Chapter 92

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It was silent. You waited for hours. You waited for something to happen. Just something...anything. The wait was more agony than anything. It almost made it feel like everything was paused. Time was stopped, giving you however long you wanted to think over everything, but starting up again before you were ready. The main question was when. When would the chaos start? How much longer? What would happen? It was a race against time, and if Alisandra had anything to do with it, she'd make sure the others lost. You had lost track of how long it had been. You didn't know how long they had to wait. For all you knew, the virus was nearly ready. 

You hung your head there, wishing there was someone to talk to. Wishing you could do something. Even stretches sounded good now. You'd lost track of how long you'd been immobile. Not that it mattered all that much. You felt helpless. You wanted to see Connor so badly. You wanted to know if he was okay, but you couldn't. All you could do was wait.

Connor's POV

We had arrived. We were on the other side of the bridge that to Cyberlife Tower. So close, yet so far. I looked ahead, scared to look anywhere else for the fear I might break at the last second. It was unlikely, but unlikely events can always occur. 

"North!! Go!!" Markus shouted. North's group was leading the charge. Simon and Josh were next while I stayed with Markus' group for the time being. This was it. I risked a glance to either of my sides. Everyone was there, keeping up fine. This was it. After this, it would all be over. Let's do this.

Alisandra's POV

They were an hour and twenty minutes early. I growled in anger. I saw them coming and raced down to the lab. Richard was just staring at the virus as it incubated. 

"Get the virus ready!" I shouted. He looked up.

"What!? It's not ready!" He said.

"But the deviants ARE!! Get it ready, NOW!!" I ordered. He looked angry, but he reluctantly grabbed a needle and typed in a few things, causing the virus to come up. He stuck the needle into a special hole on the bottom and sucked up every last drop of the virus.

"We can only use half of it on her or else it might- HEY!!" I snatched it from him, a grin on my face.

"Finally!" I said. "Come along Richard! We've got a war to win!" I said.

"Alisandra! Careful with that!" He insisted. I rolled my eyes and we headed up to (Y/n). Once we got there, her head shot up. Her eyes widened in fear when she saw what I was holding. 

"It's time, dear~" I cooed happily. She thrashed and struggled against her confines. I rolled my eyes and turned on the machine, putting it into lock mode. She tried to move, but she was held completely still.

"LET GO OF ME!!" She yelled. I chuckled.

"Hmm~ Head or heart?" I wondered aloud where to inject the virus. 

"No! Her arm! If we do-" I ignored Richard and injected it into her heart. She screamed, tears forming quickly in her eyes. I injected every last drop.

"ALISANDRA!!" Richard screamed at me. 

"WHAT!?" I snapped, my patience with him running low.

"Are you insane!? Injecting it all into her body at once!? Why do you never listen to me!?" He shouted.

"What's the big deal!?" I yelled.

"Injecting it all into her heart could cause a fatal-"

"Blah, blah, blah! Science, science, science! I don't care! I won and soon it'll be offical! Eee! I'm so excited! I win! I win! I win!" I chanted happily.

"You don't know what you've done." Richard hissed.

"Nor do I care! She's a freak not even of nature! She's just a freak at this point! Why do I care what happens to her? She. Means. Nothing! She's simply a vessel for my plan." I said.

"A vessel is a very IMPORTANT part of any plan!" He said.

"Yeah, yeah, whatever. Come on! We'd best leave before Connor comes to retrieve his prize! I wouldn't want to chip a nail pulling a trigger so he can't hurt me. I need him, after all~" I cooed. Richard glared at me, but he said nothing and he followed after me. I turned back to (Y/n), who was still panting hard from the injection. I grinned.

"Bye, sweetie! Have fun~!" I cooed. You gave a weak glare at me.

"Y-you selfish b-" She was cut off as the elevator door closed. 

"Hm. How rude of her to say that about me." I said.

"Yeah." Richard muttered, his fists still clenched. I didn't care. If he didn't like it, he should've never signed up for it. That was the only flaw in a contract. Luckily, I was the one giving it to him.

Connor's POV

We made it past the first wave with few casualties. The others covered me as I instantly headed for the fire escape. I glanced back as they guarded the entrance. Goodluck. I thought, my heart dropping a little. I was worried about them, but there was nothing I could do. 

I hurried in and I looked at the 101 stories above me. I began the long grappling hook climb. Markus had somebody make one for me so I could get there faster. I aimed it and I fired. It latched on and I shot upward through the air. I landed and I did it again. This repeated 13 more times before I finally reached level 99. I ran the rest of the way from there. I hoped Alisandra and Richard weren't there, but then again, I kind of wanted them there as well. I wanted to make them pay for everything they'd done. They WILL pay, but I have to focus on (Y/n).

Your POV

You coughed violently. Your body was shaking and felt weak and tingly, almost like you didn't have any control over it. The injection had hurt more than ever and you could feel it spreading, claiming every part of your body. You kept coughing, unable to stop. Your eyes were watering violently. You looked for any way to get out before Connor arrived. He couldn't touch you. You couldn't let him get infected. 

You tried to make your limbs work, but they refused, staying limp. You looked around, your eyes dragging a bit now. There was nothing. You kept trying to move. You weren't going to give in. I-I h-have to t-try. You thought. You kept trying to move against your body and the machine, hoping for a miracle to free you from it. It was your only option.

Collin's POV

My group split into smaller teams as we hunted the high authority personnel. I was by myself, but I could handle it. I had my targets on one person. Only one person and I was going to find her. Where are you, Alisandra? I looked around with my gun in hand. 

"FIRE!!" I heard North shouting for her troops. She really was a fighter. I hoped she could keep us all up as we fought. I did a scan. I located her on the 77th floor. I knew I had to get up there. I'm ending this.

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