How did you become so special to me?

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(So Elmabj6 asked me some questions and I think I should put the answers here:

1) The inspiration of the story: Actually the scene where Ant finds Dec inside the staircase cupboard is inspired by a similar scene in the movie 'Sixth Sense'. And tbh the whole story is inspired by that scene. I saw that and I sort of thought about boys being in that place and kind of created a plot around it all.

2) The timeline: I think it's pretty clear that it's an AU and as I have talked about iPhones, Whatsapp groups and video calls, it's sort of set in the present century or so. But it's up to you.

3) I am writing them at the age of 21 and I am sorry if it's confusing to anyone. I mean I know many characters (especially Dec ) seems less matured. But that's sort of what I wanted to bring in? How do you expect them to act as and sort of? I hope this is convincing 😂)

And also-Am I going too fast with AntandDec friendship? I am sort of pushing the chapters as this story is already too long😂

And not gonna lie. I am struggling a bit here worried whether I am taking the story in the right direction or not. I know where I want to reach and fingers crossed that I take it down the right path


Ant enters the room after making sure that Dec's friends have left the room.

Ant: "That was scary"

Dec: "Tell me about it! Women!!"

Ant laughs at that "Ayda is the same. They have this universal understanding that they are next to their mothers in looking after their friends"

Dec: "Can't agree more" he yawns

Ant: "You must be tired. Get some sleep. I will call you in time for dinner"

Dec: "Thank you......for looking after me"

Ant: "Thought that's what friends do?"

Dec shakes his head "That's what good friends do"

Ant smiles at that and takes his drawing sheets and moves to the window

Dec: "Not going out?"

Ant: "Leaving you alone like this? No thank you" he chuckles

Dec smiles but he feels utterly put off by Ant's different persona. He has smiled at Dec so many times today that Dec has lost the count. He didn't know whether it's because of him or because Ant could finally put out all his suppressed worries. But he loves that smile on Ant's face and he prays that it will stay there forever.

The next day when he met his friends in the cafeteria, he was in high spirits.

Stephen: "It's too early for you to hype up. Why are you so happy today?"

Dec: "The first day of rehearsals right? Aren't you all excited? "

David: "We are, but not this much"

Dec puts his tongue out at him

Holly: "When does it start?"

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