Chapter 21

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Connor's POV

She pulled away, and I couldn't even comprehend what had just happened. She looked at the ground shyly. She spoke softly as well, but...there was a sort of warmth in her voice as she did.

"I'll see you tomorrow." She glanced back at me with a smile as she headed inside. "Goodnight, Connor." The door closed and after a moment I came to my senses to leave. I began to walk away from the house, still baffled by what had just happened. What...was that? Why did she do it? Why did it 

I had many questions about the event that had just taken place, but one of them stood out more than all the others. Why had I liked it so much? I didn't understand it at all.

As I thought about it, I began to wonder if that was why she had did it. Did she want to feel that as well? I wasn't supposed to be able to truly feel things. Why was she messing with me like that? Was it all just  joke? 

My head began to spin with question after question, none of which had a definite answer to them. It was just over and over again. Why this, why that, why me, why her? I've...never had this much trouble understanding anything. Why is a girl making this so hard? I needed to sit down for a moment. 

I sat down at a bench, not really taking in where I was. For the first time, I was lost and nonobservant of anything. I sat there, thinking so hard I thought I would make myself malfunction. Then again, was I already malfunctioning? 

The questions just kept coming. I groaned, rubbed my forehead as it felt like I as overheating. I must calm down. I didn't really know how to do that. I had always been so neutral about everything. Yes, I had choices to make and yes, I had a side I was on, but that had always seemed so simple. Everything had been simple. Find the deviant and turn it in. That was my job. Stop the deviants. Now...I had people around me who were having affects on that. Whether they were positive or negative, I didn't really know.

I leaned back with a sigh, looking up at the sky. I paused. "Aren't they beautiful? The sky is so clear tonight. They look like sparkles." I hadn't been looking at the stars in the moment. I had been looking at her eyes, making the comparisons from her words to her own eyes. I had felt something in that moment. I remembered myself smiling a little at her. "Yes. They do." I hadn't been talking about the stars. I had been talking about her eyes. I hadn't even realized that to its full extent until now. I thought her EYES were beautiful. Why...why had I thought that? 

I was so confused. Was I thinking too deeply into this, or was there something behind it all? I remembered how she had held my cheek earlier. I remembered my face feeling warm and my thirium pump for some odd reason had increased in speed. There was something about her that I just couldn't place. I remembered Hank's words from earlier. "Emotions always screw everything up. Maybe androids aren't as different from us as we thought." I began to debate on that. No...androids and humans are not the same. But...none of that explains what's happening to me. I sighed again and kept looking at the stars. I...I don't know what to do. 

Then a saw something whisk by in the sky. I was surprised by it. A comet, or as most humans would call it a 'shooting star'. I knew about comets. It was nothing out of the ordinary. For some reason though, it made me smile.

*Software Instability ^^^*  

It really IS a beautiful night.

Your POV


You walked into the living room and saw everyone was there except Oreon. They all looked over at you. 

"(Y/n)! You're back!" Jaden said.

"Where were you? It's late!" Claira asked.

"Sorry guys. I went for a walk with Connor." You explained.

"Wait..with Connor?" Roxy asked. 

"Yes. Why?" 

"Do him?"

"What? No!" You said quickly, not wanting them to know about your crush.

"Then why were you out with him?" Jacob asked.

"He offered to walk me home so we just walked around and talked for a bit. That's all." You replied. 

"Aww! That sounds so nice!" Nelly said. You smiled a little.

"Yeah. It really was."

Oreon's POV

*A few minutes earlier*

I was worried. Very worried. Why wasn't she home yet? Should I call her? Should I call the department? Should I-? I spotted moment outside through the window. I had been pacing by the door and everyone else was waiting worriedly in the living room. 

I peeked out the window. I saw her talking with Connor. I watched, interested. I wished I could've heard what they were saying, but the door and wall took care of that one. I saw that Connor was talking, but then...I froze. She kissed him. She had just KISSED him. I was shocked. 

I watched the two of them and I noticed something. Connor hadn't kissed back. I felt anger welling up inside of me. I knew it. I refused to watch any longer. I stalked down the hall toward the basement so she wouldn't see me when she came inside. 

I leaned against the wall, arms crossed. He didn't kiss her back. It only shows that he doesn't even care. He would've kissed her if he cared. He's tricking her. He was tricking all of us from the start! I have to do something. I remembered our supplies down in the basement. We also had things to defend ourselves if need be. I got an idea. I knew it was risky on a number of levels and accounts, but it was even more risky if I didn't do it. I can't let him hurt them. I can NOT let him hurt her. I have to protect them. I'm the only one that can see it. He's dangerous. He was dangerous from the start. I trust (Y/n) with my life, but I have to trust myself too.

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