Because I Love You

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*PS: please don't curse me! I won't be able to update the next chapter if I end up sick!
I may or may not have received some death threats for the previous chapter*

Dec: "What... happened?"

Ant: "I have to leave..."

Dec: "Wh-at? Did someone-"

Ant: "Leave this college"

Dec's heart stills in his chest what?!

Tears stream down Ant's eyes "I have to leave this country..."

Dec: "Wh- what? When?!"

Ant: "By- by tomorrow evening"

He looks at Dec with tears streaming down his face and Dec could only stand shock - stilled.

And he couldn't help but wonder

Why me...why him...why now...

As Dec stood there frozen, Ant sat heavily on his bed, his head in his hands.

Ant: "I got a text from... mam... yesterday... night.."

Dec snaps out of his shock and sits near Ant.

Dec: "Why?"

Ant wipes his tears that have streamed down his face "Our partners, withdrew their investments...somebody played us losing her company! It will go into ruins if I... I don't merge with hers and...for that...I have to go there..."

Dec: "New York?"

Ant nods.

Dec's heart breaks and tears fill his eyes

Dec: "How long?"

Ant: "I don't know...two years...five years..forever...until they can stand on their own..."

Dec: "That's why they wanted you there"

Ant nods "I was selfish. I stayed here while they were falling..." a painful sob escapes him.

Dec slowly takes his hands from his face and holds them "You are not selfish! You never were. They need you now and you are ready to go"

Ant turns to Dec and looks straight into his eyes. They were filled with pain and misery "I am not..."

Dec didn't know what to feel anymore. He imagines how torn Ant must be inside and wipes his own eyes, keeping his own misery and pain at bay.

Dec: "But your dad is right...this is what is best for you"

Ant shakes his head ""

Dec: "Anth... you have to see the bigger picture here.."

Ant now turns around fully, facing Dec and squeezing their hands.

Ant: "I don't want to...not now..not when...not when..."

Dec swallows the lump in his throat as it threatens to come out.
It's about Anth now... it's about him...

Dec: "It's better this way...don't think too much... you have a lot to do for yourself...and staying here is not a better option..." He breaks their crossed hands and cups Ant's cheeks, wiping the tears.

Dec: "it's not..." He breathes out

Ant: " you want me to leave?"

His voice was low and broken that, Dec bites his lips hard to stop the sobs.

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