Safe With Him?

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Stephen: "Dec are you in room 409?!"

Dec slowly nods not knowing where they are going with it, already shivering after his encounter with Robbie. David slowly pulls him to the table nearby and make him sit.

David: "Okay.. just take a deep breath and relax... "

Dec: "Uh okay... what's going on?"

Stephen: "Dec, you are in with AntMcpartlin!! why didn't you tell us that?!"

Dec: "I didn't know it was him. He didn't speak to me, not like that.. but.. I didn't know who he was and I thought his name was Anthony"

Stephen: "It is and they don't entertain us calling him his nickname. Either Anthony or AntMcpartlin. Look, can you like change your room or something?!"

Dec: "Mmh... actually, there is something I have to tell you both" Dec tells them everything that had happened that morning. How he overheard Ant's talk with Mary, his first impression of Ant and Ant's behaviour towards him when he entered the room. Stephen and David heard it all open-mouthed

David: "That was reeeaalllyyy interesting"

Stephen: "But I have to agree with Mary.. Dec is more safe with Antmcpartlin that any others.. students there are right thugs"

David: "Of course, you will say that about Antmcpartlin "

Dec quirks a brow and David continues "Stephen adores AntMcpartlin"

Dec: "What?! you are gay?"

Stephen smiles uncomfortably "I am not sure about my.. you know... "

Dec: "It's okay.. I understand... "

David: "He likes strong men, only that everyone in their gang is damn straight"

Stephen frown: "Who said I like strong men? Shut up David..I just admire him and I am not the only one who does that in this college"

Dec: "So.. does he have a girlfriend?"

David: "Many have tried but he is damn hard to break into" he chuckles at the grimace of his friends "his personality I meant.He broke a lot of hearts"

Suddenly Dec's senses spike as he feels the smell of vanilla, lavender and citrus filling him "Ant..." he whispers

And on cue they see Ant and Johnny entering and searching the area where they fought. They see Johnny picking up a ring, wearing it and then they both move out. While walking out,Ant's eyes search the cafeteria and his eyes catch Dec's. He turns his head swiftly in annoyance and hurries out. Dec turns to his friends to see them giving him a weird look "What?!"

David: "You smelt him?!"

Dec: "Huh?!!"

Stephen: "David!! Dec, how did you recognise it's him before even seeing him?!"

Dec: "I... I recognised his cologne. I have a thing with smells.. I realise smells easily"

David: "So you actually smelt him?!!"

Dec: "It's not like that!! shut up man!"

David: "What do I smell like?!"

Dec: "You really don't want to know the answer to that"

Stephen: "Dec.. do you feel something for

Dec sighs: "Come one guys, I just met him today . And not to say our encounters were all not what I would term amiable. But, I don't know why.. I feel somewhat close to him.. a sort of intuition that there is more to this... there is more to us.. a sort of feeling that he is going to play an important part in my life. And me, in his life. Like something is pulling us to each other"

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