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Seth did not look at her and continue to look the soon to be a dead man on the ground being help by Bernard.

He just arrived not more than ten minutes ago. He thought he can surprise Serina by his unannounced appearance but he got pissed when Kyna inform him that Serina is out riding and should be back anytime now.

A mistress should be there waiting for her provider not the other way around. He thought irritably and decided to wait in his office.

He was looking out the window that overlooks the front yard and watches as Serina approach, look behind her and smile. That smile stops his heart for a bit but he ignore it. He decided he will wait for her in the bedroom and was about to turn when a man stops beside her.

He was on the move before he realize he was doing out when the man helps Serina off the horse by her waist and she put her hand on his shoulder. Reaching the front porch he saw Serina's eyes close and the man get something in his pocket and put it on her hand. From the looks of it, he guess it's a ring, an engagement ring to be exact.

He growl and started towards them. His heart feels like someone is squeezing it when Serina hug the man after seeing the ring.

Was he too late? Is this all his fault? He thought in a panic and started running.

He saw when the man finally notices his approach and terror dawn his face, letting Serina go immediately which save him from a very painful and slow death but not his hard fist.

He finally look down at Serina. Such beautiful and innocent face, looking at him in shock.

Without thinking, he bent his head and kiss her hard right there and then. He fist her hair when she started to fight then bit her lower lip a little to force her to open her mouth which she did with a gasp. He quickly took advantage and explores the inside of her mouth with his tongue. She moans and melted, returning his kiss and wrap her arms around her neck, trying to get closer still.

He let her mouth go and look into her daze eyes. They're both gasping for breath.

"You're mine until I say otherwise. You're not marrying anyone" he said in a dangerous voice then grab her right hand, took out the ring and throw it at the man's feet, now standing but with split bleeding lips. He smile dangerously, still not satisfied with that one punch. He want to kill the man but he have more important thing to do. He needs to stake his claim now! He will own every inch of her and everyone will know it.

"Get out of my land! If I saw you again, I will kill you" he said in an angry growl before bending down to carry Serina on his shoulder and turn towards the house.


"Put me down!" Serina scream. Holding on to his belt so her face would not hit his back.

How dare he show up without warning after three years of silence! Hit her bestfriend face, kiss her like no tomorrow then carry her out of there like she's the one who hit someone!

She glances up to see if Calvin is alright but saw a lot of people looking at them with awe. She blushed and hit Seth's back.

"Your highness" she said in an insulting way. "There are a lot of people watching. This is embarrassing! Put me down now"

"You call me by my title in an insulting way. Don't you know that I can punish you for that? You've grown in confidence in only three years. I want to see what else you've learn" he said, finally reaching the master bedroom and throwing her on the bed not too gently.

She gasped when he followed her on the bed, pin her hands up above her head with one hand while his other hand starts tugging and ripping her clothes off.

"Stop!" she cried out, trying to tug her hand free when he successfully rip her blouse into two.

He rip her bra off her too and stop for a moment to look at her breast. Devouring her with his eyes.

"Please stop" she beg in a whispered, not really sure if she wanted him to stop or not.

He looks at her with burning eyes and she shivered.

"Did you let him touch you like this?" he said between gritted teeth, gentle rubbing her nipple with his thumb.

She moan as sensation travel from her nipple to her pelvis and she feel wetness gather between her thigh. He licked and sucked her nipple and she whimpered.

Not letting go of her breast to keep her distracted, he take off her riding boots, tear off her riding pants like it was nothing then her panties the next, throwing it over his shoulder.

"Stop, please, Your highness. You're scaring me" she said, quivering when he lift up his head from her breast and she found out she's naked. Afraid and at the same time very arouse at his roughness.

"How long are you both going on behind my back?" he asked angrily, forcefully parting her legs to look between her legs.

She shake her head hard and made a move to escape but he held her firmly. She fought hard to get away but he position his hips between her parted thigh; let go of her legs and just hold her hand above her head again then looks down at her face.

"Seth... Your highness, please..." she beg and stop fighting him. He doesn't trust her, she thought and it hurt. How can she be with him and work out her plan if he's like this?


She's so beautiful and dangerous for his sanity, he thought, looking at her tear stained face. He let her hand go when she stops fighting and hold her face between his hand, breathing heavily, trying to calm down.

He claimed her mouth again in a rough hard kiss until she moan. Leaving her mouth, he found her breast again and alternately licked and sucked until she squirm and arched and grab his hair. One of his hand travel down between her thigh and plunged his fingers inside her.

He growled, she was so wet and he wanted his mouth on her, wanted her taste on his tongue. Without a word, he let her nipple go with a pop, parted her legs farther and sunk his tongue in.

She cried out and again tried to escape but he's much faster and with one hand hold her hips while the other hold her legs up under the knee, parting her legs more, then suck her clit into his mouth hard. She scream when she came.

She moan weakly when he give her one last lick and didn't even move when he stand up and started taking off his clothes while looking down at her with her eyes close, her head to one side, her hair around her. He look down at her breast, moving up and down from her hard breathing. Both of her hand now relax on either side of her head but there's a telltale crease on where her hands lay that said she was holding onto the cover hard while he was eating her pussy. Her flat belly is still quivering from the force of her orgasm and her feet, now on the mattress, is still parted. He became harder if that's possible when his eyes landed on her pussy, now pink and still very wet.

Finally naked, he stand beside the bed which is the right height for what he have in mind. Grab her around the hips and pull her down on the edge of the mattress which made her gasp and open her eyes to look up at him with wide eyes. Holding both her legs up under the knee, he parted her thigh and perfectly align his cock with her pussy.

"Mine" he growl, pushing into her with one thrust.

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