When You Are With Me

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*Filler chapter- kind of*
*Trigger warning*

Two weeks later

Dec stood in the middle of their room glaring at Ant. He wanted to push and punch and scratch the taller boy. Past two weeks has passed with rehearsals and practices, writing and rewriting and reviewing everything. Dec has felt a change in the air when the last set of rehearsals started. It is charged with excitement, camaraderie and mutual trust. Even Piers and his gang became a part of it all as everyone focused on a single goal. There weren't any standoffs or arguments in the group and even John and Gino have started to agree on things.

Everything went perfectly well...everything except the relationship between Ant and Andrew which only worsened, all credit to Ant for being rude and unforgiving. It was putting a strain on his blooming friendship with Dec and Dec wasn't ready to go through that.

It was just one week to the competition and Dec has had enough of Ant's attitude. On the day before the final day of rehearsal, Dec decides to confront Ant once and for all. It was easily decided but doing it was really tough.

And that's why Dec is standing in the middle of the room now, glaring at Ant who was trying his best to avoid Dec with a book on his lap. Finally, Ant sighed

Ant: "Stop it!"

Dec: "Oh, he is alive"

Ant: "Very funny"

Dec: "What did Philip tell you again today?"

Ant: "I don't remember"

Dec: "Of course, you won't remember anything that you don't want to!"

Ant: "This is the third time this week you are screaming at me, and seriously Declan, it's annoying me"

Dec: "Well, then change your attitude! What is your problem, Anth?! Just be normal!!"

Ant closes the book in rage and stands up to walk out of the room. But Dec blocks the way

Dec: "No, you won't! Not today!"

Ant glares at him "You are not my guardian Declan! Don't act like you have the right to tell me what is right and wrong!"

Dec: "I do because I won't let you take this competition away from us!"

Ant: "Me?" Ant scoffs "I am taking it away?!"

Dec: "Or else what? Everyone is getting on well, except you who is acting like a complete prick!"

Ant: "If you weren't so damn an idiot! You will see why I am being so!"

Dec: "No I don't! Neither does anybody else! The way you are with Andre-"

Ant: "Oh, Andrew again! Protective over him, eh?"

Dec: "For god's sake Anth! No! I am worried about you!"

Ant: "Me?! Maybe you will realise what I am going through if you start worrying about yourself....for a change!!"

Dec: "Why do you always think you know what's best for me?"

Ant: "Because you don't!"

Dec: "For a matter of fact I do! And you have to get it through your thick skull!! I am 21 for god's sake!!"

Ant: "oh are you really?! Because for your information, you are the most reckless person I have ever seen!"

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