Chapter 156

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Mace's POV

I was heading to the building. It would be happening any time now and there was no way I was missing it unless I was ordered to be somewhere else. I arrived and I saw my girlfriend was sitting in a chair guarding the entrance. I smirked a little and walked over to her.

"Hey, evil." I greeted. She lifted her had and grinned.

"Hey, Mace. What took you so long?" She asked.

"Sorry. Had to finish up patrol." I said. She giggled mischievously. I knew what she wanted, but it wasn't the right time or place.

"Hey, relax, babe. I'll let you have some fun later. Right now, let's go watch the show, huh?" I suggested. She grinned.

"I wish we could do both at the same time. That'd be hot." She said, her snake tongue flicking my cheek. I chuckled.

"God, you're pushing it." I growled. She smirked.

"Am I now~?" I rolled my eyes at her.

"Hey, I know exactly what you want from me. I'll be good if you do the same." I said. She hissed a little, clearly pouty about the idea of waiting. I kissed her neck. "Deal, babe?" I asked. She smirked, letting out a pleased hiss instead as she eyed me.

"Fine. But you owe me big time, you little fucking devil." She said.

"Alright. I'll keep that in mind." I replied. We both grinned at each other. I attacked her lips in a hot kiss and I smirked as I felt the fork in her tongue run over the top of mine. I pulled away and we both chuckled at each other.

"Let's get going." She said. I grinned and nodded.

"Let's." I agreed. We headed out of the shack that hybrid had been kept in and we began to head to the main area. I whistled and my horse came running. I wanted to get there in plenty of time so we didn't miss it. After all, Melvyn isn't a patient guy. I helped her on and I climbed on myself.

"Let's move." Madusa said. I grinned.

"You know the way, Skull. Yah!" He took off and we headed to the main building. This was going to be fun.

Amai's POV

I hurried along with Tucker by my side. I heard horse hooves pounding up ahead. Crow and Spring were right behind us. 

"This way." I said, leading the way. We soon saw the horse. He had two androids riding on the back. I scanned them. It was Madusa and Mace. 

"Tucker, contact the others. Tell them we found the trail and we're on our way right now to the most likely location of where they took (Y/n)." I said. He nodded and he sent out the message. We kept running staying ten feet behind them but making sure we didn't lose them and that we weren't noticed by them.

"You think we'll be able to get there in time?" Spring asked. I sighed.

"We can only hope." 

"Come on, we can't start slacking. Keep your legs up and paws flat and spread. Let's move." Tucker said. We all nodded in agreement as we hurried along, keeping up with our lead all the way to their location, wherever it was.

Bandit's POV

I got a signal from Tucker. They had a trail and were following it as fast as they could. I stopped and turned to Connor. The others stopped as well.

"Bandit? What is it?" Galaxy asked.

"I got a signal from Tucker. He's got a lead." I explained. I turned to Connor. "Tucker and his group have a lead. Follow me." I said. Connor relayed the message to the others and they all followed me as we hurried off. I caught a faint whiff of (Y/n)'s sent. I turned and followed that. It would give us the real trail. We made it to an old shed. I turned to Connor. "Her scent is still fresh. She was here. This way!" I said.

"Follow Bandit. He's got her trail." Connor told the others. I led the way and I soon caught Tucker and his group's scent. They were right. We better hurry. I thought. We all pushed forward, breaking into a run as we hurried along. I sent out a homing signal to everyone in our group. Now we were all headed in the same direction. We're coming (Y/n). Just hang in there. We're gonna get you out. 

Vinnie's POV

As we walked along the path, we heard the sound of heavy pounding behind us. We turned and we gasped as we saw a horse barreling toward us. It stopped and I was stunned to see who was riding it.

"Mace?" I asked.

"Vinnie? Hanna? Red? Dagger? What are all of you doing here?" He asked, getting a bit hostile.

"We wanted to return after so much time. After all, it's not exactly pleasing to be in chains." I said. I was a very good trickster. I knew I could get them to believe us. The others knew I was the most likely as well, so they all just nodded in agreement. Mace still glared at us. I spotted Madusa behind him. She looked terrifying and it was nothing like the girl I had seen just over a year ago. I was having a hard time believing I ever associated with these murderous freaks.

"How do we know you aren't lying?" She hissed.

"You really think we'd side with those wretches?" I spat like even thinking of them disgusted me. Mace smirked a little.

"Grab onto Skulls tail and don'ts let go. We've got a show to catch." He said. I was scared of what that meant, but I forced a smirk and we all liked arms. I grabbed onto Skull's tail and he towed us along at a very fast pace. I didn't know what we were getting ourselves into, but I hoped it would help us get (Y/n out of here. It was time to pay for everything we had done, no matter how it had to be done.

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