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She felt uncle Jack froze for awhile before bowing deeply and almost drag her to the left corner of the room where a smaller door is located.

"I can't believe the king consider us a good match to Prince Seth and order us to seek him out" uncle Jack said a little dazedly, still dragging her.

"Uncle Jack there's no 'us' on the good match since I'm sure Prince Seth will not marry us both if ever" she said sweetly at him.

He just glare at her. Entering the ballroom, he drag her directly to the balcony door then stop to look around. The balcony is spacious and well lit. There's a few people around but most of them are on the right side of the balcony.

"There is Prince Seth together with his brother and cousin, Prince Theron and Prince Vane" uncle Jack nod his head towards the right end of the balcony where some group of ladies gather a few feet away around the three handsome and tall men.

From the looks of it the ladies are trying to get the three men's attention to no avail. She grimaced cause they're so obvious about it. And the three men exuded an aura that said "approach at your own peril".

"You know that I'm really not interested in meeting any prince or even marrying at all, right?" she said almost pleadingly.

"I know but as I said before when I die the title will go to a distant cousin. Who will take care of you then?" uncle Jack answered immediately and she moan when he drag her again towards the three men that doesn't want to be disturb.


"Another one is coming"

Seth look at his cousin, Vane, then turn his head a little to see what he's looking at.

"Kale is really pissed at you, brother" his younger brother, Theron said in amusement.

"This one is younger" Vane said chuckling.

He ignore them and keep on watching the couple with a frown.

The man is much older and can only reach the girl's shoulder. He's probably the girl's father, he thought. Getting tired of explaining that the king was mistaken for the fifth time. He dismiss the old man immediately and focus on the girl.

She has long black hair, brown eyes, high cheekbone and a very kissable lips. Her skin looks pale and smooth that he bet bruise easily. She's tiny, probably barefoot, she can't even reach his shoulder and he still want to fuck her hard and fast. He grimace when his cock started to get hard which is a rare occurrence this days. Can she take it? Can she take him? He would really want to find out what it felt like to have her legs around his waist while he fuck her.

He's getting tired of women that always throw themselves at him and his cousins. From the way the girl is being drag, it's obvious she doesn't want to be here or to meet them. The side of his lips lifted in a secret smile.

"Kale probably told them that you're looking for a wife" Theron commented.

He sighed. Mentally kicking himself again for pissing off the king.

"How young do you think this girl is?" he asked quietly instead, not taking his eyes of her.

Theron and Vane look at each other with a raise brow.

"From the looks of her, probably eighteen" Vane was the one who answered after a while.

That made him look away from her and frown at his cousin, aghast.

"Well, she's of legal age. So if you want her, she's yours for the taking by the way the old man is dragging her toward us" Theron suggested with a shrug.

"For marriage" he said, not happy that he need to wait for a few years before he can fuck her.

He never waited for anything in his life. Being a prince, he's being waited hand and foot. He's also a very rich man. Aside from what his parents left for him and his brother when they died, he owe his own lawyer firm which the winning rate is 100%.

Like the king, he also hate publicity. He like his private life to be that, private. There are only few picture that can be found of him on the internet. Those pictures are usually with celebrity client that he can't very well ignore. They want to show the world that they meet and greet one of the elusive prince of Latrommi. He was just at the right place at the wrong time and can't escape before he was notice.

"Well, that's the part you have to explain again" Vane said amusingly.

He took a deep breath and turn when the pair reach them.


"Your Highnesses" her uncle greeted the three men who turn to face them.

Serina studied the three Princes as her uncle introduce themselves.

"Vane at your service" he took her gloves hand and kiss it then release it with a smile.

The first thing she notice is Prince Vane who has unruly haircut. His brown hair goes in every direction. He wears a short sleeved, long, collared, white button down shirt that becomes triangular shape at the tips in the front and back. He wears a pair of black skinny jeans with a white belt and a brown pair of shoes. He also wear a small purple sunglasses, which hide his icy blue eyes and a stern handsome face.

"Theron. It's nice to meet you" he did the same as Vane but keep her hand hostage and smile at her.

Prince Theron look like an angel to her, a dangerous angel that is. He appears to be in his late teens or early twenties. His loose black hair reaches his chin. His eyes are angled with blue pupils. He dressed with considerable flare in a dramatic, flame-patterned clothes, the collar and sleeves are red.

"Let her go, Theo" Prince Seth said in a deadly voice.

She looks at him and their eyes held. Her heart stops for a second when she see the look on his eyes then starts to beat faster. She feel hot and cold at the same time. She feels like there's a butterfly starting to dance in her stomach and she felt a weird sensation in her pelvis. Is she getting sick? She thought to herself still don't have the power to look away from Seth.

The eldest of the three, Prince Seth like his brother and cousin is a very handsome man. He has fair skin with blue eyes, and black hair that also reach his chin with a slight curl at the end. He has a strong jaw and cleft chin. Like the other two men, he's really tall that even in heels she need to look up and up some more. They're probably 6'2 to 6'5. It's so unfair!! she complains, thinking of her 5'2 height barefoot.

"Ignore my older brother, Lady Serina, he's just jealous" Prince Theron commented mockingly, looking at them and not letting her hand go.

Serina blushed and force herself to look away. Seth stays silence but she can feel his eyes on her.

The Prince's MistressWhere stories live. Discover now