Should stop thinking about it

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A shout out to KathrynTownley for your advice when I was confused as of where to take this first... You are a gem you know that Kath?😉😍


That day Dec walked to the college in a rather happy mood. As he reached the cafeteria, David picked it out instantly

David: " Are you in love, Dec?!"

Dec: "What?!! No!!"

David: "You are grinning like an idiot and nowadays you are too much on your phone"

Dec had to giggle at that but then he thought how wrong David is. Does this mean Ant make me happy?! Huh !! no way...But this morning...

Stephen: "Daydreaming again, Dec?!!"

Dec: "What has got into you two huh?"

Before David could reply, the bell rings and Dec gets up swiftly I have to reach the class before Andrew does

Stephen and David could only look open-mouthed at their friend when he practically sprinted out of the place.

As Dec reach the class, he feels relieved that neither Andrew nor Ant was there. He walked to the back bench and sat down, thinking about how to explain things to Andrew
He certainly can't tell the truth. He then feels the air filling with Vanilla and Citrus and snap his head up to see Ant entering wearily. But as he sees Dec, he visibly relaxes and Dec will be lying if he says that it didn't make him happy. It bloody took him over the moon to know that Ant expected him to be there. Ant walked to him and sat next to him without a glance. Not that Dec minded. He knows he should not expect much from Ant.

He took his book and started reading and after a few seconds, felt Ant tensing beside him. He looks up to see Andrew walking in and Dec had to swallow hard and take a deep breath to have the courage to face him. He focused on Andrew's face and saw emotions fluttering: Confusion, Disappointment, frustration, Anger?!!
But as he reached Dec, he smiles warmly and Dec feels as if a huge weight is put off his chest.

Andrew: "Hey Dec.. you are sitting here? I thought you will be with Holly"

Dec: "Andrew, hey.. listen, you know how Mr Carr and Mr Edmonds doesn't like me switching seats. And last time, Mr Edmonds was a bit stern about it. So it's better we respect their requests right? Don't want to anger them like?"

Suddenly he sees anger flashing in Andrew's eyes and feels a bit unsettled by that. But then it goes back to its normal warmth and Andrew smiles understandingly "It's okay Dec.. I got it" and he then walks to Piers' table.

Dec let out a relieved sigh and frowns as he felt Ant's eyes on him. He turns around to see Ant was looking at him awe. He raises an eyebrow at Ant, who shrugs at him and goes back to scribbling designs. Mr Edmonds was running late and in the meantime, Dec decides to read his notes from the previous college. As he takes out his notes, he sees Ant's eyes on them and Dec again looks at him to which he turns his head.

Mr Edmonds enter a while later and after the class, Dec gets ready for Psychology. As everyone was filing out, Dec stay to put his books back in his backpack. As he does that and turns around, he is face to face with the last person he wanted to be with - Piers Fucking Morgan. Dec gasp at that and was about to walk past him when he was pulled by his bag and pushed to a nearby bench. Dec felt his heart sprinting in fear Shit!! he is alone with him! No Ant, no Andrew

Dec looked around in fear and before he could shout out, Piers' palm comes hard on his mouth, silencing him. Tears sprung in his eyes. Piers let out an evil smirk and leaned in "Did you really think I am done with you? Just because your bloody knights will be around every time?! You thought your luck will always help you?!! I had my eyes on you the very first day Dec- lan... aren't you a cute little kid? "

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