The Dinner/Date/Disaster

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The next morning, Dec woke up first to see Ant fast asleep on the chair. He had thought Ant would sleep on the bed beside him
Oh God! How stupid am I! Of course, we can't sleep on the same bed! We are friends, not brothers...

He walks to Ant and shakes him awake

Ant: "Is it morning already?"

Dec rolls his eyes "Why did you sleep here? Friends do sleep on the same bed okay? Haven't you ever slept with any of your friends?"

Ant: "What?"

Dec sighs "Wake up Mr Mcpartlin, I asked haven't you ever slept- I meant sleep slept with your friends? Why did you sleep on the chair?"

Ant felt guilty and wanted to punch himself for thinking such things last night. Of course, Mr Declan Donnelly is the most clueless person he has ever met! He will never feel bad about Ant touching or kissing him!

Ant let out a strangled chuckle: " didn't leave me a space!"

Dec frowns at that: I didn't? Oh God! I am so sorry. I remember lying on the far edge of the bed. I might have moved in my sleep"

Ant rolls his eyes and stands up "Typical" he turns around and walks away, avoiding Dec's eyes.

The breakfast was loud as always but Ant was struggling to keep his composure, worried that the Donnellys might be unhappy with him thinking that he is misleading Dec. So he decides to end that once and for all:

Ant: "Dec, we have to rush. The rehearsal will start soon and we can't miss it"

Dec: "Yeah, I know" he says with mouthful and Anne rolls her eyes

Ant: "And also, will you be okay alone in the hostel today? For sometime?"

Dec: "Of course I will be. Where are you going?"

Ant: "Mmm dinner?"

A frown appears on Dec's face and for a moment Ant was worried whether he did a mistake by telling all these in front of them all.

Dec: "With whom?"

Ant's heart was in his chest when he replied "Anne-Marie"

Dec: "Wait! Seriously?!!!! Oh my God and you are telling me this now? When did you plan this?? Where are you going? How did you ask her?"

His eyes were wide with excitement and Ant could only look at him in loss "Eh? Mm yesterday? I just texted her and um... I didn't decide where to take her?"

Dec rolls his eyes "You, Mcpartlin! Wait, I will tell you what to do. At least you finally did it, I was actually thinking about threatening you with a knife on your throat to ask her out!"

It was Ant's time to roll his eyes. He feels bad for even thinking that Dec might not be happy with this decision.

The excitement coming out of Dec encouraged Ant to go on with his choice Maybe Anne is the best decision

What they both missed was the utter disappointment that swept across the rest of the Donnelly gang.


By the time they reached hostel, Ant was thinking about putting earbuds inside his ears for the whole day.  Dec didn't give him a moment's rest during the drive back home, rambling about what all Anne might like and how and all Ant can make it special for her.

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