Chapter 163

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You and Connor had been living together peacefully for a week now with Zyra and Cinder. They kind of saw you both as their parents and thanks to the help of Kamski and Collin, you'd figured out a way for them to 'grow up'. Kamski said that Zyra showed signs of high intelligence and was very adaptable. So was Cinder. They had come up with the idea of downloading their memory and then transferring it into an older version of themselves as they grew up. You thought it was a cool way for them to develop. It was different, but the girls liked the idea, so they had eagerly gone for it.

The girls were visiting with Hank and all three of you had the weekend off. Connor was sitting next to you on the couch, holding you in his arms. You enjoyed being with him, but you missed Oreon. The thought almost never left your mind. Valentine almost never left his side at the Cyberlife Tower. She practically lived there. Ralph had gotten himself a pet turtle to keep him company. He also had Nelly who lived with him now. So many things had changed and, while it all felt strange, it felt like things were beginning to change for the better. Finally, things were settling down. you couldn't say things had gone back to normal though. You didn't feel like you were there yet. 

As you were watching TV with Connor, there was a knock at the door. You both looked at each other. You got up and he followed you. You opened the door and you smiled as you saw Roxy and Nelly there. 

"Hey, guys." You greeted.

"Hey, (Y/n)! We were wondering if you wanted to come with us for a girls day out." Roxy said. You smiled.

"Sure. I'd love to. Just let me get changed into proper clothes first. Come on. You guys can sit in the living room. You let them in and Connor greeted the two. They greeted him back and you smiled over your shoulder at them before heading up to get changed.

Connor's POV

"So you're going to ask her tonight?" Roxy asked.

"Yes. It's time. I...I want to do this." They smiled.

"You got this, Connor." Roxy said.

"She'll be so happy about it!" Nelly agreed.

"And don't worry. If anyone is good at distracting people, it's Claira. You don't even need us." Roxy said. Nelly chuckled and nodded in agreement. 

"You really think she'll be happy about it?" I asked.

"That girl is 100% likely to be happy about it. If not more than that." Roxy said.

"You have nothing to worry about, Connor." Nelly agreed. We heard footsteps. 

"Goodluck, Connor." Roxy whispered. I smiled thankfully at them before (Y/n) arrived. She hugged me and I hugged back.

"Bye, Con. I'll see you a little later." She said, planting a kiss on my cheek. I smiled warmly at her.

"Okay. Have fun, love." I said. She smiled with a chuckle.

"I'm sure I will. See ya." She said and headed out with the girls. I smiled and waved goodbye to her as they left. I headed outside and instantly started setting up for tonight. The guys were coming to help soon. I had told them to just come in since I was going to get started right away. When they arrived, I smiled.

"Hey, Connor! Tonight's the big night, huh?" Daren said.

"I suppose it is." I said.

"Yup, he's nervous." Jax said.

"I have every right to have...concerns." I said.

"You've got nothing to worry about, Connor. It's gonna be fine." Dell said.

"Yes! Ralph believes that things will go well!" 

"You have little to be nervous about, Connor. The probability that she will accept is 94.8%. You should already know this." Collin agreed.

"Yeah. How long have you both been together?" Vinnie asked.

"We haven't even been together for a year." I said. 

"Well...uh....alright so not that long, but come on! She cares a lot about you. Trust us, man." Vinnie said. Vinnie and Red had become a part of the group as well as Dagger and Hanna. They were all very nice actually. They had just been dragged into the wrong things because of their fear and anger. It could happen to anyone, really.

"Come on. Let's stop standing around and get to work." Jacob said. We nodded and kept going. It was going to take a while to get everything together, but I knew it would be worth it. I wanted tonight to be special for her. I just hoped everything was going to go well. I couldn't not be nervous. It was hard not to think of the opposite outcome of the hoped-for outcome. Just breathe. I told myself. Relaxing myself worked a lot better than anything else. All I had to do was remain calm and collected. I could do this. I knew I could. Besides, there was no turning back now.

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