Chapter 114

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The next day, you and Connor got dressed and got to work. You took a shower and Connor did too in the other bathroom. You both got ready and you looked around. Connor came up beside you.

"What first?" He asked. You hummed, thinking about it. 

"Let's get the curtains. I got all of our new things yesterday and since it's close they should all hopefully be here by anytime from noon to three." You said. Connor nodded. He helped you take down the curtains and you folded them up and set them aside for now. You soon got to work on the beds. You had to be careful about bringing them down the stairs, but it wasn't too difficult. Plus with Connor's strength, it wasn't too strenuous either.

After the first one was moved you went up and you got the next mattress down into the garage too. Then you both worked separately on the bed frames, taking them apart. After that, you both took a short break.

You collapsed on the couch and Connor chuckled. He gently pushed up your upper half so he could sit down before letting you back down, your head now resting in his lap. You smiled up at your lover. He smiled back, once again brushing some stray hairs out of your face. You giggled slightly. 

"Thanks, Con." You said. He leaned down and kissed your nose.

"No thanks needed, (Y/n)." He replied. You smiled and kissed him. He pulled your body up closer to his own as he returned the gesture. Your arms wrapped around his neck and his supported your weight under your back. You broke the kiss.

"We're like a pair of needy teenagers." You said.

"How so?" He asked.

"We do this every opportunity we get." You chuckled. He smiled.

"I do not see an issue with that." He said, pulling you close again. You smiled, cupping his cheek.

"Me either." You kissed again, slower and more loving instead of needy. You felt him pin you down to the couch, your body now encased beneath his. He never broke this kiss, even though your eyes had opened, startled by the swift movement. Had hand raced to yours, connecting with you. this time his entire arm went white. You were stunned, but you melted into it, letting your own arm do the same thing. It felt amazing. The passion of the kiss and the connection you both had combined made your heart pound and your body rush with emotion. 

You both embraced every second, taking in with the other was feeling along with your own emotions. You pulled him closer with your free arm. He broke it for a second or two to let you breathe, but then he dove back into it. Your legs wrapped around his waist. It pulled him down slightly, but his strength came into play as you were lifted even so slightly. His free hand gripped the couch cushion as his arm helped support and steady both of you. 

Soon enough you broke it, panting but also smiling happily at the man before you. His eyes were filled with love and warmth and so much happiness. You'd never seen him so happy. It gave you so much hope. Hope for a future together and a rather bright one at that. 

You unwrapped your arms and legs, untangling yourself from him. He looked a little disappointed, but you cupped his cheek, kissing the other.

"Relax, Con. It's not like I'm going to run off on you." You told him. He blushed a little, smiling shyly at you. You chuckled. "You're so weird, Connor." He chuckled.

"If I am weird, you are completely insane." He said. You laughed a little.

"I have to give you that one." You agreed. He laughed a little and you both got up. You went to get everything ready for painting the room later. You and Connor were going to run to the store and get the color you need later.

You and Connor laid out the tarp together and then you both worked on putting up the tap that was needed so the paint didn't get on anything it wasn't supposed to. Once you were done with that, you both walked out of the room and you headed back downstairs. Connor offered to go get the paint while you wait at the house in case any of the deliveries come. You agreed it would be the smart thing to do and you waited with the wolves at the house.

Connor left and you went out back to play with the two wolves. You threw the ball around and you laughed as they both raced to get it before the other did and bring it back to you. After about half an hour of this, you heard the doorbell ring. You set the ball down, letting the wolves playfully wrestled each other for it, before heading to see who it was.

You smiled as you saw that a man with a clipboard and pen was at the door. Opening the door, you greeted him and he smiled at you in return. You saw the truck parked in the driveway behind him.

"Are you Ms.(L/n)?" He asked.

"Yes, I am." You replied.

"Well, I can help you with everything you ordered, but you need to sign this first." He said. You nodded, taking the pen as he held it out for you and signing the papers offered. After that, he helped you get everything into the house. You thanked him, giving him an extra $5 for a tip and he thanked you before he went to go to his next stop.

You went out back again and you saw both wolves relaxing in the sun together. They raised their heads as they heard you return. You chuckled and walked over, petting the two as they panted happily at the affection being given. You smiled at them and kept petting them. They rolled onto their back and you rubbed their bellies, giggling at their behavior.

"You two are so silly, you know that?" You asked. They both barked and stood up. You smiled. "Come on! Let's play with the frisbee!" You said they both hopped up eagerly and you hurried to the shed to get it. You played with the frisbee for a short while. You had a blast with the two happy wolves.

Soon enough, Connor returned and you both went upstairs to get to work. You painted for the rest of the day and you were going to let the first layer dry overnight. You were staying in one of the guest bedrooms for the time being. You collapsed onto the bed, tired from all the work. Connor chuckled. He laid down next to you. He kissed your neck.

"You seem a little stiff, love." He observed. You sighed with a smile.

"Connor, I'm fine." You said. He kept kissing your neck, making you blush. He grinned a little.

"It's alright. I'm just going to help you relax." He said. You smiled at him.


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