Room 409

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"Being Deeply loved by Someone
gives you strength,
While loving someone deeply
gives you courage"

Declan lets out a deep sigh reading the quote in the posters set up for sale. His brother looks at him curiously from the front seat of their car and then looks at what has caught his interest. He laugs "Still searching love kidda... its alright.. maybe the new college will help you"

Dec looks at him sulking "Shut up Martin.. Me getting love and all.. and I have no hopes about this new college. Complete arse they are to transfer students"

"Language Declan!" his mother chastises from the back seat "You don't know that for sure and as Martin said, maybe your perfect lass/lad is here"

Dec sighs deeply and bites his nails. His family knows he is bisexual and they are completely fine with it. But the fact that their youngest is not successful in any relationships is still a mystery for them. Apart from his smaller stature, Dec is everything anyone will fall for. Handsome, gentle, kind, loving, and smart. He is brave but honest, bold but sensitive.

Their family had to move to the city and had to transfer Dec from his former College as they found another college 4 hours from their new place.

"I wonder what his roommate will be like" his elder sister- Moyra- mocks

"I hope those lads are all good. Being a reputed college, they may not support thugs in there" his father was slightly concerned about Dec's hostel facilities

Dec just sighed already dreading being there

His eldest brother Eomenn, who was silent throughout the journey catches Dec's mood

"Don't worry kid, Dermott has spoken to them. The hostel had a few rooms which they weren't giving out and we only got it because Dermott requested. So they might keep an eye on you and look after you" Dermott is Dec's elder brother and a priest.

"Wish Pat and Cam was here" his mother muses thinking about her other two daughters

Dec lets out an exasperated sigh at that "What is this? my marriage?! taking my whole family with me?! that too to that hell of a place?!"

"Declan!!" his mother complains "Don't be rude and who told you it's hell? MART!!!"

Martin: "I didn't say its hell!! just that, some stories that I heard..."

Eomenn: "Are wrong. It's a reputed college and our little one is lucky to get admission there"

Dec sighs again and his mom tries to cheer him up "Did you call that lad, Stephen?! He is really excited to have you there.. finally, you both don't want to wait for summer to see each other"

Dec: "I don't wait for summer to see him!!" Stephen was Dec's neighbor and a good friend since childhood but they caught up only on holidays. Dec had a feeling that it's Stephen's idea to enroll him in a college, hours away from his home. Stephen was staying in a private hostel and as Dec was late for admission, all other hostels were full except the college hostel.

His dad laughs "That kid called me twice today to know where we are. And Declan, please act excited when you meet him. It's not a request"

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