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Getting to their feet, Serina and Lucy nervously face the young Duke who slowly walk towards them.

Nash is a tall, well build handsome man with dark hair and brown eyes. Many ladies go crazy about him because of his appearance and attitude. He never show his cruel, manipulative and sadistic side.

Holding hands, both girls take one step back with every forward step Nash take.

"Now, now. Don't be like that" Nash said in a friendly manner and stop getting closer.

Both girls eyed him cautiously, not speaking and keeping their distance as Chase instructed.

"I'm sorry for startling both of you" Nash said softly, giving them a warm smile.

"I-It's fine. If you would excuse us?" Serina said and without waiting for a response, turn and pull Lucy with her, too late to remember that Chase also instructed to never show your back on your enemies.

She gasped when a hard hand grab her left forearm. Eyes wide in fear, she turn and meet the Duke's now resentful eyes.

"Disrespectful bitch!" Nash bit put harshly.

Serina winced when his hand tighten his hold on her. Heart beating wildly, she face Nash and pull Lucy with her free hand to hide behind her.

"You dare to turn your peasant back on me?! You think you're something because you're fucking a Prince?" Nash continued in a slurred manner. "You are nothing but a hole that annoying Prince use right now! His personal whore but a whore nonetheless and sooner or later he will get tired of you"

Serina paled. She's shaking. He's emanating such fury it scared her. She took a deep breath and will herself to calm down. The arm Nash is holding so tightly starting to hurt, it will surely leave a bruise.

"I saw how you look at Prince Seth earlier. You're so in love with him it makes me want to kill you. I saw you first! You were supposed to be mine!" Nash hissed in her face.

Serina look at him wide eye with shock.

"Didn't Prince Kylian inform you? Well, I'm not surprise. He thinks he has the upper hand on me. I let him think that. I know how loyal the King and the Princes to each other" he smirks at her. "I let him get close to me. I let him think I'm so stupid and easily controlled."

She cried out in pain when he pull her to him. She tried to let Lucy hands go but the latter wouldn't let go.

They don't need to sabotage or make the Duke talk. Hurting her while he's aware she's under the King and the Princes protection is enough to make him go to prison.

"I will not be controlled or played with just because those royal family thinks they're better than me!" He smile devilishly at her then glance at Lucy when the latter tried to pull Serina. "Ah. Well, if it isn't that old Duke bastard? How nice of you to join us. Didn't Luca fuck you yet?"

Serina glance at Lucy's paled face and tried to hide her again but the Duke yank her hard to the side on the same arm, she cried out in pain.

Lucy move to help Serina but Nash grab her around the neck and lift her, forcing Lucy to tilt on her toe. Eyes wide in fright, Lucy let Serina's hand go to grab Nash wrist with both hands.

"You know, I hate people who are a bastard like my little half-sister. She's an eyesore that I'm not allowed to kill" Nash said harshly then laughed evilly.

"P-please..." Lucy said in a small voice, fighting for breath.

"He didn't fuck you, did he?" He asked, tightening his hold around Lucy's neck. "This royal family has so much self control it's laughable. If it were me, I will take what you offer then marry the legitimate and rich half sister"

"Let her go!" Serina grit her teeth, fighting the pain on her left arm and punch the Duke in the nose like Chase taught her.

The Duke let them both go in shock and hold his bleeding nose.

Serina quickly grab Lucy's wrist and pull her to a run but Nash is much faster. He grab Lucy's hair and yank hard that both girls let out a scream as they hit the ground.

Serina groan and blink back tears as her side hit the protruding root of the tree. She heard Lucy cried out and look up to find Nash's hand wrap around Lucy's neck again while the latter tried to loosen his hold.

Finally remembering about the ring, she push the hidden button on it then climb to her feet and kick Nash's shin so hard the latter cried out in pain and let Lucy go.

"Lucy, move!" Serina scream in the girl's ear.

Serina in panic help Lucy, who is coughing, get to her feet then scream when a hand grab the back of her hair. Lucy quickly tried to help her by biting Nash's arm.

Nash growl angrily, let Serina's hair go and slap Lucy so hard the little girl went up in the air a little.

As Lucy hit the tree with a thud, there was an angry roar that the hair on the back of Serina's neck went up.

Nash and Serina turn their head in fright and found Luca running towards them. Killing rage on his face.

Nash looking pale and frighten turn to escape but too late as Luca eats the ground with his angry stride and throw himself on Nash back. Both men hit the ground with a loud sound that made her winced.

Serina flinch as Luca beat Nash savagely while the other man can only try to block each blow to no avail.

No longer able to watch the blooded face of the Duke, she slowly went to Lucy's unmoving body.


She turn her head to find Seth with all his cousins and a woman, if she remember correctly was called Blaze, running towards them.

"Seth..." She whispered weakly as he went to his knees beside her and carefully cup her cheek.

"Help Lucy. I think she hit her head on the tree when..." Throat thick, she stop talking and look at Seth with her eyes begging.

The woman, Blaze, went on her knees beside Lucy and move the latter's hair off her face.

"She's unconscious" Blaze said worriedly.

"Damn it, Luca! Stop!" Etienne hissed.

She look to find Luca fighting off Chase, Etienne, Leander, Vane, Kayden, and Raine as they pull him off the unconscious Nash. Serina watch in fascination as the Princes avoided every attack but still manage to keep Luca from going near the bloody Duke.

"He will not stop until the Duke is dead unless something more important than killing the Duke occurs" Kurt commented softly as he crouch down beside the unconscious Lucy.

Prince Kurt, the last in line to the throne and younger brother of Raine. He's the man who interrupted her and the Earl more than three years ago when they seek refuge in the King's private room. And she's still a fan even now that Immortal's got disbanded a few days ago.

So he's still with Blaze, she thought then blush when Kurt laugh.

"We're just friends" Kurt uttered in amusement then glance at Blaze who smile at Serina.

Feeling shy, she look at Seth who stayed quiet all this time. His eyes shows no emotion that she started to get worried.

"Damn it! Give us a hand here" Vane called out as he almost got hit.

"I want to kill him too so why do we need to stop Luca from doing so?" Theron asked in puzzlement as he stand beside Seth and watch the scene.

"Well, maybe because he said so himself to refrain from killing anyone on his engagement party?" Kayden answered in good humour and dodge a punch from Luca.

"I'm sure he regretted saying that now" Kieran commented drily beside Kylian who is unusually quiet the whole time.

"What's going on here?" A strong calm voice said from behind them.

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