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Serina can only stare at him in shock. No, he wouldn't but the look in his eyes says otherwise.

"Can I get up now?" She whispered, starting to feel embarrass lying on the ground when she feel fine.

"When the doctor is here" he answered softly then turn his head to shout angrily. "Where the fuck is he? If he don't get here in the next five seconds I will kill all--"

Serina quickly got up, grab both his cheek, turn his head and kiss him. She caress his mouth with her tongue, asking for entry. Grabbing the back of her head, he deepen the kiss. Their tongue found each other and mated.

"Your Highness..." A scared voice called out.

She open her eyes when he let her lips go. Blue eyes filled with lust look back at her. Giving her lower lip a small nip, he stand up and face the crowd.

"About damn time. What took you so long?" Seth asked irritably.

"I only came here because you asked nicely. I didn't know I have a patient. And why don't you get a room?" A pleasant voice answered.

"We run as soon as we heard not more than three minutes ago but it looks like you both are about to get on with ot while the people watch. I didn't know you're an exhibitionist" another voice commented in amusement.

"I don't mind watching as long as I don't see your ass. That's a view that can't be unseen" a third voice said with a laugh.

Serina blushed and got up too quickly she felt dizzy.

"What did I fucking tell you?" Seth hissed against her ear as he grab her around the waist and make her lean into him.

"Stop  cursing and I'm fine" Serina hissed back then turn to smile at the handsome visitor. "Prince Kylian, Prince Vane, Prince Etienne, Your Highnesses... I didn't know you were all coming. I apologize for this" she finish uncomfortably.

"Why are you apologizing? You flew off the horse and he's a doctor" Seth cut off before Kylian can open his mouth then bend down and hook his forearm under her knee.

She give a tiny scream and grab him on the shoulder. "Put me down! This is embarrassing! I can walk!" she hit him on the shoulder while hiding her face against her neck. 

Seth ignores her and walk towards the house with her in his arms.

I already humiliated myself enough today to last me a lifetime. I didn't mean it when I wished for my death but now I'm seriously thinking about it. And it was all his fault! He made me lie down on the ground when there's nothing wrong with me because he thinks it's the right thing. He threaten everyone when he clearly knows that it was an accident and why did he ever order that no one should be around? That's just crazy. He curse a lot which he never did before. Now, he's carrying me like I'm an invalid! So many reasons to wish for death. So yes! It's all his fault. Why does he have to be so handsome and so kind and sweet?  she thought with a nod then groan and hug him around the shoulder, face still against his neck. Why does he smell so nice? And why are you blaming him? It was all yours! You confess to him. You followed him when he said not to move. He threaten and curse at people because of your carelessness. You almost killed a child! she thought guiltily.


Seth tighten his hold on Serina and keep quiet as he listen to her conversation with herself. He glance at his cousins who are walking at his side and found them frowning down at Serina.

Kylian meet his eyes and raise his brow at him. He just shake his head and warn them with his eyes to keep quiet. Kylian and Vane smirk  at him while Etienne smile and they all look ahead but clearly listening, it almost made him want to hit them.

Reaching the house, he went inside their room and carefully lay her down the bed. His cousins right behind him that made his annoyance almost reached it's boiling point.

She sit up suddenly, almost hitting him then got up the bed. "I'm fine. Really. Can I get you something?" she didn't let them answer and run out the door like the devil is after her.

Seth made a move to follow but Kylian block his path.

"If she's running like that then she's fine. I bet the wind was just knock out of her when she hit the ground. But I will check on her later" Kylian said that last sentence when Seth open his  mouth.

"She lose consciousness" Seth pointed out.

"You heard her talking to herself. I gather she was just so embarrass she prefer to pretend that she choose to fly off the horse and hit the ground for the hell of it" Kylian answered readily.

Seth glare at him then glance at the door.

"Told you, he had it bad" Kylian said in an amuse tone, glancing at the other men in the room.

"Don't make me hit you" Seth said through gritted teeth.

"Now, now. Nobody is hitting anyone. Calm down, Seth. She's fine" Etienne said calmly.

"So she still say out loud what's on her mind" Vane commented.

"You've meet her?" Kylian asked, turning to face Vane.

"Oh! Sorry, did I forgot to mention that? My bad" Vane said but his tone is far from sorry.

"It's ok. I'm sure I can work something out to get back at you" Kylian said pleasantly.

"Ok, ok. Can we continue this about to be bloody conversation in the study?" Etienne said, turning to Seth.

Seth nodded and lead the way, eyes and ears straining for Serina but the house is so quiet. He stop on the door of the study and called out her name.

"Y-yes?" a tiny voice answered from the kitchen.

"Are you ok?" he said and was about to head over there when Serina pop out from the kitchen door.

"I'm fine. Kyna is with me. She's making drinks for everyone" Serina said with a smile, not meeting anyone's eyes.

Seth stare at her for a moment. When she refuse to meet his eyes, he sigh and enter the study with his cousins following behind.

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