He is a handful when drunk

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Dec shrugs the thoughts off his head and walks to their class, aware of Andrew following him.

Forgive me... come with me...

Meanwhile Ant looked helplessly at a pouting Robbie

Ant: "You know why I did that... I told you everything. I can't stand such things Rob. They needed that fear.. now no one will touch him and I can just wipe away this guilt I feel. I am genuinely sorry if I hurt you"

Robbie: "Well, you always do"

Ant sighed at that "What you want me to do Rob... to make things right?'

A little smile passes into Robbie's lips which turns into a full mouthed grin as he looks at Ant, determined

Dec felt uneasy as he sat on the chair and waited for Ant to arrive. He knows he should be waiting for the teacher. But Ant's presence would always calm him down and he needed that comfort due to the insecurity he was feeling after his encounter with Andrew and he willed Ant to turn up soon. He hears students talking about the party and thinks about whom to call. He take his phone and dials the only person who will do that for him.

He sighed when the tall blonde took the phone "Hey Dec,what's up?"

"Hai Ali.. umm did someone ask you for the party yet?"

"Yeah.. but I turned them down. I don't know them and I am not comfortable going out with strangers. Why?"

"I... uhh, would you like to come with me ? Not as a date but-"

"I know, I know... I would love that...but, is it okay for you? I mean my height and all?"

Dec laughs at that "Beggers can't be choosers Ali, but yes. You are a real catch, I would have even considered dating you if you weren't my friend"

Ali giggles at that "You are cute Declan, and thank you for asking me"

"Thank you for agreeing Ali"

He see Ant entering the room , displeasure written all over his face

Dec : "See you later Ali, thank you again"

Ali : "You are welcome Dec and yeah, laters"

Dec ends the call and looks to his side to see Ant's eyes on the wooden bench, deep in thought

Dec: "You alright?"

Ant: "Hmm "

Dec: "That's not convincing"

Ant: "That's none of your business"

Dec: "Right. So you are in your grumpy vest right now"

Ant: "Can't you be silent for a minuite?"

Dec : "Nope. Childhood habit"

Ant: "You should be seated with Piers"

Dec : "Should I do that? Andrew will be happy"

He see Ant stiffening and regret saying that

Dec: "Sorry"

Ant: "It's okay"

Dec smiles at him and Ant frowns

Ant: "How did you do that?" It sounded more like wondering than like a question

Dec: "Do what?"

Ant: "I forgot what was troubling me.. You put my mind off"

Dec: "You listen a lot" He says echoing Ant's words that morning "You listen to everything I say. It helps to take your mind off things" Dec winks

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