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He gave her a startled look like he just realizes she was there. She bit her lip worriedly. The first time she interrupted him, he gave her a stern order. 'Don't disturb me when I work unless it's a matter of life and death'.

Since she already disturbs him, she just held his gaze and wait.

"I did remember telling you not to talk to me when I'm working," he said, leaning back on his chair, his gaze steady on her.

"You said, 'don't disturb'..." she said in an uncertain voice.

"And in your own little world, you think talking is not disturbing?" he asked in a sarcastic voice.

She sighs. She really wanted to say that she's so curious she can't help herself but ask. As the saying goes 'curiosity kills the cat'. In her position, 'curiosity will cut you down with words'. But she really really really wanted to know. She bit her tongue and look down. Squirming in her sit.

"Isn't it too late to bite your tongue after voicing what's on your mind already?" he suddenly said in a gruff tone.

Wide eyes, she look up at him. He smirk at her.

"As I said before, that's a bad habit. Here's a suggestion, bite your tongue first before thinking. Let me know if it works" he said then dismiss her by turning on his phone but this time he put it in a loud speaker and left it on the table while he type something on his laptop.

She hid a smile and lean forward to better hear what was being said.

"Hello" a deep voice answered.

"Kieran, where's your brother?" Seth said.

"Ah, hello to you too" the voice said sarcastically.

"Your brother?" Seth said in an irritated tone.

"He did say that you will call me soon and he said just now that he's not here.... What?" Kieran hissed.

They heard an argument on the other line then a new voice spoke.

"Hey,Seth. That wasn't soon enough. What took you so long to track me down?" A friendly voice greeted.

"I just found out five minutes ago what you've done. Care to explain?" Seth said in an annoyed voice.

"I did what I did more than twenty minutes ago. Wanna explain first why it took you this long? It's so not like you" the man on the line laugh.

She saw Seth greeted his teeth and she blush remembering what they were doing at that time.

"Stop pissing me off, Kylian, and tell me why you're suddenly involve in this case" Seth said between gritted teeth.

They heard Kylian sigh dramatically on the other line. "Someone asked me for help" he finally said.

"Help? From you?" Seth scoof. "Just tell me what you want" he continued dismissively.

"Now, now. That's a good offer. Let me think on that.... How about you give me that precious ranch of yours?" Kylian finished after a moment pause.

"Fuck off" Seth said coldly.

"Ok, ok" Kylian said, laughing. "Then how about one night with that cute little--"

Seth grab the phone and throw it on the wall, splintering it to pieces.

Serina flinch and stared at him in shock.

Seth was breathing hard. Violent anger running through his vein.

He will kill that bastard very slowly, he thought. No, first he will make sure he suffer financially then he will kill him. The king will surely thank him after a job well done. He was so into thinking of ways to kill his cousin, he did not notice when Serina got out of her chair and walks toward him.

"Seth?" he heard Serina call out.

He look up and found Serina standing beside him.

"Are you ok?" She whispered and glance at the broken phone on the floor.

Seth did not answer but frown. He was never a violent person. Kylian is just being Kylian when he made that comment. He never once thought of killing his cousin just because he insulted the woman he's sleeping with. That's the first time he ever felt such violence.

Serina is a danger to his sanity. Possessiveness is one of his family's trait. But what he felt for her is bordering to obsessiveness. He's also protective of her. He need to end this affair soon.

He stare at her for too long that she started to squirm. Reaching for her so suddenly she gasped but let him guide her legs to astride him. He place his hands on her hips and she hold on to his shoulder. Their face really close then he claim her lips in a savage kiss.

He forcefully enter her mouth with his tongue and explore every corner. Sucking and biting her lips that she gasp.

"Seth?" She asked dazedly when he stand up and sit her on the table, placing himself between her thigh.

Since they're just out of bed, she's wearing one of his shirt that had reach her knee and nothing else. He rip the shirt like it was nothing until it parted, exposing her to his gaze.

Pushing her so she's flat on her back, he took one of her breast while cupping the other with his hand. His other hand explore the moist part of her. She moan and grab onto his head, arching her back.

He change his mouth to her other breast until she begs him. Letting her breast pop out of his mouth, he hold her legs apart then look down between her thigh. What a pretty sight she is. His cock can't take the strain any longer, he let one of her legs go the free his cock.

"Seth, please" she said, looking at him.

Without preamble, he enter her in one thrust until he can't go no further. Holding both her ankle, he push it up and wide then started to fuck into her. Their bodies making a slap and wet sound as he fuck her.

He looks down where they were join. Getting more arouse as he saw his cock getting more wet whenever he withdraw. Her pussy wall looks stretch to its limit. Her pussy so pink and juicy. Hot and tight and wet and only his.

With that thought, he thrust more forcefully into her. Her breast moving. Her head moving from side to side. Nails digging into his arms.

He let her legs go. One of his hand wrap around her neck while the other hold onto her hips. He fuck into her harder than before. He lean onto her and lick her cheek.

"Look at me" he groan.

Brown daze eyes meet his. She's so beautiful and very fragile that he want to protect her. But who will protect her from you? A voice asked inside his head. The side of his lips lift up. No one, and that's the way he like it.

Commanding her with his eyes to not look away, he angle his thrust and smile when her eyes widen and her back arch.

Keeping the angle and the hard thrust, his hand around her neck move to grab the back of her head and pull her hair back. He buried his face in her neck the bite and suck. Leaving his mark where anyone can see it.

She scream when she orgasm, leaving her mark also as she unconsciously dig her nails onto his back.

Straightening up, he grab hold both her hips and thrust into her until he climax with a growl.

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