Chapter 118

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(WARNING! Mature content ahead!)

You and Connor relaxed together in the tub. The warm water was pleasing to soak in, but it quickly became hotter. It started out innocent enough. Connor gently rubbed your sides, shoulders, and back. You hummed happily as he did, relaxing further into his touch. 

The thought of where you knew he was going was ever present though. You wanted to try and tease him, but you had a better idea. You just relaxed, letting him run his hands over your body. It did loosen you up a great deal. You did tease him a little, crossing your legs so he couldn't reach certain areas. He noticed and you caught his lips curling into a grin. You could almost tell exactly what he was thinking. Challenge accepted. 

You felt his hands slowly start to drift lower down your back. You bit your lips just for a moment, excitement sparking through your body. He grabbed your ass and you couldn't help biting your lip a little harder. You heard Connor chuckle. He must've been watching you very carefully. 

His hands glided up to your breasts and he leaned forward to nibble on your neck. You let out a tiny moan. You were fighting the urge to beg him for more. Connor seemed to know this because it only made his teasing get worse. His thumbs rubbed circles over your sensitive little buds and he began to suck on your neck instead. You let out tiny moans and whimpers. Connor suddenly stopped. You felt his hot breath against your ear.

"Come on, (Y/n). You know you want it. Your heart rate is elevated and you're practically melting at my touch. You know you want more~" You bit your lip, shutting your eyes, trying not to admit to him how aroused you were. "Do you want me to touch you~? Do you want me to make you melt~? All you have to do is say it~" He whispered. You smiled, still biting your lip. You unwrapped your legs, spreading them for him. He grinned. "What was that~?" You looked back at him, eyes begging.

"Connor...please..." His hand went to your core and his fingers began to do their work. You moaned, laying back against him. He chuckled and kept going, pleasuring you. You kept moaning for him.

"See? I told you~" He said. You gave him a playful glare.

"D-don't get cocky again." You said. He just chuckled and he kept toying with you. You then felt his fingers gliding ever so close to your entrance. You bit your lip, rubbing against him slightly. He groaned at the friction, but he got the message. He slipped a finger into you and you moaned, laying your head back on his shoulder and fully exposing your neck. He took advantage of this and began to bite and suck on the exposed skin. "Con~" You moaned as he added another finger. 

"Does my girl like this~?" You moaned in response. He smirked and kissed your cheek. "You're so cute like this~" He said. You glared at him with a grin on your lips. You felt your climax building. You were panting and moaning as it grew closer. 

"C-Connor...I-I'm...I-I'm gonna cum~" You managed to moan out. You gasped as you felt his tongue lick up your neck.

"Then do it~" You smirked, loving the lust littered in his words. You gasped and bit your lip hard as you hit your climax. You bucked your hips slightly as you rode it out. Connor picked you up and set you on the edge of the tub. You didn't have time to question it. His face was buried in your heat in second. You moaned louder, gripping his shoulders tightly, your nails leaving marks in his synthetic skin. He played with you for a few seconds before hungrily shoving his tongue inside you. You yelped in surprise at the quick entry, but it quickly turned into more moans. Your hands went up to his hair, gripping it and effectively messing it up. Soon enough you came again and Connor lifted his head swallowing it in front of you. You glared at him.

"Y-you damn tease." You said. He shrugged.

"What?" He asked innocently. You rolled your eyes. He grabbed you and turned you around. You gasped as he pushed you forward onto the tile and into the edge of the tub. 

"C-Connor!? What are-ah!" You yelped as he pushed into you. He didn't say anything, thrusting in and out of you. You moaned as your body rocked in sync with his. "C-Connor~!" His hands gripped your sides as he kept going. His pace was steady, but you were moaning out for him more and more as time went on. Suddenly, he pushed you down a little more making your body touch the cold tile. You shivered and moaned at the feeling of it. You glanced back at him and you blushed insanely as you saw his lust filled expression. You cried out as he went faster. "Connor~!!" He groaned and grunted as he kept going. 

"F-fuck..." You heard him mutter a curse under his breath. You found the strength to push back against him, sending him deeper. Both of you moaned at this. 

"C-Con~ Ah~!!" 

"(Y-Y/n)~" He went faster and soon he lost his composure. He was moaning with you and you were practically screaming.


"(Y/n)~!!" You both came and you were panting hard. He pulled you back into his lap as you both laid back.

"Connor...I think I need to ask you something."

"Yes, darling?" He asked with a tired smile.

"How often are you going to be having sex with me now?" He chuckled. He kissed your cheek.

"My predictions have determined it to be higher, but that depends on what you say, love." He replied. You grinned. You kissed him.

"We'll see."

Saving the Broken (Connor x Deviant!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now