Chapter 154

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Connor's POV

We arrived at the station. Gavin and Chris were already there. Hank was on his way. Oreon and I hurried over. Zyra and Cinder followed us with the wolves behind them. Chris and Gavin both looked anxious to find out more about what was going on. 

"So what the hell is up this time?" Gavin said.

"(Y/n)'s been taken and if you aren't gonna help then leave." Oreon snapped. He sighed but said nothing more. 

"Taken? By who? To where?" Chris asked.

"I'll explain more when Hank gets here-"

"Right here." We turned and saw Hank hurrying over to us. "So what's going on?" He asked.

"(Y/n)'s gone." I said, trying not to show how scared I was.

"What? What happened?" Hank asked.

"I was away and somebody broke in. (Y/n) told the girls to hide, but by the time I got home they'd been in the basement for an hour."  I explained. 

"So what the fuck are we gonna do about that?" Gavin asked.

"We're gonna end this, permanently." Oreon said.

"But we don't even know where he is." Hank said.

"Actually, I think I figured it out. Listen, remember what Jamison said? Flowers will die if he's near. That's the clue he gave us." Oreon said.

"But flowers die in more than one place." Gavin said.

"Yes, but a wilting flower is most commonly seen where?" Oreon asked.

"Hell if I know. A flower shop with bad flowers?" Hank said.

"No. A cemetery." Oreon said.

"Why would they take her to a place like that?" Chris asked.

"Just hear me out. You just asked why they would take her there, and that's exactly why. We would never think of it as a good place to go, which is exactly why it's a perfect place to go. Plus, I found this." Oreon said, showing a page of something on his phone. "It's an article I found. The cemetery has a grotto that was put in years ago, but the thing I found interesting is nobody knows why. All it says is that it was anonymously built about 4 months before (Y/n)'s parents were killed. I know it's a long shot, but it makes sense. Everything fits!" Oreon explained. We all looked at each other. 

"I think he's right." Chris said. 

"Same here." Hank agreed.

"Alright, hold on for just a fucking minute. How the hell are we gonna be able to find her in a huge ass graveyard grotto without being noticed? And after that, how the hell are we gonna get her out? It's not like the freakshow that took her is gonna let her out that easy." Gavin said. Bandit barked. We all looked at him.

"What is it, boy?" Cinder asked him. He whined and she smiled. "That's a great idea! Good boy, Bandit!" She said.

"You can talk to that thing?" Gavin asked, earning a hard elbow from Oreon. "Ow!"

"Yep! He says that you're gonna all need help! He mentioned a wolf named Flame!" Cinder said.

"Of course! The others will help!" Oreon said. 

"Connor, get the others own here now. We've gotta figure out a plan before we just rush in. We can do that while we're waiting." Hank said. I nodded and sent out an SOS signal to all her friends with brief requests on what to bring along with coordinates to the police station. 

The other began to discuss what we could do, but I stayed with the girls. I didn't know why, but I felt the need to make sure both of them were alright. I didn't want to leave them here on their own, but it was the only choice I had. They couldn't come with us and there was no way I was putting them in danger.

"Connor, you'll come back right?" Cinder asked. I frowned at her question.

"Cinder, you know not to-" I cut Zyra off.

"I will come back." I said. While there was no way to be sure, I was going to try my hardest to bring (Y/n) back. Cinder smiled.

"You will?" She asked. I hugged her.

"Of course I will." I replied with a soft smile. She hugged me happily while Zyra looked doubtful. I told the two of them to relax here, saying they would be safe. They both nodded. Cinder skipped off to play with some of the android dogs we had at the station, but Zyra turned to me.

"You shouldn't make promises like that, Connor." She said. I knelt down to her level.

"Zyra, as harsh as things can get you can always find a light to lead you out of it. After all, take one long look at your sister. Isn't she proof enough that not everything is bad or impossible?" I asked. She looked stunned, but she turned, watching her sister. She smiled a little. She turned back to me and hugged me.

"Then make sure you come back. Prove me wrong." She said. I hugged back with a smile.

"I will do my best." I said, being honest with her. She pulled away.

"Thank you, Connor." She said and walked off to join her sister. I stood up, smiling at the sight, but then I heard a voice in my head.

"Connor. Come to the cells." I was kind of surprised, but I walked toward the cells and I saw all four of the androids we found waiting there for me.

"What do you from me?" I asked.

"We want to help you." Red said. I was stunned.

"You want" I asked, confused.

"Listen, we've been thinking about everything and we've seen how humans can be. We were....wrong. Please. We can get you all into the hideout!" Dagger said. I was stunned. I could tell they weren't lying.

"Listen, we've done a lot of bad things and we deserve to be here, but we want to make it up to you and...we want to make it up to (Y/n). Dagger said she was scared (Y/n) was going to kill me back there, but that's what made all of us realize how hard losing someone is and how terrifying the feeling can be. I can't imagine that pain. I'm...I'm sorry." Vinnie said. I looked at him for a moment before letting them out. 

"We won't let you down." Hanna assured.

"You were just trying to survive back then. I've seen how it can get. North was the same way with humans. Anger and fear can make people do bad things. I guess you all are no different." I said. They smiled.

"Thank you, Connor." Dagger said. I nodded to them. 

"Come on. I'll explain to the others." I said. They all nodded and followed my lead as I led them over to the others. Gavin spotted us first and he looked stunned.

"What the hell, Connor!?" He shouted.

"Listen! They want to help us." I said.

"How do we know these fuckers aren't lying?" Hank growled.

"Hank, I can tell when somebody lies, remember?" I said.

"Oh...right." He said.

"We can get you guys in, but sadly we can't really promise out. We can try, but there are no guarantees." Red said. 

"Well then, we'll go with that. But what next?" Hank asked. I had an idea.

"I think I know. It's tricky, but if we do this right, it'll tip the scales. Listen carefully."

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