Chapter 98

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Bandit's POV

I curled up with Galaxy. I was exhausted and she was too. It was the end of the crazy insane battle filled day. Oreon, Kamski, Jaden, and Kamski's androids had made sure (Y/n) and Connor would be stable overnight. At best, Connor would be fixed in 4 days. At worst, it would be double that. That's what Oreon estimated. I understood why nobody wanted to stay up. Today had been long and laboring. I curled up around my mate and she cuddled up to me.

"Do you think (Y/n) will be the same?" She asked. I sighed.

"I don't know." I replied.

"I hope she is." Galaxy said.

"Me too." I replied.

"Will everything finally go back to normal?" She asked.

"I don't know that either, Galaxy." I replied honestly.

"I hope we can have a peaceful life now." She said. I licked her cheek.

"Me too, my love. Me too."

Tucker's POV

I was cleaning Amai's fur. She had gotten a little bloody and she said she felt disgusting. I had turned off all my taste sensors and I cleaned her. She had fallen asleep to the soft rhythm of my strokes. I glanced around, seeing all of my friends were getting ready to end the day as well. I soon finished cleaning her pelt and I nuzzled her cheek.

"Sleep tight, my little furball." I said. She unconsciously curled up closer to me. I smiled and I curled up tightly around her. I looked around. Crow was with Spring, Bandit was with Galaxy, Flame was with Speckle, and then the cat family was all together. I smiled. All of us had somebody to care for. I couldn't help thinking of Connor and (Y/n) though. It was as if everything was trying to pull them apart while the rest of us were doing everything to keep them together. I sighed mentally. I guess as long as they're still together, it doesn't matter what's thrown at them. They'll always be strong enough to fight back against all of that. I believe that. I thought. 

With that, I knew it was time for me to get some rest. I raised my head with a yawn before curling up around Amai once more. I smiled as I heard her soft breaths and I felt her warm body against mine. I closed my eyes, giving her one last lick goodnight before falling asleep myself.

Aurora's POV

I walked alongside Collin to his room. I was happy to finally have an owner. He had renamed me Aurora. I liked that name. I had named myself Winter before because I hadn't wanted something dark like Shadow even though a lot of animals said that name would suit me. Collin named me Aurora because my stripes looked like the Northern Lights.

 Collin named me Aurora because my stripes looked like the Northern Lights

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(I HAD to use this picture. It's freaking AWESOME!)

As we walked along, he let me in first once we got to his room. I chuffed thankfully at him. Us tiger's don't really roar a lot. I'm an android tiger, so I can roar, but I wasn't going to roar at him for opening a door. Collin walked in and sat down on the bed. He took off his jacket and hung it up. I watched as he laid down, staying flat on his back. I decided the bed was big enough for both of us. I hopped up and he sat up, looking at me. My electric green eyes met his icey blue ones and he smiled a little at me. He scooted over and I ducked under the covers. I laid down and he pet me gently before we both went to sleep.

The next morning Collin was up earlier to go help Markus with addressing some important things about Cyberlife and his plans for it. He and Markus were going to discuss the plans and rights of it so that way they could work on helping androids work even better alongside humans.

I went to go see my friends. They were all running around the large pet wing playing tag. I chuckled and sat down with the non-participants because I didn't feel like playing. I just wanted to watch. 

I sat next to Bandit and Galaxy who were also just watching the game. I liked Galaxy because she was a lot like me. Her fur was really pretty in my opinion. We all watched as Rebel chased after Streak. I chuckled as Streak tried to evade her. Rebel was very fast actually. I wouldn't have thought she could run that fast.

"So, Collin adopted you, Winter?" Galaxy asked.

"It's Aurora now." I replied. She smiled.

"Oh that's pretty! I like it! Are you okay with it?" She asked.

"He wouldn't have named me Aurora if I wasn't okay with it." I said.

"True." She replied. We watched as Flame was tagged by Streak and he started chasing after Tucker. We chuckled as Tucker nearly crashed into Crow as he raced away from Flame.

"I'm sorry to hear about your owners." I said.

"Connor and (Y/n) will be fine. They're both strong. They'll make it through." Galaxy said.

"Of course. I know that. I'm just sorry to hear that happened." I said.

"I know. It's alright." Galaxy replied. I smiled and nodded to her.

"So, what do you think is gonna happen next?" I asked.

"In the game, or with everything else?" She joked.

"In the game I assume Tucker is going to be the next victim." I chuckled as Flame barked,


"Watch me, you maniac!" I laughed along with Bandit and Galaxy at their behavior.

"Agreed." She giggled. "But with everything else? I honestly can't say. I just hope things go up from here." She said. I nodded.

"I feel the same. I'm sure Collin will turn Cyberlife into something good though. I have faith in him and Markus. I'm sure both of them can make this world a better place for all races." I said. She nodded.

"Indeed." She replied. We watched the game, our heads swinging from side to side as they all raced back and forth and back again. I smiled, my tail curling around my paws to keep it out of the way of Crow's thundering paws. I smiled. Things will get better. I'm sure of it.

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