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Up ahead is a one story ranch house with open and casual layout. The house have low-pitched roofs and extended eaves with an 'L' shape style and a front porch. There's an attached garage on the left back side. The car stops in front of a three step stairs.

Kyna directed her inside while the two men unload her luggage and she fell in love with the house. The interior of the house is an elegant adornments and architectural details. It's features include post and beam ceilings and sliding glass doors that lead to the back porch. 

"Would you like a tour of the house?" Kyna asked politely.

"Oh, yes please!" she almost beg with a wide smile.

The old woman nodded and proceeded to guide her around the house.

"This is the great room with a toilet on that side" the old woman said pointing at a small door on the left side.

Following the old woman who turn right she was shown the dining room which separated by three column from the great room and foyer.  Then they enter a modern kitchen through a door that open both ways.  They stop at the breakfast room with large picture window.

"His highness don't usually take breakfast here. He prefer to eat at the back porch when the weather permits it" Kyna explained then directed her to an open hallway.

"This leads to the garage which can fit two car and a storage room" she pointed at one door then they turn right.

The old woman opens the door to the den room, two bedroom and a shared bathroom, showing her the inside. She reacted to each and every room like a child. 

So, this is where he bring his mistresses, she thought with a nod, looking around the last room.

"His highness never bring a woman here" Kyna said quietly that startled her.

She look at the old woman in shock. "I'm sorry. I didn't realize I said it out loud"

"This place is important to his highness so he will not bring just about anyone here" the old woman give her a critical look. "You look really young.."

"I just turn eighteen" again she voluntarily give information without being ask.

"His highness said that you're an important guest and should be treated the way we treat him. He's a private man and never explain himself to anyone so we don't know what you are to him but, my lady, are you sure about this? You look like you're from a good family background and educated" Kyna said kindly.

"I look like one cause a very kind person took care of me but I'm no one. I have to do this to atleast protect that person when the time comes. This is the only way that I know I can fight back" she said determinedly.

"If you're in trouble you can ask the prince for help" Kyna said with a frown.

"He will not willingly help out. I have to do this to make him help me" she shake her head. 

"You don't know his highness yet but I know him since birth. He will help. But it's your business, just don't make a fool out of him" the old woman said the last part in warning.

"I will never fool him. I just want to make sure that he will help me when I ask without excuses" she said, meeting the woman's eyes.

The old woman look at her for a long time and she meet her eyes head on. Then Kyna incline her head and went back to where they've come.

She was directed to the left side of the house and showed to the study room and the master's suite.

The master's suite is the biggest room with a wall to ceiling window. A tall big bed in the middle which she thinks she need stairs to climb up and will likely hurt herself if she falls down in her sleep. A comfy sofa in front of an elegant fireplace. A walk in closet and an en-suite bathroom beside it. There's also a silding door that leads to the back porch.

"Your luggage is already inside the closet. Would you like me to put it up for you?" the old woman offered.

"I don't understand..." she said hesitantly.

"His highness instructed me to put you on the master's bedroom" Kyna said, looking at her kindly.

She blush to the roots of her hair. So much for keeping this affair a secret, huh? He might as well announce to the staff what she's there for. He should have put her on the room next to him or the room at the other end of the hallway for the next two years since he's not here anyway. Now, how can she get the staff to like her if they know she's gonna be the Prince's 'slut'. She thought angrily, again not knowing that she's thinking out loud and the old woman with years of experience was trying not to show any expression.

"I hope everything is to your liking? His highness did not inform me that the guest will be a woman so I did not put it upon myself to atleast make the room feminine for your sake" the old woman said in a worried voice. 

"Oh no, no. Everything is fine. I will talk about it with him" she immediately console, shaking her head hard it made her dizzy.

"I know you're tired from the flight so let me put your clothes--"

"No!" she said in a loud forceful voice that made the old woman jump up in fright and look at her wide eyes.

"I mean, it's ok. I can do it" she said in grimace and try to smile. There goes her making the old woman like her.

The old woman look at her like she gone crazy but did not comment.

"Then, if you'll excuse me" Kyna made for the door and close it.

She moan to herself and dramatically crumble where she stand, holding her face. It's not that she doesn't like the old woman to touch her things. Most of her luggage consist of erotic books that she found accidentally on the upper last aisle of the earl's big library while she was looking for something new book to read.

She was only thirteen at the time and it almost made her fall on the stairs she's standing on when she saw the pictures on one of the book. She return the book to its original place and immediately leave the library with a burning face. She tries to forget about the book but can't sleep that night and sneakingly went down to the library. She took the book back to her room and read it all through the night.

Five years had past but it still made her blush. Some of the position seems humanly impossible. Will the high and mighty prince go down to his knees just to eat her pussy? She moan out loud when that thought made her wet. It's gonna be a long, lonely and frustrating two years of her life.

The Prince's MistressWhere stories live. Discover now