He hates Him

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It was too late when Dec woke up again the next morning and was a bit taken aback to find himself in Ant's hold. He slowly pulled away but that was enough to wake a sleeping Ant, who stretches and sits up on the bed. Dec just looks at him in wonder while he lifts his hands to Dec's forehead and places his palm flat on it. Dec leans to that cold touch.

Ant: "You are hot..."

Dec giggled slightly at that "I have heard that before"

Ant sighs " Maybe you should see the nurse"

Dec: "No.. it's okay.. I will just take some tablets and sleep. Do we have classes today?"

Ant: "Probably not... it's raining hard here... and cold too"

Dec: "Timing ehh? How's your hand? You okay?"

Ant: "I am well, but err...I.. I am sorry. If I had found you soon.. you wouldn't have caught cold... I waited till the thunder and I... I am sorry"

Dec: "Why are you sorry? You came right? That's more than I can wish for. You are always there for me. I will always be grateful to you"

Ant just nods at that not knowing what to reply, the guilt still choking him

Dec slaps his arm "Stop it.. you saved me and that's it"

Ant rubs his arm and frowns at Dec "Alright.. you don't have to hurt me for that"

Dec: "It didn't hurt, I know... but seriously. You came for me. And that's all that matters. No one will do for me the things you did for me"

Suddenly he sneezes again and unfortunately it was directly aimed at Ant

Ant: "What The?!!!! eewww you..."

Dec didn't know whether to laugh or not at Ant's sweatshirt, now covered with his snot.

And he being himself, opts to laugh at the frustrated boy before him

Ant: "Seriously?! I save your life and this is what I get in return?"

Dec couldn't stop the giggles and he tries his best to apologise "So-r-hy, s-ory"

Ant shakes his head and moves to his wardrobe to take another sweatshirt and enters the bathroom to change while Dec was giggling uncontrollably from the bed

Dec's laughter gets interrupted by a knock on the door and Mary enters with a tray of food. Dec smiles at her warmly

Mary: "What happened? Heard you laughing. Where is Anthony?"

On cue Ant exits the bathroom and puts his clothes into the laundry basket.

Mary: "How are you both? I just brought food for you two. You didn't respond when I brought you dinner yesterday... everything alright?"

Ant: "He is a bit hot"

Dec rolls his eyes at him and Mary laughs at that "I prepared warm soup for you Declan, have this. This mister here doesn't like soups. I brought sandwiches for you Anthony"

Ant nods at her and starts nibbling his food , sitting cross-legged on his bed. Dec also takes his bowl of soup

Mary: "Looks like you won't be having class today... rest well. And call me if you need anything"

Both thank her and as she goes out and Dec turns to Ant "I am sorry for what happened now..and, and for laughing at you"

Ant: "It's okay.. next time remember the tissues on the bedside table"

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