Chapter 162

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You ran back to him. Valentine was already there beside him. So was Ralph. They were his closest friends aside from you. Valentine was doing her best to stop his health from depleting. His breathing was shaky and heavy. You were scared. Seeing him like this hurt you emotionally. 

"Is he going to be okay?" You asked Val.

"I don't know." She whimpered. "He's lost a lot of blood, but if he shuts down again there's no telling what that'll do to his memory. He can't just upload it like Connor used to be able to. He could be erased completely." 

"H-hey....s-stop crying you guys. I-I've made it through worse." You all looked at him as he tried to joke.

"Oreon...just shut up, you idiot." You said, trying to keep yourself from crying.

"Hey...I'm fine, sis. I-it's not that bad."

"W-why did you do that?" You asked. He smiled a little.

"Because you matter more than I do."

"That's not true!" You shouted.

"(Y/n), you can do more good than I ever could. I wasn't going to let her kill you."

"Why do you have yourself convinced that I don't care, Oreon!? You've saved my life more than once now and you still act as if you don't matter!? Oreon, you're my brother and you have no idea how much that actually means to me! You have no idea how much you actually mean to all of us! So shut up already!" You snapped, tears rolling down your face. He looked stunned.


"I-I can't lose you." You whispered. He smiled.

"I could say the same for you." He said. He looked tired and you knew what was happening. Please no...

"Oreon..." Valentine cried, looking desperate. He looked at her.

"Love you, Val." 

"Oreon, please!" She cried. His blue eyes met yours. You stared at him, unable to move or even breath. 

Android known as Oreon: Shutdown time: 0:10-0:09-0:08

"I love you, sis." Tears rushed down your face. You couldn't help it any longer. You hugged him tighter than ever, your nails digging into his shirt as your tears fell onto the snow.

"I love you too, Oreon." 

"Don't let go of your chance, okay?" He whispered. You pulled back, but it was already too late. His eyes were closed and he was still. You felt your heart ache. 

"I won't." You promised. You let go and knelt there as Valentine leaned in and kissed his cheek. You felt a hand grip your arm and gently pull you up. You rested your head on Connor's chest as he held you close to him. 

Soon enough, officers and ambulances had arrived and the staff was helping whoever they needed to. You just stayed with Connor. Eventually, you were lead away and you were sitting in a car. You hardly remembered the drive home. You were in bed before you knew it. Connor was still laying next to you. You cuddled into his arms. He gently ran his hand through your hair. 

"Are you alright?" He asked. You sid nothing for the longest time. 

"I don't know." He kissed your forehead. "I just...I didn't want to lose my brother again." 

"I know. Collin said they would do there best to recover him, but he couldn't promise anything." 

"Connor, is it finally over?" You asked.

"Yes. It's over, love." 

"I just want to live a normal life." He kissed your forehead.

"We will, okay?"

"I hope so."

"We will have a normal life, (Y/n). I promise. Everything is going to be fine, now."

"Connor, how can our lives be normal if we aren't normal ourselves?" He sighed.

"Just because you're special doesn't mean we can't have the kind of life you want, love. I know it'll never be entirely normal, but that's okay. I didn't fall in love with normal anyway." You smiled a little at his attempt to lighten the mood.

"I love you, Connor. We'll always be together now, right? won't leave me?" He kissed you on the lips for a few short moments.

"I will not leave you for anyone, anything, or any reason at all. Wherever you go and whatever you want to do, I'll follow you." He promised. You smiled.

"I know."

"You will never lose me, (Y/n). Not entirely." 

"I know, Connor. And I can say the same to you."

"I love you, (Y/n)."

"I love you too, Connor."

"It's over."

"It's over."

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