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"Seth?" Serina voiced out in a small voice as soon as Seth answer the phone.

There was only silence on the other line. Biting her lip, Serina clutch the phone tighter when Seth stayed quiet for a long time. Feeling scared, she nervously clear her throat and tried again.

"Are you still t-there?" She said a little louder.

She heard voices in the background but can't understand what was being said. Is he outside? But she was directed to call his New York office when she first call the castle and an over eager secretary give her the number.

Maybe she calls at a bad time? Is he celebrating his engagement? She sucked in a breath at that thought. Calling him is a bad idea. She was about to end the call when Seth bit out.

"Don't you dare hang up on me!"

Frozen, Serina listen as the background voices got louder like they're having an argument.

"All of you! Shut up and get out!"

She jumps in shock when Seth suddenly shouted. The line went eerily silence that it made her check the phone if it's still connected.

"Serina" Seth finally said in a cold voice that she shivers.

"Did I c-call at a b-bad t-time?" she asked uncertainly.

"No. You actually have a very good timing. I'm running out of ideas on how to get rid of my cousins without actually killing them" he answered lazily.

"Oh... OK" she said awkwardly, biting her lip.

"Serina?" Seth said quietly.

"Yes?" she answered softly.

"Where are you?"

Serina sigh and said instead. "I only call to talk to you about Lucy"

"Can you atleast tell me where in the world are you?" he asked, totally ignoring what she said.

She bit her lower lip. Can he find this place if she told him? Thinking fast, she bargain, "If I tell you, will you promise to make sure Lucy got free?"

There was a moment of silence then, "A second"

She listen attentively as he talk to Yueh. She can hear every word he said since he did not bother to cover the speaker.

"Yueh, call the castle and issue an order about Lucy's freedom... I will explain later, just do it now..."

Feeling nervous, Serina waited.

"It's done. Now tell me where you are" Seth voice out calmly.

Taking a deep breath, she whispered. "I'm in Latrommi"


Seth went rigid.

Latrommi! She did not disappear to the end of the world but only within reach! The fuck are those investigators doing? He will have to talk to Kylian about this! World's best investigation agency, my ass! He thought angrily as he give Kylian a death glare.

Kylian blink his eyes at him innocently.

"Are you safe?" he asked calmly. Making a mental note to confront Kylian later, he turn his attention back to Serina.

"I'm fine..." she answered then murmured in a tiny voice. "I'm so pathetic, I miss you so much it hurts"

Seth fights off a laugh and smile instead. She still doesn't change. He bet she did not realize she said that out loud.

"I miss you too" Seth said truthfully.

He heard a gasp then a sniffle. Feeling pain in his heart, he took a deep breath and went to stand in front of the glass wall. Ignoring his family who openly listens.

"Serina, you do know that we need to talk, correct?" he started in a gentle voice.

"I know" she murmured.

"Tell me exactly where you are" he coax.

"I... I can't. I'll think about it--"

"Don't hang up!" He cut her in panic when her voice started to fade out. "Please, Serina... Just... Just stay on the line" he beg in alarm.

He lean his forehead on the glass wall and took a deep calming breath. He can't let her go now, she might disappear and he'll never hear from her again.

"Seth..." Serina murmured when he did not speak for a long time but she can hear him breathing.

"It's not me" he whispered. "Yueh put Lucy to that house arrest to get you to contact me and it work"

Serina sadly lean her head back in the pillow and curl herself into a ball. So he doesn't care where she is-

"Damn it! It's not like that!"

She gulp with that sudden outburst.

"Serina, give me another chance. I will explain everything. Please just let me see you"

Heart in agony, she sob and choke out. "I no longer want to be your mistress, Seth. I don't want to be called the other woman in your life. I... I.... I love you, Seth but this is goodbye" then she hung up, buried her face in the pillow and cry her heart out.

Seth stay frozen for a long time. Not believing she hang up on him.

Goodbye... It sound so final. Like he will no longer see her, touch her, kiss her, make love to her, wake up in the morning with her beautiful face by his side and fall asleep with her in his arms. All of that gone. Gone? 

"God, no!" he said aloud then turn sharply to pinned his cousins a terrified but determined look.

"What is it, Seth?" Theron asked alarmingly.

"I need all your help" He begin resolutely, meeting each of the men's eyes wildly "If you want me to beg, I'm willing to do it! Bring her back to me.... I need her back" he murmured the last word in pain.

His family all look at him like he'd gone crazy.

"She said she's in Latrommi..." He stop and took a deep breath. He's feeling too much emotions he can't think straight.

"Seth, calm down" Etienne said soothingly.

He shake his head at them. What the fuck is wrong with him? He's shaking and losing his mind. He can still hear Serina's sad and hurt voice as she said goodbye. 

"I can't lose her... I will not lose her" he bit out wildly.

He did not notice as Theron slowly went to him and guide him in a chair.

"We understand, Seth" Chase said gently, standing up.

"We'll find her" Leander voice out.

He heard his cousins talking strategies but he's deaf to all of it.

He's not himself. He realize after she said that unfortunate word that she gave up on them, on him. She choose to hurt herself than hurt someone.

She's so pure-hearted, so kind and unselfish. His exact opposite. She's his perfect match. She change him in ways that made him a better person.

He's so stupid. Why did he appreciate it when it's already too late? Does he have to lose her to comprehend what he has? To appreciate her?

He can't live without her. She's his life. He.... Cupping both face with his hands, he finally admitted to himself. He love her.

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