I am afraid of heights

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Dec was already asleep when Ant dropped Anne off her home. His head has somehow found a certain crook in Ant's neck and is resting peacefully. Ant looks down to Dec's face, pouting in his sleep and wonders what he might be dreaming. He slowly brushes aside a stray hair on his forehead and Dec snuggles closer to Ant, their arms wrapped around. It was the first time someone has been so close to Ant and he didn't know how to react. Robbie's chauffer has put up the barrier between them and Ant knocks it to open.

Chauffer: "Yes sir?" He was amazed that the silent boy has called him

Ant: "Could you please stop infront of some med store?"

Chauffer: "Are you okay sir? You want something?"

Ant: "Some painkillers... you know, for headache"

The man looks at the worn-out figure on Ant's chest and smiles knowingly. He parks infront of a shop and walks out to buy it for Ant. Ant was already feeling tired and the bright lights from vehicles felt like daggers. Then he thought about the thoroughly tired boy in his arms and sees him twitching uncomfortably at the lights. Ant shifts him slowly so that Dec faces his chest and in the absense of lights, Dec shifts closer and relaxed into Ant's arms. In those fleeting white and yellow lights, Ant studies Dec's face. He doesn't know why but whenever they are alone, Ant always caught himself studying Dec's face. It was like looking at the moon, the sky, the flowers, like looking at everything that inspired Ant to put a pencil on a paper and disappear himself from the world around.

As they reaches the hostel, the chauffer turns to Ant "Do you want a help with that sir?" he asks pointing to Dec

Ant frowns at him "It okay Ray, I will take Declan in"

The man nods and Ant slowly wakes Dec up. Dec groggily looks at Ant and smiles goofily. Ant look back in wonder He is still high?!

Ant half carries - half drags Dec to the hostel and the guard gives them a knowing look as he opens the gates

Guard : "None of the students got back"

Ant: "Good, Thank you"

He enters to see Mary in the office , wrapped in blanket , waiting for the students . She looks affectionately at the pair infront of her "Look who is here, you boys will speed up my ageing if this goes on... what happened to the little one there?"

Ant sighs at that and Mary laughs "Take him in Anthony, want something?"

Ant thinks for a second "Umm.. some water maybe?"

Mary : "Lemonade?"

Ant: "Thanks Mary"

Ant decides to take the elevator and Dec leans to him, tired to stand upright. He mumbles something about Ant's scent and Ant frowns at that "What?"

Dec smiles again "Nothiiiiiiing. You are cute when frowning. Your big forehead has folds on it... I can even count those" he giggles at that prospect.

Dec then tweaks his own nose and then Ant's "Is my nose smaller than yours?"

Ant sighs again cursing the lift for being so slow. He was thankful for the deserted corridor as he dragged Dec to their room , and entered with a huff Finally!!

He all but dumps Dec on the bed, who doesn't let go of his sleaves "Stay"

Ant sighs "Let go Declan.. Sleep"

Dec giggle ls at that and then frowns adorably "Why didn't you go with Annie?"

Ant sighs again "Who is Annie now?"

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