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The eight hours flight from the Kingdom of Latrommi to Canada give her too much time for research. Base on the internet, being a mistress can make someone rich. There's allowances and the man will pay for her 'maintenance' until the day they parted but it all depends on the man's generosity. She ignores the sudden pain in her heart with the thought of them parting and focus on the last part.

She frown. Being a prince and a very rich man, she's sure Seth is generous. What's with him sending his private jet for her use and staffs to wait on her? He's also a lawyer and owns many properties all over the world, the earl inform her since there's almost no information about Seth on the internet and very few pictures with some celebrities.

Her uncle said that the royal family guard their privacy too much. Though there's three of them that is known to the world cause of their chosen profession. When she look up those three princes, she can only found their public information. Their status, their age, how rich they are, their current girlfriends and exes, the latest scandal and most of the news are work related. One of the reporters can't help it but express her disappointment when she tries to pry on one of them about his private life and got only a grin for an answer.

She also read that mistresses could be given full legal rights if mistresses can prove they have contributed more than a "sexual role" to the relationship, they can expect a form of legal recognition.

She shake her head at that. She don't need legal recognition. As long as she can make Seth protect those she love then she'll be satisfied, she thought then continue reading until she fell asleep.


Serina woke up with a start when someone gently shake her shoulder.

"I apologize for waking you, my lady, but we're about to land. Can you please buckle up?" a feminine voice said.

Still disoriented from sleep, she look up and found Tarra leaning over her a little with an apologetic smile.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to fall asleep" she murmured, gathering her tablet that she's still holding on her lap.

She fix her chair and buckle up as requested.

"It's quite alright, my lady. I hope you had a good sleep?" Tarra inquire politely.

"Yes. Thank you for taking care of me" she said with a big smile on her face.

"Can I get you anything before we land?" Tarra asked, still hovering.

"No. Thank you. I'm good" she answered immediately, feeling shy again.

Tarra nodded then leave her alone.

When they landed, all four crew of the jet waited for her on the door to bid her goodbye.

"We're at your disposal so if you need us just give us a call" Geo said and hand over his calling card.

"Thank you again" she said reaching for the card and giving each of them a warm smile then went down the stairs.

She saw that her luggage is being loaded by two men on a four wheel drive while an old woman is looking at her with a welcoming smile.

"My lady, my name is Kyna. I'm his highness housekeeper" the old woman introduces herself with a small curtsy when she reach them.

"Oh, you can call me Rin" she immediately corrected. 

She learn that one has to immediately befriend the house staff to have a smooth and easy life. And being the housekeeper, this old woman is on the top.  

Kyna have long grayed hair which is tied behind in a long ponytail and her face dons various aged creases and wrinkles. Kyna is of short stature with a surprisingly has a slightly bigger build that has accumulated with old age.

The old woman just give her a kind smile and introduces the two men that is now standing a few feet away from them.

"This is my husband, Bernard and our youngest son, Calvin"

The two men give her a respectful bow. She give them a sweet smile.

The old man, like his wife, has a kind look. A little taller than his wife, the old man still look handsome even in his age. Their son, she thinks, is a little older than her with black hair that reaches his nape. He literally portray the tall, dark and handsome in a rugged way look. 

"It's so nice to meet you" she greeted.

The old woman cut off their greeting then and ushered her inside the back seat of the car and follow her. Calvin went to the driver seat while the old man in the passenger seat.

"So, how long have you been working for Prince Seth?" she casually asked while they're on the way. 

"I was his nanny until he no longer needs me and set me up to be his ranch housekeeper about twelve years ago" Kyna explain.

"Oh?" she look at the old woman curiously, willing her to continue.

"Prince Seth got the ranch on his eighteen birthday as a gift from his parents. He love horses and prefer to stay here to relax when the city got too hectic for him" the old woman oblige.

Her eyes rounded on that information. A ranch as a gift? Seth is so really out of her league. With that thought in mind her eyes clouded.

"How big is the ranch?" she asked in a small voice.

"It's about a million acres" it was Bernard who answer proudly.

"Wow. What do you do with that much space?" she asked, impress.

"Aside from the horses, the ranch also have cattle and goats. We also grow  fruits and vegetable on the south part of the ranch. The ranch basically run itself and more" Calvin was the one who answered, giving her a glance on the rear-view mirror.

She nodded, thinking that aside from knowing Seth's like and dislike through the old woman, she can also observe how the ranch is run since she's gonna be living there for a foreseeable future. 

"We're here" the old woman startled her out of her musing.

She immediately look out the window and gasped.

The Prince's MistressWhere stories live. Discover now