morning." I said. She chuckled.

"Goodmorning, Oreon." She replied. "Already ready for work?" 

"Yeah. I gotta get going early." I explained. She nodded, understanding that my job would have the requirement. She sat up and hugged me tightly. 

"Be careful, okay?" I smiled a little and I hugged back.

"I will be. You don't have to worry about me, okay? I'll be back home tonight, okay?" I told her. She kissed my cheek lovingly.

"Okay." She whispered back with a smile. I stood up straight and I said goodbye to her. She waved back at me, calling a soft goodbye as I headed down the stairs. I told Ralph I was heading out since he and Nelly were already up and watching TV. I had to say, you could not tell that this place used to be broken down. It looked so nice now.

Anyway, they both said goodbye to me with joyful smiles on there faces. I chuckled as I walked out the door. They really were right for each other. They both had so much energy and Nelly was the perfect one to teach him how to do some things that he didn't know how to do or had forgotten how to do thanks to the damaged he had suffered prior to all this.

As I got in my car, I remembered that I hadn't done any research on the guy we were looking for. I'm sure it wouldn't be too big of a deal. We had all day and we didn't even know if we were going to find him today. I wished Valentine had known more about him, but she didn't. Still, at least she had known enough information to give us another potentially good lead. 

I arrived at the station and I was the first one there out of my group. I sat down at my desk, which was right on the other side of (Y/n)'s like Connor and Hank's desks. It was nice to be so close to her. I saw that the decor on her desk was coming along. She had a little healthy looking plant, a small framed picture along with some small framed artwork and then she had some notes on the board there. It wasn't as clustered as Hank's desk, but it wasn't as neat as Connor's either. She was the in between. Mine was slightly more full because I had been working at the station for a little bit now.

I pushed my thoughts aside and got to work on finding this man. I searched for history on Jamison Flint and I found that when he was younger he had been good friends with a man named Carl Manfred. It also said that they had stayed in contact over the years. I grinned. I had a lead, but now....where to find this Carl guy? Jeez. It's manhunt after manhunt. Are we ever gonna find him? I wondered. Then, I remembered something. "I was owned by an old man. His name was Carl." I remembered Markus telling me about himself and mentioning a man named Carl. Could it be the same one? I wondered. I grew determined. Only one way to find out. Looks like we're going to visit Markus.

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