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Serina frown as she near the house. Usually, the helper's children was playing under the tree with Ida looking out for them. But now, it is eerily silent.

As her hobby, she walk on the beach in the afternoon and stay there until dusk. Lucy and later on Ida, tried to talk to her but she refuse to hear any more news about Seth.

Entering the house she call out Ida's name and was meet with silence.

She scowl when she heard a sound coming from the study room. Heading in that direction, she peep through the open door and found a shadow sitting in the chair facing away from her.

Clearing her throat, she called out. "Ida?"

She walk inside then gasped when the man on the chair turns around.

"Your Majesty!"

Kale studied the beautiful woman looking at him in shock. She still look the same as when she was introduce to him more than three years ago.

She still has that innocent look except now there's a gleam of something in her eyes that made him raise her brow.

"Tell me, Serina. What are you so afraid of?" He asked.

"Forgive me, Your Majesty! I.. I didn't mean to offend... I was just... not expecting... you?" She answered nervously and keep avoiding his eyes.

"Are you telling me or asking me?" He voice out calmly.

"I'm not sure myself"

He heard her murmur and his lips went up in a ghost of a smile. Ah, so that's the charm, he thought in amusement, as he keep on staring at her.

"Who are you expecting?" He asked instead, watching her closely.

"Seth?" She answered, unsure.

"From what I heard you officially broke up with Seth, a Prince and a billionaire nonetheless, in a very unique way..." he pause then frown. "Something about a phone call?"

He hid a smile when she pale then blush. Squirming, she did not meet his eyes.

"And let me also take this opportunity to salute you on having the presence of mine to use a disposable phone so you can't be track" he continued after making her squirm some more.

"It's the way of communication here..." She answered honestly then winced.

"You found a good place to hide" he observe instead, ignoring what she reveal. He knows the reason why.

"How did you know about this place?" She already voiced out curiously then cover her mouth in shock.

Kale sigh. Does she think he will likely to order her execution just because she ask a question? If that is so, then one tiny woman should be dead a long time ago, he smile at the thought.

"Honestly? This place is mine. I'm just lending it to Ida and I guess you were told why she's in hiding?" Kale scrutinize her when she nodded.

Serina finally meet his eyes and choked out, "You've known all along where I am..."

Kale shrug.

"Did..." She clear her throat and continued, "Did Seth knows?"

Kale relax back in the chair and stare at her coolly.

"He's not aware I'm involve in all this so he never tried to check any of my properties. And I want to talk to you first" he remark.

She pale and there's fear in her eyes that he sigh in irritation. He can never understand why people got scared when he use the word 'talk'. He's not likely to 'talk' them into killing themselves unless he has to.

The Prince's MistressWhere stories live. Discover now