The Manor

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Ant drove them to his home and as the giant gate opened, Dec's eyes widen in wonder. They had to ride through a long pavement before they reached Ant's house - a big structure surrounded by crawling vines, Wisteria and large windows adorned by various potted plants. Ant stops the bike in front of his home and the large wooden door opens. Dec see a man in his 40s, wearing a well-tailored suit and a lady in her mid-40s coming out of the house while one of the guards he hadn't noticed takes the key to the bike from Ant

Ant: "Thank you Peter and give the key to Mary okay?"

Dec frowns as he realises that Peter is talking the bike back to the hostel.

The man in the suit comes forward and Ant shakes his hand

Ant: "Harry. This is eh roommate"

The man extended his hand to Dec who take it cordially "Nice to meet you"

Harry: "And you too sir. Welcome to the Manor"

The Manor Dec mused

The lady comes forward and smiles affectionately at Dec .

Ant: "Ellen,  Dec will be staying with us. Please make his room ready"

Ellen: "Sure sir, Welcome sir"

They follow Harry and Ellen in and as they entered the living room, Dec stopped still shocked. His eyes widen and jaw drops at the spacious room before him, well lit with chandeliers and wall lamps, neatly furnished with plush sofas, oak tea table,large flat LED TV with home theatre, several sculptures , vases and a large ornated fireplace.The room was a mix of French, Victorian and Modern style, grand but cosy. They had taken their shoes off but Dec felt the marble floor warm and comfortable. Ant throws his bag casually on one of the sofas and sits heavily. Dec sit near him not knowing what to do. Ellen come back with two fruit drinks that Dec takes with gratitude

Ant: "Dec, do you want a tour of the house first or wait until you settle in ?"

Dec: "Umm.."

Ant cocks an eyebrow at him "You want to shower or maybe we can go for a swim?There is a pool on the terrace"

Dec: "Yeah..we can do that... "   Of course there is

He drinks the juice consciously while Ant looks at him confused.Ant then turn to Harry who nods and goes in while Ellen take their empty glasses away

Ant: "Come on, I will show you your room. Then we can have a swim and then I will give you the tour"

Dec: "Okay"

The climb the well-polished wooden stairs and Dec notices the absence of family photos in the wall. It was all landscapes and replicas of famous portraits .Ant stops in front of an oak door and turn the metal handle. Dec enter into the room behind him only to stop on his tracks Damn it

The room was twice the size of their hostel room, with a king sized bed,a couch, a mirror cabinet, wardrobe, a TV, fridge and a fireplace. Dec gulped at that

Ant: "This is your room "

Dec: "Yeah.."

Ant: "Dec, What's wrong? you are acting weird"

Dec cleans his throat and turns to Ant "This is your guest bedroom?"   This is all too much!

Ant: "Mm.. no. Guest bedrooms are downstairs. This bedroom is used when friends and relatives visit know... umm... you alright with this ? I mean did you like this?"

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