Chapter 41

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Kara's POV

We were in a taxi. Rose was taking us to a place where we could get help. Luther was in the back with Alice. Alice was sleeping and he was watching over her.

Alice Status: Family

Luther Status: Trusted

I decided to play some music. I didn't really know why. I just thought it would be nice. Music is a way humans calm themselves, why wouldn't it work the same for androids? I looked out the window. I soon found that didn't help calm me down. I saw two soldiers with an android. They shoved him to the ground.

"They've been conducting raids all over the city. Everybody is on edge after what happened yesterday." Rose said. "It's gonna be alright. We're almost there." She told me. I turned on the news. There was a lady on the screen.

"With all androids being turned over to authorities, the country is grinding to a halt. Hospitals and schools are closing. Water cuts, blackouts, and network failures are expected. Maybe most worrying of all, our armed forces have lost two-thirds of its effective personnel." Rose changed it.

"How about some music instead?" She said, clearly uncomfortable with the news on. I didn't argue. I hoped we'd get there soon. I was getting anxious. We needed to get Alice to a safe place. We needed to cross the border. It was the safest place, but it was one of the hardest to get to. We had to get there. It was the only way.

Soon, we came to a stop. Rose got out first. I followed her. Then Luther came out. I helped Alice out of the taxi. I held her hand for a short moment before going to talk to Rose.

"A little further on that way, there's a large freighter called Jericho. When you get there, find Markus and (Y/n). They'll help you. The last bus for the border leaves at midnight. You absolutely have to be on it. You'll be safe on the other side." She said. She reached into her pocket and gave me 50 dollars. "It's not much, but it's a start." She said. "My brother lives in Ontario, I've given you his address. He'll be able to hide you until things calm down." Then, she turned to Alice. "You're a very brave little girl, Alice. You deserve to be happy." They hugged.

"Thank you for everything, Rose." I said.

"Let me know when you make it over, alright?" Rose said, hugging me next. "And be careful." She told me. I nodded. Then, she turned to Luther. "Take care of them." He nodded. With that, Rose left. Luther picked up Alice and set her on his shoulder.

"Come on girls. Better not hang around. We have a bus to catch." He said. I nodded and we carried on. I lead the way to Jericho. We soon arrived. I was relieved to be in a safe place. Now, it was time to find Markus or (Y/n) or maybe both of them. I had hope. We could do this. I could do this.

Connor's POV

I soon arrived in Jericho. I looked around. The news was on and many deviants were watching it. I noticed how many there were. There were a lot of chances for me to get caught. I had to be careful.

Don't catch anyone's attention

I kept going. I took in my surroundings. I spotted something out of the corner of my eye. It was a hint of yellow against the background. I knew that yellow color anywhere. It was Bandit and his brother, Flame. They were hanging out with a bunch of other animals. Bandit held his head high. I dodged out of his sight line. I couldn't be seen, but I felt a hint of sadness, remembering how happily the two wolves had greeted me before. I forced myself to push it away. I had to keep going.

Markus' POV

I took the few minutes I needed to get my head straight. Suddenly, a woman walked in. I didn't notice right away because I was too lost in thought to acknowledge her.

"Are you Markus?" I looked up at her. It was clear she was new to Jericho. I listened to her. "I'm with a little girl and another android. There's a bus leaving for the border in less than 2 hours, and we need passports." She said. I was confused.

"No, Detroit's under curfew. There're soldiers everywhere and they're rounding up all androids and sending them to camps. Maybe you should, stay here awhile." Markus told her. It was probably best if she stayed with us. She'd be safer here.

"Maybe you're right. We might be safer here until things calm down." She agreed. Markus spoke up again.

"One of our people used to work in the State Department. He has electronic passports he can easily modify. I'll have him get them to you." Markus said. She smiled.

"Thank you." She said. She began to leave.

"You said you're with a little girl, right?" Markus asked. "You know that humans hate us. Why are you protecting her?" He asked.

"She needs me. And I need her." She replied.

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