Chapter 88

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Collin's POV

I landed on the shore and the others hurried over to us. Oreon looked weary of me at first, but he looked too worried about Connor to care.

"Where's (Y/n)?" Markus asked.

"I couldn't get both of them out. Connor was too badly damaged and there wasn't enough time to help (Y/n)." I explained. Markus nodded.

"We need to get him back, come on! We've gotta hurry!" Markus said and we all hurried to New Jericho. We were able to get him back before he shut down. Jaden, Oreon, and Josh all had to work together to make sure he didn't lose any more blood. 

I waited with the rest of the group. They were all kind of weird around me, but I couldn't blame them. Markus was the only one that seemed to already trust me completely. I didn't understand why he just did. 

It was hours that the three of them were in there. I was still new to this, so I was only concerned for Connor. Would he be fixed in time for us to get (Y/n) back from Cyberlife? I was hoping he would be. 

I knew I should've been more concerned, but I just...wasn't. I guess I really was exactly what Alisandra wanted. I was purely serious about things, I could pick up humor, but not often. I didn't really understand it.  

As we waited, the others started growing more curious about me. Nelly came up to me and asked how we got down so fast. I was relieved that somebody was actually talking to me.

"We fell." I replied.

"You fell down 101 stories!?" Jacob asked.

"Not all at once and technically it was only 74 of the stories we fell down." I replied.

"Whoa." Jax said, impressed. Soon, Jaden came back.

"He's up." She said. We all quickly followed her, Hank in the lead. As soon as he saw him, Hank tackled Connor in a hug.

"Fuck's sake Connor! I told you NOT to give me a heart attack!" He said. Connor chuckled lightly.

"Sorry, Lieutenant." Hank sighed.

"I'm just glad you got out of there, son." Hank replied making Connor smile.

" that he's out how are we going to get (Y/n) out?" Roxy asked

"We storm Cyberlife." I replied. They all looked at me like I was insane. "If anybody has a secretive way to retrieve (Y/n) before the deadline, then I'm listening." 

"But storming Cyberlife is suicide!" Claira said.

"Yeah, that's insane!" Jacob agreed.

"It's not a suicide mission. With my calculations, if everyone goes then it should be enough to overpower them. I took down 17 men. Cyberlife has around 120 men. They'd be at around 100 now and there are more than 100 androids that have stayed in New Jericho." I said. 

"But they're trained soldiers!" Nelly exclaimed.

"If you can aim and operate a gun, then it's evenly matched." I said.

"Collin is right." Markus said. "It's the only way."

"I still don't understand why there's a deadline. What is Alisandra even planning?" Jacob asked.

"She wants to wipe out all deviants and she has a special weapon to do so, but she needs an android to execute it." I said.

"What is this weapon?" Markus asked.

"I don't have that information. Alisandra only trusted Richard with it. It was her last failsafe if anything ever did happen, which it did. It's the reason she wanted (Y/n), though. I heard her saying that because (Y/n) was important among others, that it would be easy for her to kill the deviants. I don't know how she is going to use (Y/n), but that's why she wanted her." I explained.

"I knew I should've told her." Jaden said.

"What?" Daren asked.

"When I fixed (Y/n) that one time after Connor carried her here, I found out that she was a cyborg. She has a mainly android body, but she has some of her human organs and she has her mind. Her mind was altered because of the chips and wires connected to it, making her an amnesiac to her previous life and giving her an android mind with her personality attached to it. It's why she's the only RK500 because they could never perfectly replicate her." Jaden explained. I nodded.

"Exactly." I agreed.

"So that's why she can drown. She actually does need to breathe." Connor said.

"Yes. She has most of her nerve track, her emotional track is all there, and she has most of her organs. The only replaced one is her heart. It's what allows her to live as long as a normal android would. With thirium and a replaceable machine heart, she can live as long as any of us can." I explained. "The balance in her body is a perfect combination of machine and flesh. It's her greatest strength, but it's also what makes her so fragile."

"Well, now that we know all of that, back to how are we going to get her out and what's going on in that creepy lady's mind." Hank said.

"Right. Alisandra believes that Cyberlife is the most powerful thing in the world, even more powerful than the government. She wants to have control over everything and I do mean everything. She thinks that with such great power she will be untouchable. She sees ranks as the most important thing and she thinks she should be the one to determine everyone's rank." I explained.

"So that places herself on top." Hank pieced together.

"I hardly knew Alisandra. She always seemed so happy, but I could see past her good girl act. I knew she was crazy, but I could never tell Amanda what I believed." Kamski said.

"That's probably why Amanda was so strict in my software." Connor said. I nodded.

"The Amanda in your software was an alerted version of the actual human, Amanda Stern. It's how Alisandra wanted her mother to be." I explained.

"Alright. We can't waste any more time. We need to get everyone ready. Collin, how long do we have until the 'weapon' is ready?" Markus asked.

"17 hours, 29 minutes, and 18 seconds." I replied. Markus nodded.

"Right. Let's go!" He said.

"Wait! We're not seriously storming Cyberlife, are we!?" Jacob asked.

"That's exactly what we're doing." Markus replied.

"Fuckin' A, that's insane!" Hank said.

"It's the only way." Markus replied. Connor hurried up next to me.

"You're sure this should work?" He asked. I looked at him.

"It should, but that's all I can promise you."

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