Chapter 149

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Connor's POV

Her being so weak from that wound was scary to me. I knew it had been a combination of her stress, exhaustion, and wound, but all of it just put me on edge. What she said to me had made me think though. "You'll always be here for me, right?" Of course I would be there for her, but it there was something on my mind. I pushed it aside for the time being. I had to focus. I had something to do and it was going to take longer since (Y/n) was sleeping on the couch.

I went to let the wolves in first. They came in and they curled up by the fire. I pet both of them and they both licked my hand happily. I smiled at them. They noticed (Y/n) sleeping and looked at me questioningly. 

"She had a long day." I replied softly. They nodded and made sure to stay quiet. I went up to our bedroom and I began to clean some things up. When I finished, I went back downstairs to check on her. She was still sound asleep. I smiled a little. She looked adorable like that. How I wanted to hold her and lay there with her in my arms, but that would be for later. 

I headed to the office like room and I sat down at the computer. I began to research about some of the things we'd learned, but then an Idea popped into my head. I wondered if it was the right thing to do. I decided I had to do it. I looked up information about (Y/n) (L/n). I was hoping I'd be able to find her history somewhere and maybe learn something that was important.

Through my digging, I found a couple of pictures of when she was younger. I smiled at them. They were cute and they were with old friends that I didn't know and she probably didn't remember. I wondered if any of them might have known anything, but I came to the conclusion that they probably didn't or didn't remember. It was a long time ago and (Y/n) probably would've asked her friends about it. It didn't add up anyway.

As I kept looking, I found more information on her and her parents, but nothing we didn't know or that was truly important. Then, I came upon something very interesting. I came upon her old home address before she moved in with Raymond. It was her parents' house. What was even more stunning was nobody lived there. It had been up for sale for years, but once it started to decay, they had condemned it. I bit my lip nervously, knowing my options. I could wake (Y/n) up and take her with, but she needed to rest. I could stay until she was better, but by that time we might be busy again and we wouldn't get to go look. Finally, I could go by myself and be back in a few hours. 

I knew (Y/n) would want to come with if I told her, but I felt that I needed to go alone. I had to know and I couldn't make her relive her past. It would only bring back bad memories for her. While I suspected it would bring back happy ones, I just couldn't make her feel that way again.

I got up and left the room, noting the address down in my head. I grabbed a sticky note and a pen and I began to write down a not for her if she woke up while I was gone. As I was writing, there was a knock at the door. I answered it and Chris was there with Cinder and Zyra.

"Hey, they said that you two offered to take them in. I thought I should bring them." He said. I felt like an idiot.

"Yes, we did. My apologies. Things have been chaotic and tiring lately." I said. 

"It's alright, Connor! It was fun hanging out with Chris!" Cinder said.

"We don't blame you. You have a lot to handle." Zyra agreed. I smiled, relieved that they weren't upset with me.

"Thank you for bringing them, Chris." I said.

"It's no problem. See ya later, Connor." 

"Goodbye, Chris." I replied, taking the two girls inside. They saw (Y/n) on the couch. 

"She needs her rest. Why don't you two go play in the other bedroom?" I said. They nodded and headed off. I turned to the wolves. "You both keep track of this place while I'm gone. I might be a while." I told them. They both nodded and I got ready to head back out. I grabbed my coat and the beanie that I still had. I headed out with the keys in my pocket and I walked out the front door, making sure it was locked behind me. If anybody were to come, I wanted to make sure they weren't able to get in if (Y/n) was still asleep. The wolves would know what to do to keep the kids away and Zyra was old enough to understand that little kids don't go to answer the door when no adults are up or around.

I got into the car and I started it up. I ran over the address in my head again and I headed out. I pulled out of the driveway and I began to make my way to the old house. I drove there in silence, thinking over the choice I had made. I trusted Galaxy and Bandit, but with everything going on I just wanted to stay by their sides. I knew they'd be fine though. I pushed my worries aside and kept going.

Oreon's POV

I was working feverishly at home to find some more answers. Why was this so complicated? Madusa and Mace were nowhere, the killer who must not be named vanished several years ago and we've gotten tidbits, but hardly anything that can actually help us catch him or at least figure out who he is. 

As I was looking I remembered a few things some people had told us. I ran through the tips they gave, but one of them stuck with me more than others. It was what Jamison had said. "Flowers will die if he's near." I thought about it. Where the hell would flowers wilt- It all made sense suddenly. I quickly began digging into it and I found exactly what I was looking for. Then, I thought about something else. How would they know we were heading to find Jamison? I felt my body freeze. Oh no...

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