He Makes Me Happy

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Heyy y'all.... I got a few days off and no exams for a long time.... Which means: I can update more often!! yeayyy ( Hope so😬)...Love you all.. And again😜 this is a loooong chapter😂😬

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Ant walked into the bar and his heart sprinted in his chest seeing the crowd there. He was grateful for his hooded jacket and felt relieved that he has put it for college that day. Suddenly someone holds his hand and he gasps and turns around to see Dec smiling at him cheekily.

Ant: "You knew I would come"

Dec shrugs at him and pulls him to the bar counter.
Ant: "You don't get food here"

Dec: "We can order a pizza later, then. Loosen up Anth!"

Ant: "I think we should hurry. You proved your point by dragging me into it. But seriously Dec. I am not enjoying this. We should leave soon"

Dec puts a drink before him and smiles "For you and me and our oncoming psychology project"

Ant looks around in concern

Ant: "At least don't get drunk!"

Dec: "I won't. But a couple of glasses won't do anything, will they?"

They drink a couple of them in silence

Ant: "We should go, Declan"

Dec: "Okay! Put your hair on!! I will just nip into the loo and come back"

Ant: "What?! We will reach the hostel within ten minutes Declan!"

Dec: "Can't hold. You should drink more, Anth"

Ant: "And you should drink less"

Dec gives him a goofy smile and stands up "Let me search for the toilet"

Ant: "It's behind this building"

Dec: "Okay..."

Ant: "Dec wait... Don't go alone"

They walk to the back door and Dec grimaces as cold hair hits him "Ooh. Why did they put this thing outside?"

The back exit opens to another lane, deserted and dirty with bins and dumpsters. The only people there being the pub goers.

Ant: "Make it fast okay?"

Dec: "You not coming?"

Ant: "No"

Dec enters the toilet and seeing the people around them, Ant pulls his hood to cover his face Fast Declan

There weren't many people outside. But the few are enough if something goes wrong . Ant felt worry creeping in as Dec was taking time. He wanted nothing than to get out of there as soon as possible.

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