Chapter 108

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"(Y/n)? Are you there, love? Can you hear me?" You groaned slightly. You slowly began to feel your body waking up. "(Y/n), I'm here. Come on, wake up." Your eyes began to open. At first, the light was blinding, but then it was blocked out by something. Or rather...someone. Your lips curled into a hazy smile.

"C-Connor?" His brown eyes sparkled with joy as he smiled at you.

"Yes, angel. It's me." He said, cupping your cheek. You reached out for him and he took your hand. He pulled your entire body into his arms, hugging you tightly. "I missed you so much, (Y/n). You have no idea how much I missed you." He told you.

"C-Connor...I-mph!" He kissed you, not caring that he cut you off. You kissed back, not really caring either. Still a little too dazed to do much else, you could only kiss back for the moment. Connor held you close, caressing your body with more care an affection then you'd ever seen in him before. When he pulled away, you smiled at him. 

"I love you so much." You wrapped your arms around him and pulled him back down toward you.

"Shut up and kiss me again, you dork." He gladly kissed you again, pulling you up so you were sitting on his lap. You both kissed each other like you would never get to do it again. You felt your heart beating rapidly. Your grip on him tightened as he did the same with you. Once you had run out of breath you pulled away, panting slightly. Connor chuckled, brushing some stray hairs out of your face. You saw happy tears rolling down his face. 

"You're really here." He breathed, holding you as close as he could.

"Oh, Connor." You held him tightly, kissing his tears away. "It's okay, Connor. I'm here. I'm here, now." He held you as close as he could. 

"(Y/n)...I thought I lost you." He whispered. You kissed his cheek.

"It's okay. I'm back and this time I'm not going anywhere." You said. He smiled.

"You better not, because I don't think I can handle you scaring me like that again." He chuckled. You smiled.

"I love you, Connor." You said.

"I love you too, (Y/n)." He replied softly. You smiled. "Come on. If I remember anything, it's how exhausted I was when I woke up." You giggled. He carried you off and you smiled at him.


"Yes?" He asked.

"How long have I been out?" You asked. He frowned a little.

"Five...weeks." He muttered. You were stunned.

"Oh, Connor, I'm so sorry-"

"No. It's okay. I got to visit you and now you're okay. That's all the matters. Besides, the wait was very much completely worth it." He told you. You smiled.

"I'm still sorry for it all. If I hadn't gone looking for Oreon...none of this would've happened." You said.

"(Y/n), don't start with that. It doesn't matter, okay? You're here now and everything is as it should be. Everything is finally going to get better." He told you. You smiled.

"Okay." You said softly. You let him take you to a room which you assumed was where he'd been staying recently. He laid you down and then he gave your forehead a kiss. 

"I'm going to be back soon. I just wish to get some things taken care of. Try to get some proper rest. You need it." You nodded.

"Okay." You said.

"I'll tell you everything that's happened later, alright? Does that sounds good, love?" He asked.

"Yeah." You said after a yawn. He smiled.

"Rest well, my love." You smiled.

"Thank you, Connor." You said and he closed the door. You closed your eyes and you rested. You didn't want to fall asleep until he got back, so you rested, waiting for him to return.

Connor's POV

She was really back. I had never felt more overjoyed in my life. I raced to tell the others the good news. I wanted to tell everybody that she ws okay. I knew that everyone was probably anxious ever since I ran after after Chloe arrived. Once I arrived, I saw everybody was looking nervous and chatting amongst themselves about what had happened. Nelly was the first to spot me.

"Connor!" She said. They all hurried over and the attention was all on me. "Is (Y/n) okay?" Dell asked. I smiled.

"She perfectly fine." I said. They all looked thrilled.

"SHE'S ALIVE!" Roxy cheered. The room burst into celebration, for every in New Jericho knew about (Y/n) and her condition.  

"Where is she now?" Jax asked.

"Resting. I told her I'd be right back, but I thought all of you deserved to know right away." I explained. They smiled.

"Thanks, Connor." Jaden said.

"Now go on! You better get back to her!" Roxy said. I nodded and I hurried off again. I soon got back to my room and I walked inside. I saw (Y/n)'s eyes open and she turned her head. She smiled at me. 

"That didn't take too long." She said. I chuckled.

"I told you to get some sleep." I said.

"I will, now that you're here." She replied. I smiled. I laid down next to her, pulling her close to me. It felt so wonderful to hold her in my arms again. Everything was so amazing. Her voice, her smile, her eyes, just everything seemed so unreal, but it was real. She was truly back. I didn't have to watch her anymore. I didn't have to just sit in a chair and wait for her to wake up. She was back and I was going to keep it that way. Now that the world was a safer place for us androids, I hoped we could finally start the life we wanted.

"Get some sleep, now." I told her. She nodded, cuddling up to me. 

"Okay, I will." She chuckled lightly. I smiled. She closed her eyes and I kissed her forehead. She cuddled closer to me and she soon fell asleep. I smiled at her as she stayed there, curled up close to me and wrapped tightly in my arms. It wasn't a dream. I finally had her for real. We were together and that was all that matter to me.

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