Chapter 157

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Spring's POV

We arrived there with Dagger, Vinnie, Red, and Hanna ahead of us. Vinnie is a good actor and it's a good thing that older models like Madusa and Mace can't tell if somebody is lying or not like Connor can. We all stayed low, trying to find a backdoor type of entrance to the building before us. Amai spotted something. 

"Friends, this way! Isoide, isoide!" She said. We hurried after her. 

"Isoide?" Crow asked.

"It means hurry." Tucker replied. Amai sometimes uses Japenese words because she is a bilingual wolf. I liked it. I thought it helped her stand out. Tucker knew some because she had taught him some of their meanings.

"Follow me." She sid and tore off the vent cover. She climbed inside and we all crawled after her. We got inside and we all looked around. It was like a giant haunted factory. All the lights were purple mixed with green making me feel uncomfortable. Amai sniffed the air.

"This place is messing with my tracking. There is too much smoke and too many fumes. It smells foul!" She hissed in disgust. 

"Come on. We have to find her." Tucker said. We all listened for anything that could help us find (Y/n). We could only hear other voices very faintly over the sounds of the factory and all the machines in it. Then, we heard laughing. We all looked at each other and hurried along the overseeing walkway we were on to find the source of the noise. 

We looked over below over a steaming machine. It was hard to see through the smoke, but we were able to get a view. Soon enough, we spotted our friends, Mace, Madusa, and then another man. The strange man spoke first.

"She's all fixed and nearly ready to be finalized as one of us. I'm pleased the four of you came back to join us. Now we have more to help us fight those idiots who think they can still change things." He said. We all looked at each other worriedly.

"Where is the hybrid rat?" Vinnie asked. He is an AMAZING actor! That's what he should've gone into. I thought. I shook my head to clear it. Stay focused, Spring! You can think about that stuff later! I turned my attention back to the conversation happening below.

"She's further on, but we shut and locked the doors so we wouldn't have to listen to all the commotion. I can't allow anybody to watch though. The electricity in that room is somewhat unstable and if anything sparks out it could kill us." He said. I got really nervous. Electricity? She's in even more danger then! We've gotta get to her. I thought. I nudged Crow.

"We have to follow her sent to that room and break her out!" I whispered. The others nodded and Amai led the way toward a staircase going to the bottom floor. I knew they'd spot us if we tried to sneak past. I got an idea. "Crow, do you think you can pose as Vinnie's pet? You can pretend to sound the alarm and lead them away while we go for (Y/n)." I said. He nodded and messaged Vinnie. Vinnie got the message because I saw him glance over at us. The three of us hid as best we could and they activated the plan.

"Heh, I should've known that mutt would follow me. Come on, Crow. You can stop being a sneak now." Vinnie said. Crow padded out his head held high and they all turned, their full attention on him.

"It's yours?" Madusa asked.

"Yes. I told him to stay home, but he always ignores those types of orders unless he knows it's for the best. He's a bit of a scoundrel." Vinnie said. Then, Crow started barking. Vinnie pretended to look confused and alarmed. "What is it, boy?" He asked. Crow growled and ran, barking angrily as he led them away.

"Hey! I think he's got something!" Vinnie shouted and they all hurried after him. We hurried away, following the faint whiff of (Y/n)'s scent. We came across a door with a piece of wood blocking it. We all worked together to get it off the door. It dropped with a loud thud. That sound echoed down the hall and into the rest of the factory. 

"We better hurry. Somebody was bound to hear that." I said. 

"Alright girls, push!" Tucker shouted and we all launched our top halves at the door. It swung open, but we all froze in shock. 

"What are they doing!?" Tucker howled.

"Oh no!" Amai yelped. I raced forward to stop that machine. 

"WAIT! SPRING DON'T!" Tucker shouted. I heard a loud zap sound and I saw a flash before a burning pain ripped through my body and I collapsed. I blacked out instantly, hearing my friends screaming behind me.


Connor's POV

We all kept going, but the signal suddenly turned into an SOS. We all knew that meant we had to hurry. Something was happening. Oreon, Bandit, Galaxy, and I led the way as fast as we could without being noticed.

Soon enough, we came across this big factory-like building. We were all confused as to why this was here. Then, we heard the rest of our friends arrive after us. We all retreated to the trees to figure out what to do next.

"What are we gonna do? We can't just rush in there. We could risk everyone else's lives if we do." Valentine said.

"Well, we can't just sit here and discuss it for hours either!" North whisper shouted.

"We need a plan, North. It's the safest course of action." Markus told her.

"We need to get in there." Oreon said.

"Well, that much was already obvious." Hank muttered.

"So, anybody got anything?" Daren asked.

"Maybe half of us can lure them outside while the other half goes inside to help." Zora suggested.

"It could work, but how would we lure them out?" Jax asked.

"We could impersonate some guards and shout that intruders were spotted outside. That would lure them out, right?" Jacob said.

"Yes, but that would also give us away once they got outside." Roxy pointed out.

"Not if we hid." Jacob countered. Suddenly, we heard howling and shouting coming from inside the building. I swallowed hard.

"I think it's a little late for plans now."

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