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He kissed her hard and deep. Trying to make up those weeks without each other. Letting her lips go, he carry her in his arms and walk towards the bed.

Serina wrap her arms around his neck and lean forward to lovingly kiss his jaw then bit his ear playfully.

He groan and gently put her down the bed, both arms on either side of her head to support himself as he stares down at her.

Serina meet his eyes and they stay like that for a long time. Studying each other faces.

"This is a bad idea, Seth" she whispered, breaking the silence.

"Is it?" He rasped, bending his arms to support himself on his elbow and give her nose a light kiss.

"You're ruining the plan--" she said then gasped in shock when he rip dress in half, exposing her naked breast. "Seth!" She cried out in protest and tried to close the gaping clothe.

He grabs both her wrist and put it above her head. His blue eyes blazing with anger as he look down at her exposed breast.

"You're not wearing a bra?!" he bit out angrily then let her wrist go to wrap his hand around her neck. "What kind of plan did you agreed to?" His said in her face and his hands tighten as his eyes bore into her.

Eyes wide in fear at the wild look in his eyes, she cup his cheek with her free hand and said in a calming sweet voice. "It's not what you think. I will never let another man touch me. I will only ever belong to you, Seth"

Even if you don't belong to me, she thought to herself, biting her tongue.


Seth studied her face as he will himself to calm down. No one will ever touch her but him. He will kill anyone who dares.

With that thought, he claim her lips again and lick the inside of her mouth. He growl when she suck his tongue. Without ending the kiss, he open her legs apart with his hips and gathering her dress around her waist, he rip her panty off. Quickly unbuttoning and unzipping his pant. This is going to be a hard quick fuck, he thought as he align his cock at her entrance and plunge to the hilt.

"Seth, stop!"

His whole body went rigid at that horrified cry from Serina. Did he hurt her? He thought then curse at himself.

Breathing hard, he meet her wide brown eyes.

"What is it?" He rasped against her lips.

Serina close her eyes and dig her nails into his shoulder. He felt so good inside her. She miss him so much. She don't want him to stop but he has to know.

Gulping, she whispered. "I'm no longer on the pill"

When he stay frozen and quiet, she open her eyes to find him looking at her oddly.

"Is there any chance you could get pregnant?" He breath out in a strange voice.

"I... I don't know. I don't keep t-track" she answered then worriedly nibble at her lips when he just look at her with that mysterious glint in his eyes.

Making a decision, she slowly wrap her legs around his waist and moan when that movement make him went deeper inside her. When he still did not move or speak, she took a deep breath and squeezes his cock with her pussy wall. That did it, he growl at her before taking her lips in an open mouthed kiss.

He slowly withdraw then thrust hard and repeated the movement again and again and again until she's mindless with pleasure.

She turn her head to the side to end the kiss and gasped for breath. She's feeling too much sensation that she want it to end and at the same time she want it to go on forever. Meeting his every hard thrust, she hide her face against his neck and just let him take her to that wonderful place.

"Seth" she beg.

He licked her bottom lip and nipped it gently with his teeth then worked his mouth from her jaw to her earlobe. He flicked his tongue on her lobe and gently bit it, she gasped. He took advantage and claim her mouth in a deep kiss.

She gasped and moan writhe under him as he keep his deep hard thrust. Letting her lips go, he bend and suck her breast into his mouth.

She came with a scream and drag her nails into his back. She heard him growl then withdraw from her and put her on her hands and knees then fuck back into her again.

She moan long and move her hips back to meet his hard thrust. Nails digging into the mattress and pleasure clouding her brain, she did not hear the first knock or the second on the door, followed by a loud voice.

"Fuck. I'm really going to kill him" Seth said savagely as he keep thrusting into her, hands holding her hips to keep her from moving off his cock.

Not understanding what he's talking about, she ignores him and buried her face in the sheet, focusing on the sensation. Her pussy wall squeezing his cock in every thrust.

"Are you close?" Seth asked against her ear as he lean his body on her.

She whimpered her answer and nodded her head a little.

She felt him scraped her neck with his teeth then cum again with a scream as he bit and suck her neck, leaving his mark.

He give a few more thrust then she felt him cum deep inside her with a long loud growl. Her pussy wall clench his still twitching cock, reveling in the spurt that hit her deep inside.


"Let me just get rid of the soon to be dead bodies" Seth murmured after a while and slowly withdraw from her.

She frown and turn to watch him button and zip his pants. She then realize that they're both still dress and voices are coming in from the door with a loud unstoppable knock.

She pale as she gather her rip dress to cover her breast. The plan! She just ruin everything by going off with Seth! How long they've been gone? She hope she can still salvage the situation.

Or not, she finally decided as she look down on herself.

She got out of bed as Seth open the door a little bit. She walk towards him and listen.

"Ah you finally decided to open up. Hope we didn't disturb you or anything?" She heard Kylian's cheerful voice and she flinch.

"Definitely not, I have the most satisfying fuck just now and I want to repeat it again so fuck off" Seth said in a dangerously soft voice.

Serina blushed to the roots of her hair and hit Seth back with her fist. Seth just gave her a fleeting glance back.

"Serina, are you there? Stop hiding" Kylian called out.

"I'm not hiding, Your Highness" she answered between gritted teeth and force only her head between Seth and the door.

Kylian, Vane, Kayden and Raine look at her curiously. She smile uncertainly at them.

"Please tell me you at least did not damage the dress" Kayden said hopefully at Seth.

Seth smirks at them while she blush. Kylian and Raine sigh in exasperation. Vane and Kayden exchange glances then laugh.

"We're in luck then" Raine said in a casual voice.

Seth frown at them. Four pair of eyes look at him with sickening satisfaction.

"We found this cute little thing loitering in the hallway" Kylian said and turn to his side to reveal a frighten girl, looking at them wide eye.

Serina watched the girl closely, she has red hair and deep green eyes. And from the looks of her, they're both of the same age, height and size.

"What are you on about now?" Seth asked grimly.

"Don't thank us but we just found a new dress for Serina" Vane said wickedly.

Serina and the girl look at each other in puzzlement.

"No" Seth said in a firm cold voice then slam the door.

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