Chapter 12

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Connor's POV

As Hank and (Y/n) talked about random things I decided to report to Amanda. I closed my eyes. When they opened, I was in the garden. I looked around. Amanda was in the center of the garden. I walked toward her. She smiled at me.

"Hello Connor, I've been expecting you." She said. I nodded to her. "I see that a new detective has been assigned to the case. Tell me, what do you think of her?" 

"(Y/n) is a very kind person. She's very smart as well. I believe it will benefit the investigation if I remain on her good side." I explained. Amanda nodded.

"We know nothing about this (Y/n). We want you to keep an eye on her, Connor. There might be something more going on." Amanda said. I was a little confused by this. (Y/n) was nice and she was trustworthy. I believed she was anyway. Still, I nodded to her.

"You can count on me, Amanda." I replied. She nodded to me and I left.

Your POV

You said goodbye to Hank and Connor as you headed home. You arrived and you were welcomed by the whole crew except Jaden. You knew she was still at work. You couldn't wait for her to get home with the new arrivals. 

"Hey (Y/n)! How was your day?" Nelly asked.

"Pretty good! I helped an android and her kid get away. They were both very thankful. I was glad to help them out." You said.

"Awesome!" Claira said.

"Sounds like you did a good thing." Dell agreed.

"It's always good to know there's more of us out there." Jacob agreed.

"I'm glad nothing bad happened while you were out there." Oreon said. You smiled at him and sat down next to him.

"Me too." You agreed. He smiled at you. He was about to say something, but Roxy spoke first.

"I made a great amount of money today! It was amazing! I had a crowd of at least 50 people out there! I was so happy!" She said.

"That's awesome!" Claira said.

"YAY!!" Nelly yelled.

"Nice work, Roxy!" Jacob agreed.

"I knew you would do well!" You told her. She smiled. 

"Thanks guys! I can't wait for tomorrow! I hope a go do just as well." She said. You all smiled at her.

"I'm sure you will, Roxy." Claira said. You felt Oreon wrap an arm around you. You smiled a little. You all kept chatting together and yo enjoyed Oreon's close company. It was comforting and sweet. You smiled a little wider. 

Oreon Status: Best Friend

Jaden's POV

I worked for hours. I saw Daren walk over to me. I smiled at him. He was very sweet and he was very nice to me. I liked him a lot.

"Hey Jaden." He greeted, his green eyes shinning at me. I chuckled.

"Hey Daren." I replied.

"Um, listen...I was wondering, uh...maybe...wanna go out some time?" He asked. I was stunned. I tried not to blush.

"That...sounds good! I'd love to." I replied. He looked super excited.

"Really!? Uh, um, I How does tomorrow for lunch sound?" He asked. I smiled.

"Perfect for me. See you then." I replied. He smiled.

"See you then." He repeated. He hurried off and I giggled as he left. He's amazing. I thought. I walked off to take care of Hanna. Hanna was a black cat with orange patches. We had just rescued her today. She was stuck in an old cage in somebody's backyard. The house was old and clearly nobody lived there. I felt bad for her. 

I took her and cleaned her up. She was so tired that all she could do was meow softly in protest. She didn't like the water and she was clearly still scared. I felt bad for her. Once I was done cleaning her up, I took her to a heated cage to she could warm up. I carefully adjusted the temperature. She laid down and instantly went to sleep. I smiled at her.

After that I went over to Roco. Roco was another cat. He was grey with white and black patches. He had been hear for a few days. He had been meowing his head off ever since he'd heard Hanna. I took him out of his cage.

"What?" I asked him. He tried to break free of my grasp. I set him down and he ran toward the cage where Hanna was. I sighed. "No Roco. She needs to rest." He meowed loudly in protest as I picked him up and began to take him back to his cage. Then, I heard Hanna's soft mew. I turned. Roco meowed again and I sighed. I took him over and I made sure nobody was watching. I set him in the cage and closed it. He curled up around her. I chuckled. "There, all better." I said. He began to smooth her wet fur down and I let them be.

There wasn't much more for me to do. Everybody had been fed. All the new arrivals had been treated. I had taken the dogs for a walk with Vicky. We had done everything. I went to the front desk and began to work on some of the paper work. 

I heard a ding. I looked up and saw a little girl with her mother and father. I smiled as the three of them came in. They walked over to me.

"Hello, how can I help you?" I asked.

"We're looking for a pet that's good with kids and well behaved." The father said.

"I want kitten, Daddy!" The little girl said. I chuckled.

"Well then, come with me." I said. I led them back to the nursery and showed them the older kittens that were up for adoption. She spotted Pepper and Salt. The two kittens were brother and sister. Pepper was grey with black speckle like spots and Salt was pure white. 

"Mamma! Look! I like those two!" She said. The two kittens rolled around together and I chuckled. I took them out of the cage and gave them to her. She held both of them properly and she looked very happy.

"Those two are Pepper and Salt. Salt is the white boy and Pepper is the grey girl." I explained. The parents looked pleased with them.

"I think we found the perfect pair." The mother said. I smiled. I walked them through the adoption and the two kittens we taken away to live in their new home. I was happy for them and the family. That little girl would have two great friends.

Soon enough, it was time to go home. Everyone said goodbye to me and I waved back to them. I did a few things at my desk before heading to Bandit and Flame's cage. They both looked up at me. I knelt down.

"Hey fellas. You ready to get out of here?" I asked. They both looked surprised, but they stood up, barking excitedly. I chuckled. I let them out and they quickly followed after me. I shut everything down and we headed to my car. They climbed in the back and I quickly drove away.

We headed home together. I was so excited. The others would love these guys. I couldn't wait to get there. It had to be one of the best moments of my life.

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