You were NEVER my friend!

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*How long is this story!!!!🙈 If you have reached here...then you are truly a hero! Genuinely! I pity anyone who wants to re-read this whole book. Thank you so much for staying with this book and let me tell you, we have more to come...Oops😘😝*

*Underlined lines are in the past*


Dec's eyes widen in fear as a pair of glaring brown eyes find him again. And then, he hears his voice cold and grave....

Andrew: "What did I tell you about staying away from him? I won't let this happen...
I want him away from you...I want him to hate you as he hates me....I want him to despise you Declan... and I will make sure that he does!!!!"

The metal again glinted from his deadly......

That was what Dec saw before his senses started shutting off and then all he could do was feel the cold metal being pressed to his skin and then through the haze....he felt a familiar pain shooting out of his wrist....

Ant was feeling jittery as he stared at his phone, waiting for Dec's reply. Anne was looking at Ant's restless form all along and asks carefully:

Anne M: "Is everything alright?"

Ant snaps his eyes off the phone and frowns "What?!"

Anne M: "Is there any problem?"

Ant: "No, um, yeah...actually...Dec hasn't yet responded to my"

Anne M: "Try calling him then"

Ant: "He is not picking my calls...well, he might be sleeping...with headphones on, you know...but it's him and you can never tell when danger will find"

Anne tries to call Dec in her phone but is as disappointed as Ant

Anne M: "Maybe we should that you can check on him?"

Ant stares at her for a moment, torn between Dec and...well, his politeness.

Ant: "Uh..I...I sorry, do you mind? I know I invited you and now I am-"

Anne M: "Ant. Please don't think like that.
Dec is important now, and I know how much you are worried about him. I am too. So let's go"

Ant nods at her and was so grateful that she understood. They leave the restaurant cancelling their drinks and Ant drops her home first.

Ant: "Again, sorry for-"

Anne M: "Make sure he is fine and let me know...also, if he is alright and I really wish he is...tell him I am going to kill him tomorrow"

Ant laughs at that and surprising them both, leans to place a kiss on her cheek...

Ant blushes beet-red realising what he has done and Anne's cheeks turn red as a rose.

Anne M: "Thank you...for the night- I- I enjoyed it.."

Ant just nods sheepishly and with a final wave, drives away. As he disappears into the night, Anne delivers silent prayers to the heavens...

one as a gratitude for that beautiful night...and other as a request for Dec's safety...

Meanwhile, Dec was on his bed, dizzy and sleepy as pain tore through his hand - again and again, one above the other...he could hear Andrew talking to him...but he couldn't make out what he is saying...thoughts whirls around his groggy brain... What is he doing...what if he is going to kill me...what about my about my friends...Anth...Anth...where is he...

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