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Serina studied Lucy's face as the latter busy herself with readying her make up. She's already dress in a black off shoulder mermaid style evening dress that exactly fit her.

"This dress is yours...'' She commented out of nowhere.

Lucy froze for a moment, give her a glance then face her and starts to fix her make up.

"Prince Luca bought it for me just to wear for this occasion" Lucy said quietly.

"You're in love with him..." Serina blurted out in the sudden silence.

Lucy went rigid and look at her with wide shock eyes.

"I'm so sorry. I have this bad habit of voicing out what's on my mind" Serina said, blushing.

Lucy smile at her and shake her head.

"It's fine. I think everyone can see it anyway" Lucy replied with a small smile and continue applying her make up.

"Does he know?" Serina asked curiously.

Lucy laugh but her eyes look so sad, Serina almost cry for her. Serina bit her lip to keep herself from talking. She can feel Lucy's pain and she can relate.

"I told him a week ago actually" Lucy suddenly said, checking her make up then smile. "It's done"

Accepting the mirror without thinking, Serina watch Lucy's face through the mirror as the latter went behind her and fix her hair.

"And a few hours later he officially proposes to my cousin" Lucy continued in a choke voice and took a deep breath.

"I'm sorry" Serina said in a soft quiet voice.

"It's fine. We can never be anyway. He's a Prince and I'm just some poor relation" Lucy said in a shrug with a force smile.

Serina got up to face Lucy and hug her tight to show her support. Lucy hug her back.

"We better go out there before Prince Seth's patience run out" Lucy said, smiling.

Serina nodded and together they got out of the en-suite bathroom.

"Just remember to stay out of his reach" Chase whispered. "Push the button on your ring as I showed you if you feel unsafe and we'll be there. Don't, in any circumstances take it off. It has a tracker in it so we will know where you are" he continued, giving her a firm look.

She smile up at him and nodded. She's starting to like Chase. He's cold but he do his job very well. This is the third time he brief her since she, Kylian and Lucy join the party an hour before Seth, Raine, Vane and Kayden did for appearances sake.

She was told by Kylian to look angry whenever she look at Seth and she blurted out she can never do that to Kylian's and Chase's irritation.

"Then fucking stop looking at him!" Chase said in an annoyed tone that she blink at him in surprise.

And she tried, she really did. Though she's very aware where he is and keep watch of him through her peripheral vision.

Lucy stayed with them the whole time but stayed quiet. Though she flinch and keep her eyes on the floor when Luca and his fiancee joined them a few moments ago.

Serina hold her hand in support and got a squeeze back.

Lucy tighten her hold on her hand when her uncle call out attention. Serina give Lucy a sad glance as the latter bit her lip, heads still bow.

"Ladies and gentlemen, if I can have your attention please" the Duke of Yadnus happily called out using a mike.

Everyone stayed quiet and turn to listen as the Duke was joined by Prince Luca and a very beautiful lady with blonde hair and blue eyes.

"As you all know, this party is to officially announce the engagement of Prince Luca and my daughter, Emerald" the old Duke said and continued. "Let me gladly announce also that the wedding date was set and it will be three months from now!" The duke finished in a booming voice.

There was a murmur from the crowd and they heard some speculation why the wedding was set already. Royal engagement usually last for a minimum of one year to show the people that there was no secret to be told and to keep the bride's reputation unblemished.

Serina felt Lucy went rigid and her hand is shaking. Chase and Kylian give Lucy a sober glance.

"Please excuse me" Lucy said in a small voice and turn away, heading for the ballroom door.

"Lucy" Serina made a move to follow but Chase grab her elbow.

"Leave her. She'll be alright. We need to follow the plan" Chase said passionless.

Serina frown up at him. "How do you know she'll be fine? You don't feel what she feels. She can never be fine after this"

Pulling her elbow from his hold, she turn and follow Lucy. Leaving Chase and Kylian looking at each other.

"Lucy" Serina call out after finally tracking the crying girl in the back garden, curl up in a ball under a big tree.

Lucy did not answer but she saw her flinch.

Taking a deep breath, Serina cautiously sit a few steps away and keep her silence.

"How do you think I can survive this?" Lucy finally speak in such a lifeless sad voice that it bring tears to Serina's eyes.

"I don't know. I've asked myself that same question before and I hate knowing the answer" Serina whispered.

"What should I do?" Lucy mumble, her hair hiding her face.

"When I was in your situation I thought I can be selfish and stay with him. I thought I will not care if I hurt other people as long as I'm with Seth but in the end it's not me so I left. I choose to suffer than hurt others" Serina pause and studied Lucy's profile. "You have to decide for yourself what you want to do. Can you live without him? If not, then can you stay and watch him be happy with someone else?"

Lucy did not answer for a long time then lift her head to look at her miserably.

Serina smile at her then move to sit beside her and wrap her hands around Lucy's shoulder.

"Everything's going to be alright" she whispered and Lucy burst out crying and turn to bury her face on her shoulder.

Serina hug her and pat her back. Giving her support and console the hurting girl the only thing she can. Listening and being there.

"Well, isn't this cozy?"

Both girls jump in surprise and turn their head to the side to find Nash smiling at them with predatory gleam in his eyes.

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